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Precipitated Sub-Nitrate of Bismuth

Irritation and catarrhal inflammation of the alimentary canal, is the chief and action of this drug.

Mind.--Solitude is unbearable. Desire for company. Complains about his condition. Anguish. Discontented.

Head.--Headache alternates with gastralgia. Neuralgic pain, as if torn by pincers; involves face and teeth; worse, eating; better, cold; alternate with gastralgia. Cutting or pressure above right orbit extending to occiput. Pressure in occiput; worse, motion; with heaviness.

Mouth.--Gums swollen. Toothache; better, cold water in mouth (Coff). Tongue white. Swollen. Black, gangrenous looking wedges on dorsum and sides of tongue. Profuse salivation, teeth loose. Thirst for cold drinks.

Stomach.--Vomits, with convulsive gagging and pain. Water is vomited as soon as it reaches the stomach. Eructation after drinking. Vomits all fluids. Burning; feeling of a load. Will eat for several days; then vomit. Slow digestion, with fetid eructations. Gastralgia; pain from stomach through to spine. Gastritis. Better, cold drinks, but vomiting when stomach becomes full.

Tongue coated white; sweetish, metallic taste. Inexpressible pain in stomach; must bend backwards. Pressure as from a load in one spot, alternating with burning, crampy pain and pyrosis.

Stool.--Painless diarrhœa, with great thirst, and frequent micturition and vomiting. Pinching in lower abdomen, with rumbling.

Respiratory.--Pinching in middle of diaphragm, extending transversely through chest. Angina pectoris; pain around heart, left arm to fingers.

Extremities.--Cramps in hands and feet. Tearing in wrist. Paralytic weakness, especially right arm. Tearing in tips of fingers under nails (Berb). Itching erosion near tibia and back of feet near joints. Cold limbs.

Sleep.--Restless on account of voluptuous dreams. Sleepy in morning, a few hours after eating.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Nux; Capsic; Calc.

Compare: Antimon; Ars; Bellad; Kreosot.

Dose.--First to sixth potency.


Ascites. Various forms of dropsy. Yellow complexion. Extreme weariness. Pain in urethra on urinating. Weariness on going upstairs.

Dose.--Sixth potency.

Indian Cockroach

A remedy for asthma. Especially when associated with bronchitis. Indicated after arsenic when this is insufficient.

Cough with dyspnœa in bronchitis and phthisis. Acts best in stout and corpulent patients. Much pus-like mucus.

Dose.--Lowest potencies during an attack. After the spasm, for the remaining cough, use the higher. Stop with improvement to prevent return of aggravation.

White Agaric

Quotidian intermittent fever. Sweat is light, and without relief. Night-sweat in phthisis.

Head.--Feels light and hollow with deep frontal headache. Thick, yellow coating of tongue; teeth indented. Constant nausea.

Fever.--Chilliness along spine, with frequent, hot flashes. Yawns and stretches when chilly. Severe aching in shoulders and joints and small of back. Profuse perspiration at night, with hectic chills and fever.

Skin.--Hot and dry, especially in palms. Itching more between scapulæ and on forearms.

Relationship.--Compare: Agaricin, active constituent of Polyporus officinale (phthisical and other enervating nightsweats 1-4 to 1-2 gr doses; also in chorea, in dilatation of heart with pulmonary Emphysema, fatty degeneration, profuse perspiration and erythema). Boletus luridus (Violent pain in epigastrium, urticaria tuberosa). Boletus satanus (dysentery, vomiting, great debility, cold extremities, spasm of extremities and face).

Dose.--First attenuation.

Boracic Acid

Used as an antiseptic disinfectant, since it arrests fermentation and putrefaction.

Pain in region of ureters, with frequent urging to urinate. Coldness (Heloderm). Diabetes, tongue dry, red, and cracked. Cold saliva.

Skin.--Multiform erythema of trunk and upper extremities. Œdema around eyes. Exfoliating dermatitis. Œdema of tissues around eyes.

Female.--Climacteric flushings (Lach; Amyl nit). Vagina cold, as if packed with ice. Frequent urination with burning and tenesmus.

Dose.--Third trituration.

Non-homeopathic Uses.--When the diplococcus of Weichselbaum is present in the sputum of pharyngitis or bronchitis, pneumonia with tenacious sputum, hacking cough and pain, five-grain doses six times daily. A solution of Boracic Acid, as an injection, in chronic, cystitis, or, a teaspoonful to a glass of hot milk, taken internally. Boro-Glyceride in solution (1:40) is a powerful antiseptic. Styes, 15 gr to 1 oz water externally. As a dusting powder on ulcerated surfaces. In cystitis as an irrigating fluid.

