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Phenol-Carbolic Acid

Carbolic Acid is a powerful irritant and anæsthetic. A languid, foul, painless, destructive remedy. Stupor, paralysis of sensation and motion, feeble pulse and depressed breathing, death due to paralysis of respiratory centers. Acts primarily on the central nervous system. Increased olfactory sensibility.

Produces mental and bodily languor, disinclination to study, with headache like a band. Very marked acuteness of smell is a strong guiding symptom. Stomach symptoms are also important. Pains are terrible; come and go suddenly. Physical exertion brings on abscess somewhere. Putrid discharges (Bapt). Scarlet fever, with marked tendency to destruction of tissue internally, and fetid odor. Spasmodic coughs. Arthritis (See Dose).

Head.--Disinclined to mental work. Tight feeling, as if compressed by a rubber band (Gels; Mahonia). Orbital neuralgia over right eye. Headache, better, by green tea; while smoking.

Nose.--Smell very acute. Putrid discharge. Ozæna, with fetor and ulceration. Influenza and resulting debility.

Throat.--Ulcerated patches on inside of lips and cheeks. Burning in mouth to stomach. Fauces red, and covered with exudation. Uvula whitened and shriveled. Putrid discharge. Almost impossible to swallow. Diphtheria, fetid breath, regurgitation on swallowing liquids, but little pain (Bapt). Face dusky red; white about mouth and nose. Rapid sinking of vital forces.

Stomach.--Appetite lost. Desire for stimulants and tobacco. Constant belching, nausea, vomiting, dark olive green. Heat rises up œsophagus. Flatulent distention of stomach and abdomen. Painful flatulence often marked in one part of the bowel (Sulpho-Carbolate of Soda). Fermentative dyspepsia with bad taste and breath.

Stool.--Constipation, with very offensive breath. Bloody, like scrapings of intestines. Great tenesmus. Diarrhœa; stools thin, black, putrid.

Urine.--Almost black. Diabetes. Irritable bladder in old men with frequent urination at night, of probable prostatic nature. Use 1x.

Female.--Discharges always offensive (Nitr ac; Nux; Sep). Pustules about vulva containing bloody pus. Agonizing backache across loins, with dragging-down thighs. Pain in left ovary; worse walking in open air. Erosions of cervix; fetid, acrid discharge. Leucorrhœa in children (Cann s; Merc; Puls; Sep). Puerperal fever, with offensive discharge. Irritating leucorrhœa, causing itching and burning (Kreos).

Extremities.--Cramps in fore part of leg, close to tibia during walking. Gnawing pains in shin bones. Arthritis.

Skin.--Itching vesicles, with burning pain. Burns tend to ulcerate.

Relationship.--Compare: Chrysarobin (local in ringworm of the scalp 5-10 per cent in glycerine and alcohol. Equal parts). Ars; Kreosot; Carbo; Guano (Violent headache as from a band around head. Itching of nostrils, back, thighs, genitals. Symptoms like hay-fever).

Antidote: Alcohol; Vinegar; Chalk; Iod. Glauber's Salt in watery solution.

Incompatible: Glycerine and vegetable oils.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency. Phenol in Arthritis, according to Goodno. Must be absolutely pure. Crystals Solution (25 %) in equal parts of water and glycerine, dose 20 minims well diluted 3 times daily (Bartlett).

Animal Charcoal

Seems to be especially adapted to scrofulous and venous constitutions, old people, and after debilitating disease, with feeble circulation and lowered vitality. Glands are indurated, veins distended, skin blue. Stitch remaining after pleurisy. Easily strained from lifting. Weakness of nursing women. Ulceration and decomposition. All its secretions are offensive. Causes local congestions without heat.

Mind.--Desire to be alone, sad and reflective, avoids conversation. Anxiety at night, with orgasm of blood.

Head.--Headache, as if head had been blown to pieces. Rush of blood with confusion. Sensation as if something lay above eyes so that she could not look up. Bluish cheeks and lips. Vertigo followed by nose-bleed. Nose swollen, tip bluish small tumor on it. Hearing confused; cannot tell direction of sound.

Stomach.--Eating tires patient. Weak, empty feeling in stomach. Burning and griping. Weak digestion. Flatulence. Ptomaine poisoning. Repugnance to fat food. Sour water from mouth. Pyrosis.

Female.--Nausea of pregnancy; worse at night. Lochia offensive (Kreos; Rhus; Secale). Menses too early, frequent long lasting, followed by great exhaustion, so weak, can hardly speak (Cocc), flow only in morning (Bor; Sep). Burning in vagina and labia. Darting in breast; painful indurations in breast, especially right. Cancer of uterus, burning pain down thighs.

