Benzoate of Ammonia
One of the remedies for albuminuria, especially in the gouty. Gout, with deposits in joints. Urinary incontinence in the aged.
Heavy, stupid.Face.--
Bloated, swollen eyelids. Swelling under tongue like ranula.Urine.--
Smoky, scanty. Albuminous and thick deposits.Back.--
Pain across sacrum, with urgency to stool. Soreness in region of right kidney.Relationship.--
Compare: Terebinth; Benz ac; Ammonia salts; Caust.In albuminuria compare: Kalmia; Helon; Merc cor; Berb; Canth.
Second trituration.
Bromide of Ammonia
Indicated in chronic laryngeal and pharyngeal catarrh, neuralgic headaches, and obesity. Constrictive pain in head, chest, legs, etc. Irritable feeling under finger nails; relieved only by biting them.
Cerebral congestion. Feeling of a band above ears. Sneezing; thick nasal discharge.Eyes.--
Edges of lids red and swollen, also Meibomian glands. Eyeballs feel large and pain around eyes into head.Throat.--
Smarting in mouth. Tickling in throat, with inclination to dry, spasmodic cough, especially at night. Burning in fauces. White, sticky, mucus. Chronic speakers' catarrh.Respiratory.--
Sudden, short cough, strangling. Tickling in trachea and bronchial tubes. Wakes at 3 am with cough. Feels suffocated; continuous cough, when lying down at night; sharp pain in lungs. Whooping Cough.--Dry, spasmodic cough on lying down.Relationship.--
Hyos; Con; Arg nit; Kali bich.Dose.--
First potency.
Carbonate of Ammonia
The diseased conditions met by this remedy are such as we find often in rather stout women who are always tired and weary, take cold easily, suffer from cholera-like symptoms before menses, lead a sedentary life, have a slow reaction generally, and are disposed to frequent use of the smelling-bottle. Too frequent and profuse menses. Mucous membranes of the respiratory organs are especially affected. Fat patients with weak heart, wheezing, feel suffocated. Very sensitive to cold air. Great aversion to water; cannot bear to touch it. Malignant scarlatina, with somnolence, swollen glands, dark red sore throat, faintly developed eruption. Uræmia. Heaviness in all organs. Uncleanness in bodily habits. Swelling of parts, glands, etc. Acid secretions. Prostration from trifles.
Forgetful, ill-humored, gloomy during stormy weather. Uncleanliness. Talking and hearing others talk affects greatly. Sad, weepy, unreasonable.Head.--
Pulsating forehead; better, pressure and in warm room. Shocks through head.Eyes.--
Burning of eyes with aversion to light. Eye-strain (Nat mur). Asthenopia. Sore canthi.Ears.--
Hardness of hearing. Shocks through ears, eyes, and nose, when gnashing teeth.Nose.--
Discharge of sharp, burning water. Stoppage at night, with long-continued coryza. Cannot breathe through nose. Snuffles of children. Epistaxis after washing and after eating. Ozæna, blows bloody mucus from nose. Tip of nose congested.Face.--
Tetters around mouth. Boils and pustules, during menses. Corners of mouth sore, cracked, and burn.Mouth.--
Great dryness of mouth and throat. Toothache. Pressing teeth together sends shocks through head, eyes, and ears. Vesicles on tongue. Taste sour; metallic. Cracking of jaw on chewing.Throat.--
Enlarged tonsils and glands of neck. Burning pain all down throat. Tendency to gangrenous ulceration of tonsils. Diphtheria when nose is stopped up.Stomach.--
Pain at pit of stomach, with heartburn, nausea, waterbrash, and chilliness. Great appetite, but easily satisfied. Flatulent dyspepsia.Abdomen.--
Noise and pain in abdomen. Flatulent hernia. Stools difficult, hard, and knotty. Bleeding piles; worse during menses. Itching at anus. Protruding piles, worse after stool, better lying down.Urine.--
Frequent desire; involuntary at night. Tenesmus of bladder. Urine white, sandy, bloody, copious, turbid and fetid.Male.--
Itching and pain of scrotum and spermatic cords. Erection without desire. Seminal emissions.Female.--