Borate of Sodium

Gastro-intestinal irritation. Salivation, nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhœa, collapse, albuminuria, casts and vesical spasm. Delirium, visual changes, hæmaturia, and skin eruptions have all been observed from over-dosing.

Dread of downward motion in nearly all complaints. For homeopathic purposes, the peculiar nervous symptoms are very characteristic, and have frequently been verified, especially in the therapeutics of children. Of much value in epilepsy. Aphthous ulceration of mucous membranes.

Mind.--Extreme anxiety, especially from motions which have a downward direction, rocking, being carried downstairs, laid down. Anxious expression of face during the downward motions, starts and throws up hands on laying patient down, as if afraid of falling. Excessively nervous; easily frightened. Sensitive to sudden noises. Violent fright from report of a gun, even at a distance. Fear of thunder.

Head.--Aches, with nausea and trembling of whole body. Hair tangled at tips, cannot be separated, as in Plica Polonica (Vinca min).

Eyes.--Lashes turn inward. Visions of bright waves. Eyelids inflamed, lids cut against eyeball. Entropium.

Ears.--Very sensitive to slightest noise; not so much disturbed by louder ones.

Nose.--Red nose, of young women (Nat carb). Red and shining swelling, with throbbing and tensive sensation. Tip swollen and ulcerated. Dry crusts.

Face.--Pale, earthy, with suffering expression. Swollen, with pimples on nose and lips. Feeling of cobwebs.

Mouth.--Aphthæ. White fungous like growth. Mouth hot and tender; ulcers bleed on touch and eating. Painful gumboil. Crying when nursing. Taste bitter (Bry; Puls; Cup). Taste of "cellar mould".

Stomach and Abdomen.--Distention after eating; vomiting. Gastralgia, depending upon uterine disturbance. Pain as if diarrhœa would result.

Stool.--Loose, pappy, offensive stools in children. Diarrhœa, offensive, preceded by colic; stools mucous, with aphthous sore mouth.

Urine.--Hot, smarting pain in orifice. Pungent smell. Child afraid to urinate, screams before urinating (Sarsap). Small red particles on diaper.

Female.--Labor pains with frequent eructations. Galactorrhœa (Cal; Con; Bell). In nursing, pain in opposite breast. Leucorrhœa like white of eggs, with sensation as if warm water was flowing. Menses too soon, profuse, with griping, nausea and pain in stomach extending into small of back. Membranous dysmenorrhœa. Sterility. Favors easy conception. Sensation of distention in clitoris with sticking. Pruritus of vulva and eczema.

Respiratory.--Hacking and violent cough; expectoration, moldy taste and smell. Stitches in chest, with inspiration and cough. Cough with moldy taste-breath smells moldy. Pleurodynia; worse upper part of right chest. Arrest of breathing when lying; is obliged to jump and catch breath, which causes pain in right side. Out of breath on going up stairs.

Extremities.--Feeling as of cobwebs on hands. Itching on back of finger-joints and hands. Throbbing pain in tip of thumb. Stitches in sole. Pain in heel. Burning pain in great toe; inflammation of balls of toes. Eczema of toes and fingers with loss of nails.

Skin.--Psoriasis. Erysipelas in face. Itching on back of finger-joints. Unhealthy skin; slight injuries suppurate. Herpes (Rhus). Erysipelatous inflammation with swelling and tension. Chilblains relieved in open air. Trade eruptions on fingers and hands, itching and stinging. Ends of hair become tangled.

Sleep.--Voluptuous dreams. Cannot sleep on account of heat, especially in head. Cries out of sleep as if frightened (Bell).

Modalities.--Worse, downward motion, noise, smoking, warm weather, after menses. Better, pressure, evening, cold weather.

Relationship.--Acetic acid, vinegar, and wine are incompatible.

Antidote: Cham; Coffea.

Compare: Calc; Bryon; Sanicula; Sulph ac.

Dose.--First to third trituration. In skin diseases continue its use for several weeks. Locally, in pruritus pudendi. A piece of borax, the size of a pea, dissolved in the mouth, acts magically in restoring the voice, in cases of sudden hoarseness brought on by cold, and frequently for an hour or so, it renders the voice silvery and clear.