Respiratory.--Pleurisy, typhoid character, and remaining stitch. Ulceration of lung, with feeling of coldness of chest. Cough, with discharge of greenish pus.

Skin.--Spongy ulcers, copper-colored eruption. Acne rosacea. Chilblains, worse in evening, in bed and from cold. Verruca on hands and face of old people, with bluish color of extremities. Glands indurated, swollen, painful, in neck, axillæ, groin, mammæ; pains lancinating, cutting, burning (Con; Merc iod flav). Burning, rawness and fissures; moisture. Bubo.

Extremities.--Pain in coccyx; burns when touched. Ankles turn easily. Straining and over-lifting produce great debility. Joints weak. Easy discoloration. Pain in hip joints at night. Night sweat fetid and profuse. Wrist pain.

Modalities.--Worse, after shaving, loss of animal fluids.

Relationship.--The Carbon group all have putrid discharges and exhalations. All act on the skin, causing interrigo and excoriations. Glandular enlargements and catarrhal states, flatulency and asphyxiation.

Carbon Tetrachlorid is said to cause fatty liver (Phosph; Ars; Chlorof). Paralysis of interosseus muscles of feet and hands. Wonderful clinical results in the treatment of Hook worm disease. See Thymol (Relationship).

Complementary: Calc phos.

Antidotes: Ars; Nux.

Compare: Badiaga; Sepia; Sulph; Plumb iod.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency. The third trituration for insufflation in aural polypi.

Vegetable Charcoal

Disintegration and imperfect oxidation is the keynote of this remedy. The typical Carbo patient is sluggish, fat and lazy and has a tendency to chronicity in his complaints. Blood seems to stagnate in the capillaries, causing blueness, coldness, and ecchymosis. Body becomes blue, icy-cold. Bacteria find a rich soil in the nearly lifeless stream and sepsis and typhoidal state ensues.

A lowered vital power from loss of fluids, after drugging; after other diseases; in old people with venous congestions; states of collapse in cholera, typhoid; these are some of the conditions offering special inducements to the action of Carbo veg. The patient may be almost lifeless, but the head is hot; coldness, breath cool, pulse imperceptible, oppressed and quickened respiration, and must have air, must be fanned hard, must have all the windows open. This is a typical state for Carbo veg. The patient faints easily, is worn out, and must have fresh air. Hæmorrhage from any mucous surface. Very debilitated. Patient seems to be too weak to hold out. Persons who have never fully recovered from the effects of some previous illness. Sense of weight, as in the head (occiput), eyes and eyelids, before the ears, in the stomach, and elsewhere in the body; putrid (septic) condition of all its affections, coupled with a burning sensation. General venous stasis, bluish skin, limbs cold.

Mind.--Aversion to darkness. Fear of ghosts. Sudden loss of memory.

Head.--Aches from any over-indulgence. Hair feels sore, falls off easily; scalp itches when getting warm in bed. Hat pressed upon head like a heavy weight. Head feels heavy, constricted. Vertigo with nausea and tinnitus. Pimples on forehead and face.

Face.--Puffy, cyanotic. Pale, hippocratic, cold with cold sweat; blue (Cup; Opium). Mottled cheeks and red nose.

Eyes.--Vision of black floating spots. Asthenopia. Burning in eyes. Muscles pain.

Ears.--Otorrhœa following exanthematous diseases. Ears dry. Malformation of cerumen with exfoliation of dermoid layer of meatus.

Nose.--Epistaxis in daily attacks, with pale face. Bleeding after straining, with pale face; tip of nose red and scabby, itching around nostrils. Varicose veins on nose. Eruption in corner of alæ nasi. Coryza with cough, especially in moist, warm weather. Ineffectual efforts to sneeze.

Mouth.--Tongue coated white or yellow brown, covered with aphthæ. Teeth very sensitive where chewing; gums retracted and bleed easily. Blood oozing from gums when cleaning teeth. Pyorrhea.

Stomach.--Eructations, heaviness, fullness, and sleepiness; tense from flatulence, with pain; worse lying down. Eructations after eating and drinking. Temporary relief from belching. Rancid, sour, or putrid eructations. Waterbrash, asthmatic breathing from flatulence. Nausea in the morning. Burning in stomach, extending to back and along spine. Contractive pain extending to chest, with distention of abdomen. Faint gone feeling in stomach, not relieved by eating. Crampy pains forcing patient to bend double. Distress comes on a half-hour after eating. Sensitiveness of epigastric region. Digestion slow; food putrefies before it digests. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence, sour, rancid belching. Aversion to milk, meat, and fat things. The simplest food distresses. Epigastric region very sensitive.

