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Acts principally on kidneys, and genito-urinary tract; affects also lymphatic and mesenteric glands and female mammæ. Plethoric young women with dysuria. Women with large breasts. Hepatic and renal dropsies; chronic alcoholics. Incipient and progressive cataracts.

One of the remedies whose symptoms point to its employment in bladder affections, notably catarrh, acute and chronic. Scanty urine, and loaded with ropy, muco-purulent sediment. Prostatic enlargement.

Head.--Pain in left frontal protuberance. Halo about the light. Itching of eyelids. Stabbing pain in left eye with lachrymation.

Mouth.--Toothache, worse after eating and exertion, better cool water. Pain as if tooth was being gently pulled.

Urinary.--Urging to urinate. Urine turbid, offensive, containing ropy or bloody mucus, and depositing a copious sediment. Burning and scalding during micturition, and straining afterwards. Must strain before flow comes. Scanty urine. Acute prostatitis, retention, and feeling of a ball in perineum (Cann ind). Fluttering in region of kidney. Sugar in urine. Unable to urinate without standing with feet wide apart and body inclined forward.

Female.--Labia inflamed, swollen. Pain in vagina. Hot flashes. Painful tumor of mammæ, not ulcerated, with undue secretion of milk. Rapid atrophy of breasts. Women with very large breasts and tumor in the mammary gland with sharp pain through it.

Male.--Smarting in urethra from neck of bladder to meatus. Gleet. Loss of prostatic fluid. Prostatic enlargement and irritation.

Skin.--Scrofulous ulcers. Glandular enlargements.

Extremities.--Feeling of a band above left knee.

Modalities.--Worse, in damp weather; from sitting on cold stones or pavements; left side.

Relationship.--Compare: Chimaph maculata (intense gnawing hunger; burning fever; sensation of swelling in arm pits); Uva; Ledum; Epigoea.

Dose.--Tincture, to third attenuation.

Peruvian Bark-China

Debility from exhausting discharges, from loss of vital fluids, together with a nervous erethism, calls for this remedy. Periodicity is most marked. Sensitive to draughts. Seldom indicated in the earlier stages of acute disease. Chronic gout. Chronic suppurative pyelitis. Post operative gas pains, not relief from passing it.

Mind.--Apathetic, indifferent, disobedient, taciturn, despondent. Ideas crowd in mind; prevent sleep. Disposition to hurt other people's feelings. Sudden crying and tossing about.

Head.--As if skull would burst. Sensation as if brain were balancing to and fro, and striking against skull, receiving great pain (Sulph; Sulph ac). Intense throbbing of head and carotids. Spasmodic headache in vertex, with subsequent pain, as if bruised in sides of head. Face flushed after hæmorrhages, or sexual excesses, or loss of vital fluids. Relieved from pressure and warm room. Scalp sensitive; worse combing hair. Aches worse in open air, from temple to temple. Worse by contact, current of air, stepping. Dizzy when walking.

Eyes.--Blue color around eyes. Hollow eyes. Yellowish sclerotica. Black specks, bright dazzling illusions; night blindness in anæmic retina. Spots before eyes. Photophobia. Distortion of eyeballs. Intermittent ciliary neuralgia. Pressure in eyes. Amaurosis; scalding lachrymation.

Ears.--Ringing in ears. External ear sensitive to touch. Hearing sensitive to noise. Lobules red and swollen.

Nose.--Checked catarrh. Easily bleeding from nose, especially on rising. Coryza, sneezing, watery discharge. Violent dry sneezing. Cold sweat about nose.

Face.--Sallow complexion. Face bloated; red.

Mouth.--Toothache; better pressing teeth firmly together, and by warmth. Tongue coated thick, dirty; tip burns, succeeded by ptyalism. Bitter taste. Food tastes too salty.

Stomach.--Tender, cold. Vomiting of undigested food. Slow digestion. Weight after eating. Ill effects of tea. Hungry without appetite. Flat taste. Darting pain crosswise in hypogastric region. Milk disagrees. Hungry longing for food, which lies undigested. Flatulence; belching of bitter fluid or regurgitation of food gives no relief; worse eating fruit. Hiccough. Bloatedness better by movement.

Abdomen.--Much flatulent colic; better bending double. Tympanitic abdomen. Pain in right hypochondrium. Gall-stone colic (Triumfetta semitriloba). Liver and spleen swollen and enlarged. Jaundice. Internal coldness of stomach and abdomen. Gastro-duodenal catarrh.