Yellow Viper

Its venom is most coagulating, (also Lachesis). We should expect to find under these remedies the symptomatology of thrombosis, also thrombotic phenomena, as hemiplegia, aphasia, inability to articulate (Linn J. Boyd).

Broken-down, hæmorrhagic constitutions; septic states. Great lassitude and sluggishness; hæmorrhages from every orifice of the body; black spots. Hemiplegia with aphasia. Inability to articulate, without any affection of the tongue. Nervous trembling. Pain in right big toe. Diagonal course of symptoms. Pulmonary congestion.

Eyes.--Amaurosis; blindness from hæmorrhage into retina. Hemoralopia, day blindness, can hardly see her way after sunrise; conjunctivial hæmorrhage.

Face.--Swollen and puffy. Besotted expression.

Throat.--Red, dry, constricted; swallowing difficult, cannot pass liquids.

Stomach.--Epigastric distress. Black vomiting. Intense hæmatemesis. Tympanitis and bloody stools.

Skin.--Swollen, livid, cold with hæmorrhagic infiltration. Gangrene. Lymphatics swollen. Anthrax. Malignant erysipelas.

Modalities.--Worse, right side.

Relationship.--Compare: Toxicophis.--Moccasin Snake (pain and fever recur annually, after bite from this snake, and sometimes change location with disappearance of first symptoms. An unusual dryness of skin follows the bite. Œdematous swellings and periodical neuralgia. Pain travels from one part to another). Other snake poisons, notably Lachesis.

Trachinus,-Stingfish (intolerable pains, swelling, acute blood, poisoning, gangrene).

Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency.

Toxin of Bacillus Botulinum

Food poisoning from canned spinach produced a clinical picture suggested in a bulbar paresis.

Eye symptoms, ptosis, double vision, blurred vision.

Difficulty in swallowing and breathing, choking sensation; weakness and uncertainty in walking, "blind staggers", dizziness, thickening of speech. Cramping pain in stomach.

Mask-like expression of face, due to weakness of facial muscles. Severe constipation.

Dose.--Higher potencies.


Has a marked effect on the skin, producing eruption like eczema, also upon the circulation, predisposing to hæmorrhages; marked languor and lassitude. Adapted to stammering children, old maids with palpitation; and "tettery" patients. Stage of numbness and tingling in multiple neuritis. Asphyxia due to charcoal fumes.

Mind.--Enlarged sensation (Arg n). Awkward; everything falls from hands. Sensitive.

Head.--Sensation as if head were enlarging, especially of occiput. Distensive headache; worse early morning, open air, lying. Discharge from nose stringy, tough. Dull, bruised pain in brain. Stammering (Stram; Merc). Scalp itches; worse, warmth; sensitive; must scratch until sore.

Face.--Scurf and crusts about nostrils and corners of mouth. Lips chapped. Bleeding of nose and gums. Cheeks and lips feel swollen. Acne worse in summer; due to use of cosmetics.

Stomach.--Sensation as of a lump of ice. Intolerant of tight clothing around waist.

Female.--Diarrhœa before and during menses. Menses too early and profuse; worse at night. Voluptuous sensation. Leucorrhœa acrid, thick, tough, greenish, follows menses. Cannot bear tight clothing around waist (Lach). Traces of menses between menstruation. Soreness of pubes during menses. Metrorrhagia; Parovarian cysts.

Abdomen.--Colic, with red urine; relieved by eating. Must bend double. Pain around umbilicus. Stitches through perineum towards rectum and genitals.

Chronic diarrhœa of old people; worse at night and early morning.

Extremities.--Great weakness of all joints; clumsiness with her hands, drops things from hands. Weariness of hands and feet. Sweat in axillæ; onion smell. Tip of coccyx itches intolerably. Moist eczema on back of hand. Itching of feet and legs. Œdema in joints after fracture.

Skin.--Blunt instrument leave deep impression on the skin. Urticaria on excitement, with rheumatic lameness, palpitation and diarrhœa (Dulc). Itching on getting warm. Eczema, moist; formation of thick crusts. Pimples cover the entire body; scurvy; herpetic eruptions. Pruritus ani. Urticaria on waking in the morning, worse from bathing. Pellagra.

Relationship.--Bovista antidotes tar applications. Suffocation from gas. After Rhus in chronic urticaria.

Compare: Calc; Rhus; Sepia; Cicuta.

Dose.--Third to sixth potency.


Fluttering sensation (Caladium). Kidney and bladder symptoms predominate. Produces symptoms of albuminuria. Itching in ears and nostrils. Bright's disease. Oppression of chest. Writer's cramp.