Itching, swelling and burning of pudendum. Leucorrha burning, acrid, watery. Aversion to the other sex. Menses too frequent, profuse, early, copious, clotted, black; colicky pains, and hard, difficult stool, with fatigue, especially of thighs; yawning and chilliness.Respiratory.--
Hoarseness. Cough every morning about three o'clock, with dyspna, palpitation, burning in chest; worse ascending. Chest feels tired. Emphysema. Much oppression in breathing; worse after any effort, and entering warm room, or ascending even a few steps. Asthenic Pneumonia. Slow labored, stertorous breathing; bubbling sound. Winter catarrh, with slimy sputum and specks of blood. Pulmonary dema.Heart.--
Audible palpitation with fear, cold sweat, lachrymation, inability to speak, loud breathing and trembling hands. Heart weak, wakes with difficult breathing and palpitation.Extremities.--
Tearing in joints relieved by heat of bed; inclination to stretch limbs. Hands cold and blue; distended veins. Fingers swell when arm is hanging down. Panaritium, deep-seated periosteal pain. Cramps in calves and soles. Big toe painful and swollen. Felons in the beginning. Heel painful on standing. Tearing in ankle and bones of feet, better when warm in bed.Sleep.--
Sleepiness during the day. Starts from sleep strangling.Skin.--
Violent itching and burning blisters. Scarlet rash. Miliary rash. Malignant scarlatina. Faintly developed eruptions from defective vitality. Erysipelas in the aged, with brain symptoms. Eczema in the bends of extremities, between legs, about anus and genitals.Modalities.--
Worse, evenings, from cold, wet weather, wet applications, washing, and during 3 to 4 am, during menses. Better, lying on painful side and on stomach; in dry weather.Relationship.--
Inimical to Lachesis. Similar in action.Antidotes: Arnica; Camphor.
Compare: Rhus; Muriatic acid; Tartar emet.
Of use in poisoning by charcoal fumes.
Lower potencies deteriorate with age. Sixth potency best for general use.
Hydrate of Ammonia-Ammonia Water
This is a powerful cardiac stimulant. As such in syncope, thrombosis, hæmorrhage, snake-bites, chloroform narcosis, may be given by inhalation.
The dema and ulceration of mucous membranes produced by this powerful drug have been utilized as guiding symptoms for its use; hence in membranous croup with burning in sophagus. Aphonia. See Causticum.
Difficult respiration. Accumulation of mucus with incessant coughing. Loss of voice. Burning rawness in throat. Spasm of the glottis with suffocation; patient gasps for breath. Pain in sophagus on breathing deeply. Scraping and burning in throat and sophagus. Uvula covered with white mucus. Nasal diphtheria, with burning excoriating discharge.Extremities.--
Excessive exhaustion and muscular debility. Rheumatism of shoulders. Skin hot and dry.Dose.--
First to third potency; also five to ten minims, well diluted with water.
Iodide of Ammonia
Indicated when iodine has but partially relieved its cases of laryngitis and bronchitis, catarrhal pneumonia, dema of lungs.
Dull headache, especially in young people, face stupid, heavy; vertigo, Meniere's disease.Dose.--
Second and third trit.Compare: Ammonium tartaricum (Dry hacking cough after every cold).
Sal Ammoniac
A state of prostration bordering on a typhoid state is produced by this remedy. All mucous secretions are increased and retained. It is especially adapted to fat and sluggish patients who have respiratory troubles. Coughs associated with catarrhs and affections of liver. A tendency to irregular circulation, blood seems to be in constant turmoil, pulsations, etc. Many groups of symptoms are accompanied by cough, profuse glairy secretions. Its periods of aggravations are peculiarly divided as to the bodily region affected; thus the head and chest symptoms are worse mornings, the abdominal in the afternoon, the pains in the limbs, the skin and febrile symptoms, in the evenings. "Boiling" sensation.