Stool.--Undigested, frothy, yellow; painless; worse at night, after meals, during hot weather, from fruit, milk, beer. Very weakening, with much flatulence. Difficult even when soft (Alum; Plat).

Male.--Excited lascivious fancy. Frequent emissions, followed by great weakness. Orchitis.

Female.--Menses too early. Dark clots and abdominal distention. Profuse menses with pain. Desire too strong. Bloody leucorrhœa. Seems to take the place of the usual menstrual discharge. Painful heaviness in pelvis.

Respiratory.--Influenza, with debility. Cannot breathe with head low. Labored, slow respiration; constant choking. Suffocative catarrh; rattling in chest; violent, hacking cough after every meal. Hæmorrhage from lungs. Dyspnœa, sharp pain in left lung. Asthma; worse damp weather.

Heart.--Irregular with weak rapid beats followed by strong, hard beats. Suffocative attacks, syncope; anæmia and dropsy.

Back.--Sharp pains across kidneys, worse movement and at night. Knife-like pains around back (D. MacFarlan).

Extremities.--Pains in limbs and joints, as if sprained; worse, slight touch; hard pressure relieves. Sensation as of a string around limb. Joints swollen; very sensitive, with dread or open air. Great debility, trembling, with numb sensation. Averse to exercise; sensitive to touch. Weariness of joints; worse, mornings and when sitting.

Skin.--Extreme sensitiveness to touch, but hard pressure relieves. Coldness; much sweat. One hand ice cold, the other warm. Anasarca (Ars; Apis). Dermatitis; erysipelas. Indurated glands; scrofulous ulcers and caries.

Sleep.--Drowsiness. Unrefreshing or constant stupor. Wakens early. Protracted sleeplessness. Anxious, frightful dreams with confused consciousness on waking, so that the dream cannot be rid of and fear of dream remains. Snoring, especially with children.

Fever.--Intermittent, paroxysms anticipate; return every week. All stages well marked. Chill generally in forenoon, commencing in breast; thirst before chill, and little and often. Debilitating night-sweats. Free perspiration caused by every little exertion, especially on single parts. Hay fever, watery coryza, pain in temples.

Modalities.--Worse, slightest touch. Draught of air; every other day; loss of vital fluids; at night; after eating; bending over. Better, bending double; hard pressure; open air; warmth.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Arn; Ars; Nux; Ipec.

Compare:-Quinidin--(Paroxysmal tachycardia and auricular fibrillation. Heart is slowed, and the auriculo-ventricular conduction time is lengthened. Dose 1/2 grain t.i.d). Cephalanthus--(Button Bush-Intermittent fever, sore throat, rheumatic symptoms, vivid dreams). Ars; Cedron; Nat sulph. Cydonia vulgaris-Quince (supposed to be of use to strengthen the sexual organs and stomach).

Complementary: Ferrum; Calc phos.

Dose.--Tincture, to thirtieth potency.

Arsenite of Quinine

The symptoms of general weariness and prostration produced by the drug have been utilized in prescribing it homeopathically as a general tonic, often with very marked beneficial and prompt effect. In diphtheria with great prostration, cases that are prolonged, especially, and in malarial affections, neuralgia, etc, it has been found curative. Asthmatic attacks which recur periodically, with great prostration. Icy skin. Pressure in the solar plexus, with tender spine back of it.

Head.--Tired feeling. Head feels too full. Throbbing. Great anxiety. Great irritability. Vertigo; worse looking up. Dull, heavy headache, frontal and occipital. Darting pains running up into head.

Eyes.--Intense photophobia and orbicular spasm; gushing hot tears. Flickering with pain and lachrymation.

Mouth.--Tongue thickly furred; yellow, slimy coating. Bitter taste. No appetite.

Stomach.--Alternation of hyperacidity and decrease of acid. Hyperchlorhydria (Robinia; Arg nit; Orexine tannate). Thirst for water, yet it disturbs. Anorexia. Eggs produce diarrhœa.

Heart.--Palpitation. Sensation as if heart stopped. Suffocative attacks, occurring in periodical paroxysms. Must have open air. Short of breath on ascending; cardiac dyspnœa; circulatory weakness after acute infections; early myocardial degeneration.

Sleep.--Sleeplessness due to nervous causes (Single dose of 5th or 6th potency).

Extremities.--Weak limbs. Coldness of hands and feet, knees and limbs. Tearing pains.