Abdomen.--Pain as from lifting a weight; colic from riding in a carriage; excessive discharge of fetid flatus. Cannot bear tight clothing around waist and abdomen. Ailments accompanying intestinal fistulæ. Abdomen greatly distended; better, passing wind. Flatulent colic. Pain in liver.

Rectum and Stool.--Flatus hot, moist, offensive. Itching, gnawing and burning in rectum. Acrid, corrosive moisture from rectum. A musty, glutinous moisture exudes. Soreness, itching moisture of perineum at night. Discharge of blood from rectum. Burning at anus, burning varices (Mur ac). Painful diarrhœa of old people. Frequent, involuntary cadaverous-smelling stools, followed by burning. White hæmorrhoids; excoriation of anus. Bluish, burning piles, pain after stool.

Male.--Discharge of prostatic fluid at stool. Itching and moisture at thigh near scrotum.

Female.--Premature and too copious menses; pale blood. Vulva swollen; aphthæ; varices on pudenda. Leucorrhœa before menses, thick, greenish, milky, excoriating (Kreos). During menstruation, burning in hands and soles.

Respiratory.--Cough with itching in larynx; spasmodic with gagging and vomiting of mucus. Whooping cough, especially in beginning. Deep, rough voice, failing on slight exertion. Hoarseness; worse, evenings, talking; evening oppression of breathing, sore and raw chest. Wheezing and rattling of mucus in chest. Occasional spells of long coughing attacks. Cough, with burning in chest; worse in evening, in open air, after eating and talking. Spasmodic cough, bluish face, offensive expectoration, neglected pneumonia. Breath cold; must be fanned. Hæmorrhage from lungs. Asthma in aged with blue skin.

Extremities.--Heavy, stiff; feel paralyzed; limbs, go to sleep; want of muscular energy; joints weak. Pain in shins. Cramp in soles; feet numb and sweaty. Cold from knees down. Toes red, swollen. Burning pain in bones and limbs.

Fever.--Coldness, with thirst. Chill begins in forearm. Burning in various places. Perspiration on eating. Hectic fever, exhausting sweats.

Skin.--Blue, cold ecchymosed. Marbled with venous over distension. Itching; worse on evening, when warm in bed. Moist skin; hot perspiration; senile gangrene beginning in toes; bed sores; bleed easily. Falling out of hair, from a general weakened condition. Indolent ulcers, burning pain. Ichorous, offensive discharge; tendency to gangrene of the margins. Purpura. Varicose ulcers, carbuncles (Ars; Anthrac).

Modalities.--Worse, evening; night and open air; cold; from fat food, butter, coffee, milk, warm damp weather; wine. Better, from eructation, from fanning, cold.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Spirits Nitre; Camph; Ambra; Arsenic.

Compare: Carboneum-Lampblack (Spasms commencing in tongue, down trachea and extremities. Tingling sensation). Lycop; Ars; China.

Complementary: Kali carb; Dros.

Dose.--First to third trituration in stomach disorders. Thirtieth potency and higher in chronic conditions, and in collapse.

Carburetted Hydrogen

Symptoms resemble an apopletic attack. Spasm as in lockjaw. Trismus. Involuntary stools and urine.

Mind.--Stupefaction. Extraordinary sensation of contentment. All thoughts appear in a moment as if seen in an inner mirror.

Eyes.--Lids half closed. Oscillation of eyeballs. Pupils insensible to light.

Carbonous Oxide

Herpes zoster, pemphigus, and trismus are produced by this drug. Coldness, sleepiness, loss of consciousness are marked. Vertigo.

Head.--Cerebral congestion; hallucination of vision, hearing and touch. Inclination to turn in a circle. Jaws firmly clenched. Trismus. Heaviness of head. Sticking pain in temples. Roaring ears.

Eyes.--Ocular paralysis, hemianopsias, disturbed pupillary reaction, optic neuritis and atrophy, subconjunctival and retinal hæmorrhages.

Skin.--Anæsthesia; vesication along course of nerves; herpes zoster; pemphigus, with large and small vesicles. Hand icy cold.

Sleep.--Deep. Prolonged; sleepiness for several days.

Dose.--First attenuation.

Alcohol Sulphuris-Bisulphide of Carbon

This drug has a deep and disorganizing action and an immense range of action judging from the symptomatology. Very useful in patients broken down by abuse of alcohol. Sensitive patients worse cold, wasted muscles, and skin and mucous membranes anæsthetic. Special affinity for eyes. Chronic rheumatism, sensitive and cold. Lack of vital heat. Diarrhœa every four to six weeks. Paralysis with intense congestion of nerve centers. Tabes. Sensory difficulties in limbs.