Melancholy, apprehensive; like from internal grief. Desire to cry, but cannot. Consequences of grief.Head.--
Hair falls out, with itchings and dandruff. Feels full, compressed; worse mornings.Eyes.--
Mist before eyes, optical illusions in incipient cataract; capsular cataract.Nose.--
Free acrid, hot watery discharge corroding the lip. Sneezing. Nose sore to touch; ulcerative pain in nostrils. Loss of smell. Obstructed, stuffy feeling; constant and unavailing efforts to blow it out. Itching.Face.--
Inflammatory face-ache. Mouth and lips sore and excoriated.Throat.--
Throbbing in, and swelling of tonsils, can scarcely swallow. Sore spot behind uvula, relieved by eating. Internal and external swelling of throat with viscid phlegm. So touch, it cannot be hawked up. Tonsillitis. Stricture of sophagus.Stomach.--
Thirst for lemonade, regurgitation of food, bitter waterbrash. Nausea. Gnawing in stomach. Epigastric pain immediately after eating. Cancer of stomach.Abdomen.--
Splenic stitches, especially in the morning, with difficult breathing. Pain around navel. Abdominal symptoms appear during pregnancy. Chronic congestion of liver. Excessive fatty deposit around abdomen. Much flatus. Strained feeling in groin.Rectum.--
Itching and hæmorrhoids, soreness with pustules. Hard, crumbly stool, or covered with glairy mucus. Stinging in perineum. Green mucus stools alternate with constipation. During and after stool, burning and smarting in rectum. Hæmorrhoids after suppressed leucorrha.Female.--
Menses too early, too free, dark, clotted; flow more at night. Pain as if sprained in left side of abdomen during pregnancy. Diarrha, greenish mucous stools, and navel pain during menses. Leucorrha, like white of an egg (Alum; Bor; Calc p); with pain about the navel; brown, slimy after every urination.Respiratory.--
Hoarseness and burning in larynx. Dry, hacking, scraping cough; worse lying on back or right side. Stitches in chest. Cough loose in afternoon, with profuse expectoration and rattling of mucus. Oppression of chest. Burning at small spots in chest. Scanty secretion. Cough with profuse salivation.Back.--
Icy coldness between shoulders; not relieved by warm covering, followed by itching. Bruised pain in coccyx when sitting. Backache, as if in a vise when sitting.Extremities.--
Pain as from ulceration in finger tips. Shooting and tearing in tips of finger and toes. Ulcerative pain in heels. Contraction of hamstring tendons. Sciatica, worse sitting, better lying. Neuralgic pain in amputated limbs. Offensive sweaty feet. Pain in feet during menses.Skin.--
Itching, generally evenings. Blisters on various parts. Intense burning better cold applications.Fever.--
Chilliness evenings after lying down and on awakening, without thirst. Heat in palms and soles. Sub acute, low fevers due to unhealthy climate. Lowest potencies.Modalities.--
Better, open air. Worse, head and chest symptoms in the morning; abdominal symptoms in the afternoon.Relationship.--
Antidotes: Coffea; Nux; Caust.Compare: Calcarea; Senega; Caustic.
Third to sixth potency.
Phosphate of Ammonia
A remedy for chronic gouty patients uric acid diathesis, indicated in bronchitis and nodosities of the joints of the fingers and backs of the hands. Facial paralysis. Pain in shoulder-joint. Tightness around chest. Heaviness of limbs, unsteady, tottering gait. Coldness from least draft of air.
Sneezing with excessive running from nose and eyes, only in morning.Respiratory.--
Deep rough cough with greenish expectoration.Urine.--
Rose-colored sediment.Dose.--
Third decimal trituration.
Pictrate of Ammonia
A remedy for malarial fever and neuralgias and so-called, bilious headaches. Pain in occiput and mastoid region. Whooping cough.
