Night-blooming Cereus
(SELENICEREUS SPINULOSUS)Acts on circular muscular fibers, hence constrictions. It is the heart and arteries especially that at once respond to the influence of Cactus, producing very characteristic constrictions as of an iron band. This sensation is found in various places, sophagus, bladder, etc. The mental symptoms produced correspond to those found when there are heart affections, sadness, and melancholy. Hæmorrhage, constrictions, periodicity, and spasmodic pains. Whole body feels as if caged, each wire being twisted tighter. Atheromatous arteries and weak heart. Congestions; irregular distribution of blood. Favors formation of clots speedily. Great periodicity. Toxic goitre with cardiac symptoms. Cactus is pulseless, panting and prostrated.
Melancholy, taciturn, sad, ill-humored. Fear of death. Screams with pain. Anxiety.Head.--
Headache if obliged to pass dinner hour (Ars; Lach; Lyc). Sensation as of a weight on vertex. Right-sided pulsating pain. Congestive headaches, periodical, threatening apoplexy. Blood-vessels to the head distended. Feels as if head were compressed in a vise. Pulsation in ears. Dim sight. Right sided prosopalgia, constricting pains, returns at same hour daily (Cedron).Nose.--
Profuse bleeding from nose. Fluent coryza.Throat.--
Constriction of sophagus. Dryness of tongue, as if burnt; needs much liquid to get food down. Suffocative constriction at throat, with full, throbbing carotids in angina pectoris.Stomach.--
Constriction, pulsation, or heaviness in stomach. Vomiting of blood.Stool.--
Hard, black stools. Diarrha in morning. Hæmorrhoids swollen and painful. Sensation of great weight in anus. Hæmorrhage from bowels in malarial fevers and with heart symptoms.Urine.--
Constriction of neck of bladder, causing retention of urine. Hæmorrhage from bladder. Clots of blood in urethra. Constant urination.Female.--
Constriction in uterine region and ovaries. Dysmenorrha; pulsating pain in uterus and ovaries. Vaginismus. Menses early, dark, pitch-like (Cocc; Mag c); cease on lying down, with heart symptoms.Chest.--
Oppressed breathing as from a weight on chest. Constriction in chest, as if bound, hindering respiration. Inflammation of diaphragm. Heart-constriction, as from an iron band. Angina pectoris. Palpitation; pain shooting down left arm. Hæmoptysis, with convulsive, spasmodic cough. Diaphragmitis, with great difficulty of breathing.Heart.--
Endocarditis with mitral insufficiency together with violent and rapid action. Acts best in the incipiency of cardiac incompetence. Heart weakness of arterio-sclerosis. Tobacco heart. Violent palpitation; worse lying on left side, at approach of menses. Angina pectoris, with suffocation, cold sweat, and ever-present iron band feeling. Pain in apex, shooting down left arm. Palpitation, with vertigo; dyspna, flatulence. Constriction; very acute pains and stitches in heart; pulse feeble, irregular, quick, without strength. Endocardial murmurs, excessive impulse, increased præcordial dullness, enlarged ventricle. Low blood pressure.Extremities.--
dema of hands and feet. Hands soft; feet enlarged. Numbness of left arm. Icy-cold hands. Restless legs.Sleep.--
Sleepless on account of pulsation in different parts of body. Frightful dreams.Fever.--
Fever every day at same hour. Coldness in back and icy-cold hands. Intermittent; paroxysms about midday (11 am) incomplete in their stages, accompanied by hæmorrhages. Coldness predominates; cold sweat, with great anguish. Persistent subnormal temperature.Modalities.--
Worse, about noon, lying on left side; walking, going upstairs, 11 am and 11 pm. Better, open air.Relationship.--
Antidotes: Acon; Camph; China.Compare: Digital; Spigel; Convallar; Kalmia; Naja; Magnol.
Tincture (best made from flowers), to third attenuation. Higher in nervous palpitation.
Cadmic SulphateIts pathogenesis gives symptoms corresponding to very low forms of disease, as in cholera, yellow fever, where, with exhaustion, vomiting, and extreme prostration, the disease runs deathward. Important gastric symptoms. Carcinoma ventriculi; persistent vomiting.