Impotence, sciatica, come within the therapeutic sphere of this remedy. Chronic plumbism. Diminished sensibility of arms, hands and feet. Peripheral neuritis.

Mind.--Irritable, anxious, intolerant; stupor. Sluggishness of mind. Hallucinations of sight and hearing. Changeable mood. Dementia alternating with excitement.

Head.--Headache and dizziness. Aches as from a tight cap. Ears feel obstructed. Noises in head. Ulceration of the lips, anæsthesia of mouth and tongue.

Eyes.--Myopia, asthenopia, and dis-chromotopia, cloudiness and atrophy of optic disc and central scotoma for light and for red and green not for white. Optic neuritis advancing toward atrophy. Arteries and veins congested. Retinal congestion; optic disc pale. Everything seems in a fog. Vision greatly impaired. Color-blindness.

Ears.--Hearing impaired. Buzzing and singing noises like an æolian harp. Tinnitus aurium. Meniere's disease.

Abdomen.--Pain with wandering swellings as from flatus. Distention, with soreness and rumbling.

Male.--Desire lost, parts atrophied. Frequent profuse emissions.

Extremities.--Herpes on dorsal surface of hands. Sore, bruised limbs; anæsthesia of arms and hands. Cramps in limbs. Lightning-like pains, with cramps. Fingers swollen, insensible, rigid, stiff. Gait unsteady, tottering; worse in dark. Feet insensible. Sciatica. Flying pains, returning regularly for a long time. Pain in lower limbs, with cramps and formication. Neuritis.

Sleep.--Deep morning sleep with anxious, vexatious dreams.

Skin.--Anæsthesia; burning; itching; ulcers; small wounds fester. Useful to restrain the growth of cancer. Furunculosis. Chronic skin diseases with much itching.

Modalities.--Better, in open air. Worse, after breakfast; bathing. Sensitive to warm, damp, weather.

Relationship.--Compare: Potass. Xantate--(Similar in action. Acts on cortical substance; loss of memory, marked blood degeneration; impotence and senility). Tuberculin; Radium; Carbo; Sulph; Caust; Salicyl ac; Cinch. In eye symptoms compare: Benzin dinitric. Thyroidin (progressive diminution of sight with central Scotoma).

Dose.--First attenuation. Locally in facial neuralgia and sciatica.

A nosode from Carcinoma

It is claimed the Carcinosin acts favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma can be elicited, or symptoms of the disease itself exist (J. H. Clarke, M. D).

Carcinoma of the mammary glands with great pain and induration of glands; of uterus, the offensive discharge, hæmorrhage and pain are greatly relieved.

Indigestion, accumulation of gas in stomach and bowels; rheumatism-Cancerous cachexia.

Relationship.--Compare: Bufo; Conium; Phytolacca, Asterias.

Dose.--Thirtieth and 200th potency, a dose at night or less frequently.

St. Mary's Thistle

The action of this drug is centered in the liver, and portal system, causing soreness, pain, jaundice. Has specific relation to the vascular system. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially beer. Varicose veins and ulcers. Diseases of miners, associated with asthma. Dropsical conditions depending on liver disease, and when due to pelvic congestion and hepatic disease. Disturbs sugar metabolism. Influenza when liver is affected. Debility. Hæmorrhages, especially connected with hepatic disease.

Mind.--Despondency; forgetful, apathetic.

Head.--Contractive feeling above eyebrows. Dull heavy, stupid, with foul tongue. Vertigo, with tendency to fall forward. Burning and pressure in eyes. Nose-bleed.

Stomach.--Taste bitter. Aversion to salt meat. Appetite small; tongue furred; nausea; retching; vomiting of green, acid fluid. Stitches in left side of stomach, near spleen (Ceanoth). Gallstone disease with enlarged liver.

Abdomen.--Pain in region of liver. Left lobe very sensitive. Fullness and soreness, with moist skin. Constipation; stools hard, difficult, knotty; alternates with diarrhœa. Stools bright yellow. Swelling of gall bladder with painful tenderness. Hyperæmia of liver, with jaundice. Cirrhosis, with dropsy.

Rectum.--Hæmorrhagic piles, prolapse or rectum, burning pain in anus and rectum, hard and knotting, clayey stools. Profuse diarrhœa due to rectal cancer. 10 drops doses (Wapler).

Urine.--Cloudy; golden-colored.

Chest.--Stitching pains in lower right ribs and front; worse, moving, walking, etc. Asthmatic respiration. Pain in chest, going to shoulders, back, loins and abdomen, with urging to urinate.