Periodical neuralgia in right side of occiput; boring extends to ear, orbit, and jaw. Vertigo on rising. Periodic bilious headaches (Sanguin).Dose.--
Third trituration.
Valerianate of Ammonia
A remedy for nervous, hysterical people, suffering with neuralgia headaches and insomnia. Great nervous erethism is always present.
Pains in cardiac region. Functional disturbances, tachycardia.Dose.--
Lower triturations.
Ambergis-A Morbid Secretion of the Whale
Suitable to excitable, nervous children and thin, nervous patients. Extreme nervous hypersensitiveness. External numbness of whole body in the morning and weakness. Nervous bilious temperament. Thin, scrawny women. Adapted to hysterical subjects, or those suffering from spinal irritation, with convulsive cough, eructation, etc. Also for patients weakened by age or overwork, who are anæmic and sleepless. Great remedy for the aged, with impairment of all functions, weakness, coldness and numbness, usually of single parts, fingers, arms, etc. One-sided complaints call for it. Music aggravates symptoms. Ebullitions and pulsations after walking in open air. One-sided complaints.
Dread of people, and desire to be alone. Cannot do anything in presence of others. Intensely shy, blushes easily. Music causes weeping. Despair, loathing of life. Fantastic illusions. Bashful. Loss of love of life. Restless, excited, very loquacious. Time passes slowly. Thinking, difficult in the morning with old people. Dwells upon unpleasant things.Head.--
Slow comprehension. Vertigo, with weakness in head and stomach. Pressure on front part of head with mental depression. Tearing pain in upper half of brain. Senile dizziness. Rush of blood to head, when listening to music. Hearing impaired. Epistaxis, especially in the morning. Profuse bleeding from teeth. Hair falls out.Stomach.--
Eructations, with violent, convulsive cough. Acid eructations, like heartburn. Distention of stomach and abdomen after midnight. Sensation of coldness in abdomen.Urinary.--
Pain in bladder and rectum at the same time. Burning in orifice of urethra and anus. Feeling in urethra as if a few drops passed out. Burning and itching in urethra while urinating. Urine turbid, even during emission forming a brown sediment.Female.--
Nymphomania, Itching of pudendum, with soreness and swelling. Menses too early. Profuse, bluish leucorrha. Worse at night. Discharge of blood between periods, at every little accident.Male.--
Voluptuous itching of scrotum. Parts externally numb; burn internally. Violent erections without voluptuous sensations.Respiratory.--
Asthmatic breathing with eructation of gas. Nervous, spasmodic cough, with hoarseness and eructation, on waking in morning; worse in presence of people. Tickling in throat, larynx and trachea, chest oppressed, gets out of breath when coughing. Hollow, spasmodic, barking cough, coming from deep in chest. Choking when hawking up phlegm.Heart.--
Palpitation, with pressure in chest as from a lump lodged there, or as if chest was obstructed. Conscious of the pulse. Palpitation in open air with pale face.Sleep.--
Cannot sleep from worry; must get up. Anxious dreams. Coldness of body and twitching of limbs, during sleep.Skin.--
Itching and soreness, especially around genitals. Numbness of skin. Arms "go to sleep".Extremities.--
Cramps in hands and fingers, worse grasping anything. Cramps in legs.Modalities.--
Worse, music; presence of strangers; from any unusual thing; morning, warm room. Better, slow motion in open air; lying on painful part; cold drinks.Relationship.--
Do not confound with Amber-Succinum q v. Moschus frequently follows advantageously. Compare: Oleum succinum (hiccough). Sumbul; Castor; Asaf; Crocus; Lilium.Dose.--
Second and third potencies; may be repeated with advantage.
A remedy for hay-fever, lachrymation and intolerable itching of the eye-lids. Some forms of whooping-cough. Respiratory tract in its entire length stopped up. Many forms of diarrha, especially during summer months, also dysentery.