The attack is upon the stomach more especially. Patients must keep quiet. Chilliness and coldness even when near the fire.
Mind and Head.--
Unconscious. Vertigo; room and bed seem to spin around. Hammering in head. Heat in head.Nose.--
Ozæna. Tightness at root. Nose obstructed; polypus. Caries of nasal bones. Boils on nose. Nostrils ulcerated.Eyes.--
Opacity of cornea. Blue circle around eyes. One pupil dilated. Night blindness.Face.--
Distortion of mouth. Trembling of jaw. Facial paralysis; more left side.Mouth.--
Difficult swallowing. sophagus constricted (Bapt). Salty belching. Intense nausea, with pain and cold. Stringy, offensive exudation on mucous membrane. Salty taste.Throat.--
Sore throat, constant tickling; gagging and nausea, worse deep breathing; chilliness and aching.Stomach.--
Soreness in pit of stomach on pressure. Violent nausea; retching. Black vomit. Vomiting of mucus, green slime, blood, with great prostration, and great tenderness over the stomach. Burning and cutting pains in stomach. Carcinoma, helps the persistent vomiting. Coffee ground vomiting.Abdomen.--
Sore, tender, tympanitic. Region of liver sore. Coldness. Black, offensive clots of blood from bowels. Pain in abdomen, with vomiting. Tenderness and tympanites.Stool.--
Bloody, black, and offensive. Gelatinous, yellowish green; semi-fluid, with urinary suppression.Urine.--
Rawness and soreness in urethra, urine mixed with pus and blood.Heart.--
Palpitation, with constriction of chest.Fever.--
Icy coldness (Camph; Verat; Heloderm). Yellow fever (Crotalus; Carbo).Skin.--
Blue, yellow, sallow, scaly, cracking. Itching; better scratching. Chloasma, yellowish stains on nose and cheeks; worse exposure to sun and wind. Chilblains.Sleep.--
Stops breathing on going to sleep. Wakes up suffocating. Fears to go to sleep again. Protracted sleeplessness.Modalities.--
Worse, walking or carrying burdens; after sleep; from open air, stimulants. Better, eating and rest.Relationship.--
Compare: Cadmium oxide; Cad brom (pain and burning in stomach, and vomiting); Cadmium jodat (Itching of anus and rectum felt during the day only; constipation frequent desire, tenesmus, abdomen bloated); Zinc; Ars; Carbo; Verat.Dose.--
Third to thirtieth potency.
Brazilian Plant-Chiococca
(CAHINCA)This remedy has been found of use in dropsical affections. Its urinary symptoms are well marked. Albuminuria, with dyspna on lying down at night. Ascites and anasarca, with dry skin.
Constant desire to urinate. Polyuria while travelling. Urine fiery. Burning pain in urethra, especially glandular portion.Male.--
Drawing in of testicles and spermatic cord. Pain worse during passage of pungent smelling urine.Back.--
Pain in region of kidneys; better lying bent backward. General fatigue.Relationship.--
Compare: Apocyn; Ars; Coffea (similar botanically and in relieving effects of fatigue)Dose.--
Third potency or lower.
Cajuput Oil
(OLEUM WITTNEBIANUM)Acts like Oil of Cloves. A remedy for flatulence and affections of the tongue. Sense of enlargement. Causes copious diaphoresis. Retrocedent gout. Neuralgic affections not inflammatory. Nervous dyspna.
Feels much enlarged. As if he could not get himself together (Baptisia).Mouth.--
Persistent sensation of choking. Spasmodic stricture of sophagus. Constricted sensation on swallowing solid food. Tongue feels swollen, fills whole mouth.Stomach.--
Hiccough, on slightest provocation.Abdomen.--
Flatulence colic; tympanites (Tereb). Nervous distention of bowels. Urine smells like cat's urine. Spasmodic cholera.Modalities.--
Worse, about 5 am; night.Relationship.--
Compare: Bovist; Nux mosch; Asaf; Ign; Bapt.Dose.--
First to third potency (5 drops of oil).
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