Abdomen.--Feeling as if something rolling about. Fluttering in region of ovary.

Urinary.--Pressure in neck of bladder; urging to urinate. Sense of swashing in bladder. Soreness in urethra; feeling as if urine could not be retained. Urine contains mucous corpuscles and epithelium, albumen and casts.

Extremities.--Cramp in fingers, thumb, and wrist when writing-soreness extending along flexor carpi ulnaris.

Relationship.--Compare: Apis; Helonias; Merc cor; Plumbum.

Dose.--Third potency.


Most marked effects are seen in the respiratory symptoms, especially in larynx and trachea. It seems to affect especially scrofulous children with enlarged glands. Blond type. Enlarged parotid and goitre. Tendency to spasmodic attacks. Left-sided mumps. Sense of suffocation; excoriating discharges, profuse sweats and great weakness. Complaints from being over-heated. Tendency to infiltrate glands, become hard, but seldom suppurate.

Mind.--Delusion that strange persons are looking over patient's shoulder and that she would see some one on turning. Quarrelsome.

Head.--Megrim of left side; worse stooping, especially after drinking milk. Headache; worse heat of sun and by rapid motion. Sharp pain through eyes. Dizzy when crossing stream of water.

Nose.--Coryza, with corrosive soreness of nose. Stoppage of right nostril. Pressure at root of nose. Tickling, smarting, as from cobwebs. Fan-like motion of alæ (Lyc). Bleeding from nose relieving the chest.

Throat.--Throat feels raw, evening, with hoarseness. Tonsils pain on swallowing, deep red, with network of dilated blood vessels. Tickling in trachea during inspiration. Hoarseness coming on from being overheated.

Stomach and Abdomen.--Sharp burning from tongue to stomach. Pressure as of stone. Gastralgia; better eating. Tympanitic distention of abdomen. Painful hæmorrhoids, with black stool.

Respiratory.--Whooping cough (Use persistently for about ten days). Dry cough, with hoarseness and burning pain behind sternum. Spasmodic cough, with rattling of mucus in the larynx; suffocative. Hoarseness. Croup after febrile symptoms have subsided. Difficult and painful breathing. Violent cramping of chest. Chest pains run upward. Cold sensation when inspiring. Every inspiration provokes cough. Laryngeal diphtheria, membrane begins in larynx and spreads upward. Spasmodic constriction. Asthma; difficulty in getting air into lung (Chlorum, in expelling). Better at sea, of seafaring men when they come on land. Hypertrophy of heart from gymnastics (Rhus). Fibrinous bronchitis, great dyspnœa. Bronchial tubes feel filled with smoke.

Male.--Swelling of testicles. Indurated, with pains worse slight jar.

Female.--Swelling of ovaries. Menses too early; too profuse, with membranous shreds. Low spirited before menses. Tumor in breasts, with stitching pains; worse left. Stitch pains from breast to axillæ. Sharp shooting pain in left breast, worse, pressure.

Sleep.--Full of dreams and anguish; jerking and starting during sleep, full of fantasy and illusions; difficult to go to sleep at night, cannot sleep enough in morning; trembling and weak on awaking.

Skin.--Acne, pimples and pustules. Boils on arms and face. Glands stony, hard, especially on lower jaw and throat. Hard goitre (Spong). Gangrene.

Modalities.--Worse, from evening, until midnight, and when sitting in warm room; warm damp weather when at rest and lying left side. Better, from any motion; exercise, at sea.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Ammon carb; Camph. Salt inhibits the action of Brom.

Compare: Conium; Spongia; Iod; Aster; Arg nit. Avoid milk when taking Brom. Hydrobromic acid (Throat dry and puckering; constriction in pharynx and chest; waves of heat over face and neck; pulsating tinnitus with great nervous irritability (Houghton); vertigo, palpitation; arms heavy; seemed as if parts did not belong to him. Seems to have a specific effect on the inferior cervical ganglion, increasing the tonic action of the sympathetic, thus promoting vaso-constriction. Relieves headache, tinnitus and vertigo, especially in vaso-motor stomach disturbance. Dose, 20 minims).

Dose.--First to third attenuation. Must be prepared fresh, as it is liable to rapid deterioration.