Watery coryza; sneezing; watery discharge. Nosebleed. Stuffed up feeling of nose and head. Irritation of trachea and bronchial tubes, with asthmatic attacks (Aral; Eucalypt). Wheezy cough.Eyes.--
Smart and burn. Lachrymation.Relationship.--
Compare in hay-fever: Sabadilla, Wyethia; Succin ac; Ars jod; Arundo.Dose.--
Tincture, to third potency; 10 drops in water during and after attack of epistaxis. In hay-fever high potencies.A most valuable remedy in vomiting of various kinds; morning sickness. Irritation of eyes. Ischuria and hæmaturia.
Hæmorrhage from the bladder.
Gastric irritation of children; no form of food tolerated. Loss of smell and taste. Gastric and intestinal irritation when the tongue is elongated and pointed, tip and edges red. Constant nausea and vomiting.
Compare: Amygd amara-Bitter Almond (Pains through tonsils, throat dark, difficult swallowing, vomiting, cough with sore chest).Dose.--
Fresh infusion or mother tincture.
Amyl Nitrite
On inhaling this drug, it rapidly dilates all arterioles an capillaries, producing flushings of face, heat, and throbbing in the head.--Superficial arterial hyperæmia. Palpitation of the heart and similar conditions are readily cured by it, especially the flushings and other discomforts at climacteric. Hiccough and yawning. Often relieves temporarily epileptic convulsions. Seasickness.
Anxiety, as if something might happen; must have fresh air. Surging of blood to head and face; sensation as if blood would start through skin, with heat and redness. Flushings, followed by sweat at climacteric. Ears hyperæmic. Throbbing.Throat.--
Constriction; collar seems too tight.Chest.--
Dyspna and asthmatic feelings. Great oppression and fullness of chest; spasmodic, suffocative cough. Præcordial anxiety. Tumultuous action of heart. Pain and constriction around heart. Fluttering at slightest excitement.Female.--
After-pains; hæmorrhage associated with facial flushing. Climacteric headache and flushes of heat, with anxiety and palpitation.Fever.--
Much flushing of heat; sometimes followed by cold and clammy skin and profuse sweat. Throbbing throughout whole body. Abnormal sweat after influenza.Extremities.--
Constant stretching for hours. Veins of hands dilated; pulsations felt in tips of fingers.Relationship.--
Compare: Glonoine; Lachesis.Antidotes: Cactus; Strychn; Ergot.
Third potency.For palliations. In all conditions where the blood-vessels are spasmodically contracted, as in angina pectoris, epileptic seizure, megrim, accompanied by cold, pallor, etc, also in paroxysms of asthma, chloroform asphyxia, inhalation of the Amyl nit will give immediate relief. For this non-homeopathic application, two to five minims (put up in pearls) dropped on a handkerchief and inhaled may be required.
Gum Ammoniac
A remedy for the aged and feeble, especially in chronic bronchitis. Ill humor. Sensitive to cold. Sensation of burning and scratching in neck and sophagus.
Catarrhal headache due to closure of frontal sinuses.Eyes.--
Dim sight. Stars and fiery points float before eyes. Easily fatigued from reading.Throat.--
Throat dry; worse inhaling fresh air. Full feeling, burning and scraping sensation. Immediately after eating, sensation as if something stuck in sophagus, causing swallowing.Respiratory.--
Difficult breathing. Chronic bronchial catarrh. Large accumulation of purulent matter and feeble expectoration; worse cold weather. Mucus tough and hard. Heart beats stronger, extends to pit of stomach. Coarse rattling of chest in old people.Relationship.--
Antidotes: Bry; Arnica.Compare: Senega; Tart emet; Balsam Peru.
Third trituration.
Virginia Creeper
Renal dropsies, hydrocele, and chronic hoarseness in scrofulous patients have been benefited by this drug. Choleric symptoms. Generally worse about 6 pm. Dilated pupils. Left costal region sore and sensitive. Elbow joints pain, back sore. Soreness of all limbs. Vomiting, purging with tenesmus. Rumbling in abdomen.
Second to third potency.
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