Skin.--Itching on lying down at night. Varicose ulcers (Clematis vitalba). Eruption on lower part of sternum.

Extremities.--Pain in hip-joint, spreading through buttocks and down thigh; worse from stooping. Difficult rising. Weakness felt in feet, especially after sitting.

Relationship.--Compare: Card benedictus (strong action on eyes, and sensation of contraction in many parts; stomach symptoms similar); Chelidon; Chionanthes; Merc; Podophyl; Bry; Aloe.

Dose.--Tincture and lower potencies.

The Waters of the Sprudel Springs

Famous for its action on the liver and in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and gout. In homeopathic potencies useful in weakness of all organs, constipation, great liability to take cold. Periodicity, effects repeated after from two to four weeks (Oxal ac; Sulph). Flashes of heat all over. Itching on various parts.

Mind.--Discouraged and anxious about domestic duties.

Head.--Aches, with swollen temporal veins (Sang); better, motion, in open air.

Face.--Yellow; sallow; red and hot; pain in zygomatic process; feels as if cobwebs were on it.

Stomach.--Tongue coated white. Offensive smell from mouth. Furry sensation. Sour or salty taste. Hiccough and yawning. Heartburn (Carbo).

Urine.--Stream weak and slow; only passed by pressing abdominal muscles.

Rectum.--Feces held back. Stool slow, and only passed by much abdominal pressure. Burning in rectum and anus. Bleeding piles.

Relationship.--Compare: Nat sulph; Nux.

Dose.--Lower potencies.

Sacred Bark

Introduced as a palliative for constipation (non-homeopathic), fifteen drops of fluid extract here it restores normal function by its tonic effects, but it has a wider sphere of action, as careful provings will show. Chronic indigestion, cirrhosis and jaundice. Hæmorrhoids and constipation. Gastric headache. Broad, flabby tongue; foul breath.

Urine.--Must wait for minute before flow starts then first in drops.

Extremities.--Rheumatism of muscles and joints, with obstinate constipation.

Relationship.--Compare: Hyd; Nux; Rhamnus Californica (tincture for constipation; tympanites and appendicitis and especially rheumatism).

Dose.--Tincture to sixth potency.

Sweet Bark

Acts on the digestive tract; constipation. Aversion to smell of tobacco. Inclination to vomit very marked.

Stomach.--Hunger after meals. Desire for hot drinks. Nausea and vomiting. Pain in stomach as from a shock. Pressing colic.

Rectum.--Constipation; stools hard, covered with mucus (Graph). Bright blood with stool. Diarrhœa alternating with hard, lumpy stool, with backache and lassitude, preceded by griping. Gnawing pain high up in rectum.

Dose.--First to third potency.

The Beaver

A great remedy for hysteria. Prostration marked.

Hysterical symptoms. Day-blindness; cannot endure the light. Nervous women who do not recover fully, but are continually irritable, and suffer from debilitating sweats. Spasmodic affections after debilitating diseases. Constant yawning. Restless sleep with frightful dreams and starts.

Tongue.--Swollen. Rounded elevation size of a pea in center, with drawing sensation from center to hyoid bone.

Female.--Dysmenorrhœa; blood discharged in drops with tenesmus. Pain commences in middle of thighs. Amenorrhœa, with painful tympanites.

Fever.--Predominant chilliness. Attacks of chilliness with ice-coldness in back.

Relationship.--Compare: Ambra; Moschus; Mur acid; Valeriana.

Antidote: Colch.

Dose.--Tincture, and lower potencies.

Chestnut Leaves

A useful remedy in whooping-cough, especially in the early stage, with dry, ringing, violent, spasmodic cough. Desire for warm drinks. Very thirsty. Loss of appetite. Diarrhœa. Thick urine.

Lumbago, weak back, can hardly straighten up.

Relationship.--Compare: Pertussin-Whooping-cough (when symptoms return again after being allayed). Dros; Mephitis; Naphthal; Ammon brom.


Rudimentary Thumb-nail of the Horse

General action on thickening of the skin and epithelium. Psoriasis linguæ. The clinical experience of Hering and his fellow-provers has shown this to be highly useful remedy in cracked and ulcerated nipples. Affects principally female organs. Acts on the nails and bones; pain in right tibia and coccyx. Warts on forehead. Warts on breast. Chapped hands.

Chest.--Cracked, sore nipples, excessively tender. Swelling of mammæ. Violent itching in breasts; areola reddened.

Relationship.--Compare: Graphites; Hippomanes; Calc. Oxal.

Dose.--Sixth and twelfth potency.


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