Wild Hops

Acts on all serous membranes and the viscera they contain. Aching in every muscle. The general character of the pain here produced is a stitching, tearing; worse by motion, better rest. These characteristic stitching pains, greatly aggravated by any motion, are found everywhere, but especially in the chest; worse pressure. Mucous membranes are all dry. The Bryonia patient is irritable; has vertigo from raising the head, pressive headache; dry, parched lips, mouth; excessive thirst, bitter taste, sensitive epigastrium, and feeling of a stone in the stomach; stools large, dry, hard; dry cough; rheumatic pains and swellings; dropsical effusions into synovial and serous membranes.

Bryonia affects especially the constitution of a robust, firm fiber and dark complexion, with tendency to leanness and irritability. It prefers the right side, the evening, and open air, warm weather after cold days, to manifest its action most markedly.

Children dislike to be carried or raised. Physical weakness, all-pervading apathy. Complaints apt to develop slowly.

Mind.--Exceedingly irritable; everything puts him out of humor. Delirium; wants to go home; talks of business.

Head.--Vertigo, nausea, faintness on rising, confusion. Bursting, splitting headache, as if everything would be pressed out; as if hit by a hammer from within; worse from motion, stooping, opening eyes. Headache becomes seated in occiput. Drawing in bones towards zygoma. Headache; worse on motion, even of eyeballs. Frontal headache, frontal sinuses involved.

Nose.--Frequent bleeding of nose when menses should appear. Also in the morning, relieving the headache. Coryza with shooting and aching in the forehead. Swelling of tip of nose, feels as if it would ulcerate when touched.

Ears.--Aural vertigo (Aur; Nat sal; Sil; Chin). Roaring, buzzing.

Eyes.--Pressing, crushing, aching pain. Glaucoma. Sore to touch and when moving them.

Mouth.--Lips parched, dry, cracked. Dryness of mouth, tongue, and throat, with excessive thirst. Tongue coated yellowish, dark brown; heavily white in gastric derangement. Bitter taste (Nux; Col). Burning in lower lip in old smokers. Lip swollen, dry, black, and cracked.

Throat.--Dryness, sticking on swallowing, scraped and constricted (Bell). Tough mucus in larynx and trachea, loosened only after much hawking; worse coming into warm room.

Stomach.--Nausea and faintness when rising up. Abnormal hunger, loss of taste. Thirst for large draughts. Vomiting of bile and water immediately after eating. Worse, warm drinks, which are vomited. Stomach sensitive to touch. Pressure in stomach after eating, as of a stone. Soreness in stomach when coughing. Dyspeptic ailments during summer heat. Sensitiveness of epigastrium to touch.

Abdomen.--Liver region swollen, sore, tensive. Burning pain, stitches; worse, pressure, coughing, breathing. Tenderness of abdominal walls.

Stool.--Constipation; stools hard, dry, as if burnt; seem too large. Stools brown, thick, bloody; worse in morning, from moving, in hot weather, after being heated, from cold drinks, every spell of hot weather.

Urine.--Red, brown, like beer; scanty, hot.

Female.--Menses too early, too profuse; worse from motion, with tearing pains in legs; suppressed, with vicarious discharge or splitting headache. Stitching pains in ovaries on taking a deep inspiration; very sensitive to touch. Pain in right ovary as if torn, extending to thigh (Lilium; Croc). Milk fever. Pain in breasts at menstrual period. Breasts hot and painful hard. Abscess of mammæ. Frequent bleeding of nose at appearance of menses. Menstrual irregularities, with gastric symptoms. Ovaritis. Intermenstrual pain, with great abdominal and pelvic soreness (Ham).

Respiratory.--Soreness in larynx and trachea. Hoarseness; worse in open air. Dry, hacking cough from irritation in upper trachea. Cough, dry, at night; must sit up; worse after eating or drinking, with vomiting, with stitches in chest, and expectoration of rust-colored sputa. Frequent desire to take a long breath; must expand lungs. Difficult, quick respiration; worse every movement; caused by stitches in chest. Cough, with feeling as if chest would fly to pieces; presses his head on sternum; must support chest. Croupous and pleuro-pneumonia. Expectoration brick shade, tough, and falls like lumps of jelly. Tough mucus in trachea, loosened only with much hawking. Coming into warm room excites cough (Nat carb). Heaviness beneath the sternum extending towards the right shoulder. Cough worse by going into warm room. Stitches in cardiac region. Angina pectoris (use tincture).

Back.--Painful stiffness in nape of neck. Stitches and stiffness in small of back. From hard water and sudden changes of weather.

Extremities.--Knees stiff and painful. Hot swelling of feet. Joints red, swollen, hot, with stitches and tearing; worse on least movement. Every spot is painful on pressure. Constant motion of left arm and leg (Helleb).

Skin.--Yellow; pale, swollen, dropsical; hot and painful. Seborrhœa. Hair very greasy.

Sleep.--Drowsy; starting when falling asleep. Delirium; busy with business matters and what he had read.

Fever.--Pulse full, hard, tense, and quick. Chill with external coldness, dry cough, stitches. Internal heat. Sour sweat after slight exertion. Easy, profuse perspiration. Rheumatic and typhoid marked by gastro-hepatic complications.

Modalities.--Worse, warmth, any motion, morning, eating, hot weather, exertion, touch. Cannot sit up; gets faint and sick. Better, lying on painful side, pressure, rest, cold things.

Relationship.--Complementary: Upas when Bryonia fails. Rhus; Alumina. Illecebrum.--A Mexican drug.--(Fever with catarrhal symptoms, gastric and typhoid fever symptoms).

Antidotes: Acon; Cham; Nux.

Compare: Asclep tub; Kali mur; Ptelia.

Dose.--First to twelfth attenuation.

Poison of the Toad

Acts on the nervous system and skin. Uterine symptoms marked. Lymphangitis of septic origin. Symptoms of paralysis agitans. Striking rheumatic symptoms.

Arouses the lowest passions. Causes a desire for intoxicating drink, and produces impotence.

Of use in feeble-minded children. Prematurely senile. Epileptic symptoms. Convulsive seizures occur during sleep at night. More or less connected with derangements of the sexual sphere, seem to come within the range of this remedy. Injuries to fingers; pain runs in streaks up the arms.

Mind.--Anxious about health. Sad, restless. Propensity to bite. Howling; impatient; nervous; imbecile. Desire for solitude. Feeble-minded.

Head.--Sensation as if hot vapor rose to top of head. Numbness of brain. Face bathed in sweat. Epistaxis with flushed face and pain in forehead, better, nosebleed.

Eyes.--Cannot bear sight or brilliant objects. Little blisters form on eye.

Ears.--Music is unbearable (Ambra). Every little noise distresses.

Heart.--Feels too large. Palpitation. Constriction about heart. Sensation of heart swimming in water.

Female.--Menses too early and copious, clots and bloody discharge at other times; watery leucorrhœa. Excitement, with epileptic attacks. Epilepsy at time of menses. Induration in mammary glands. Palliative in cancer of the mammæ. Burning in ovaries and uterus. Ulceration of cervix. Offensive bloody discharge. Pains run into legs. Bloody milk. Milk-leg. Veins swollen. Tumors and polypi of womb.

Male.--Involuntary emissions; impotence, discharge too quick, spasms during coition. Buboes. Disposition to handle organs (Hyos; Zinc). Effects of onanism.

Extremities.--Pains in loins, numbness of limbs, cramps, staggering gait, feeling as if a peg were driven in joints; swelling of bones.

Skin.--Panaritium; pain runs up arm. Patches of skin lose sensation. Pustules, suppuration from every slight injury. Pemphigus. Bullæ which open and leave a raw surface, exuding and ichorous fluid. Blisters on palms and soles. Itching and burning. Carbuncle.

Relationship.--Compare: Baryt carb; Asterias; Salamand (Epilepsy and softening of brain).

Antidotes: Laches; Seneg.

Complementary: Salamandra.

Modalities.--Worse, in warm room, on awakening. Better, from bathing or cold air; from putting feet in hot water.

Dose.--Sixth potency and higher.

A volatile acid obtained chiefly from butter

Head.--Worries over trifles; impulsive thoughts of suicide; constant state of fear and nervousness. Headache makes him apprehensive about trifles; worse going upstairs or rapid motion. Dull, hazy ache of head.

Stomach.--Poor appetite. Much gas in stomach and bowels. Cramps in pit of stomach, worse at night. Stomach feels heavy and overloaded. Cramp in abdomen below umbilicus. Bowels irregular. Stool accompanied by pain and straining.

Back.--Tired feeling and dull pain in small of back, worse walking. Pain in ankles and up back of leg. Pain low down in back and extremities.

Sleep.--Pronounced sleeplessness; dreams of serious nature while asleep.

Skin.--Perspiration on slight exertion. Profuse, offensive sweat of feet. Crumbling away of finger-nails.

Modalities.--Worse, at night, fast walking, going upstairs.

Dose.--Third attenuation.


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