Fever.--Continuous, with weakness. System depleted.

Relationship.--Compare: Chininum; also Ferrum Citricum (in nephritis with great anæmia; acid dyspepsia in chlorosis. Morbus maculosus Werlhoffii); Chinin mur (in severe neuralgic pains around eyes, with chills; exaggerated sensitiveness to alcohol and tobacco; prostration and restlessness). Œnothera (effortless diarrhœa with nervous exhaustion; incipient hydrocephaloid). Macrozamia spiralis (extreme debility after illness; collapse).

Dose.--Second and third trituration.

Sulphite of Quinine

A dose of Chinin sulph in high potency sometimes arouses suppressed malaria, and brings back the paroxysm. Aside from its undoubted influence over malaria, it is indicated homeopathically whenever there is marked periodicity and spinal sensitiveness. Acute articular rheumatism. Polyarticular gout. Pruritus and congested conditions of the rectum. Symptoms of chronic interstitial nephritis. Retro-bulbar neuritis with sudden loss of sight. Thready vessels. Hiccough.

Blood.--An immediate and rapid decrease in red blood cells and reduction in hemoglobin with increase in elimination of chlorides. Tendency to polynucleated leucocytosis.

Head.--Pain in forehead and temples, increasing gradually at noon, of malarial origin, with vertigo and pulsation. Worse left side. Falling in street. Inability to remain standing. Amaurosis.

Ears.--Violent ringing, buzzing, and roaring in ears, with deafness.

Face.--Neuralgia commences under eye; extends into and around it. Pains return with great regularity; relieved by pressure.

Spine.--Great sensitiveness of the dorsal vertebræ; pain on pressure. Last cervical sensitive. Pain extends to head and neck.

Urine.--Bloody. Turbid, slimy, clay-colored, greasy sediment. Small amount of urea and phosphoric acid with excess of uric acid and abundance of chlorides, accompanied by subnormal temperature. Excessive flow. Albuminuria

Skin.--Itching; erythema, urticaria, icterus, vesication, pustules, purpura. Great sensitiveness. Shriveled skin.

Fever.--Chill daily at 3 pm. Painful swelling of various veins during a chill. Shivering even in a warm room. Anguish. Subnormal temperature.

Relationship.--Compare: Chin salicyl (Deafness, tinnitus, and Meniere's disease). Ars; Eupat; Methyl blue. Camphor mono-bromide (is said to intensify the action of Quinine and render it more permanent). Baja, an East Indian drug, (said to be almost infallible in intermittent fever, quartan type; pulsating headache injected eyes, flushed face. Liver and spleen enlarged. Œdema). Also Pambotano, Mexican remedy for intermittent and tropical fevers.

Antidotes: Parthenum; Natr mur; Lach; Arn; Puls.

Dose.--First to third triturations; also thirtieth potency and higher.


This remedy is often of service in many types of headaches, neurasthenic, periodical sick, menstrual and bilious. Taken for several weeks, drop doses, will often break up the sick headache habit. The pain in the forehead, chiefly over eyes. Eyeballs very painful, with pressure over root of nose. Hepatic derangements. Jaundice. Enlarged spleen (Ceanoth). Jaundice with arrest of menses. A prominent liver remedy. Gallstones (Berberis; Cholest; Calc). Diabetes mellitus. Paroxysmal, abdominal pain.

Head.--Listless, apathetic. Dull frontal headache, over root of nose, over eyes, through temples, worse stooping, motion, jar. Yellow conjunctiva.

Tongue.--Broad with thick yellow fur.

Mouth.--Dry sensation not relieved by water, also profuse saliva.

Abdomen and Liver.--Aching in umbilical region, griping. Feels as if a string were tied in a "slip-knot" around intestines which was suddenly drawn tight and then gradually loosened. Sore; enlarged, with jaundice and constipation. Clay-colored stool, also soft, yellow and pasty. Tongue heavily coated. No appetite. Bilious colic. Hepatic region tender. Pancreatic disease and other glandular disorders.

Urine.--Large amount of high specific gravity; frequent urination; bile and sugar in urine. Urine very dark.

Skin.--Yellow; marked moisture of skin. Sallow, greenish, itching.

Relationship.--Compare: Cinchona; Ceanoth; Chelidon; Carduus; Podophyl; Lept.

Dose.--Tincture and first attenuation.


General anæsthetic, antispasmodic. Complete muscular relaxation. Weak and quick pulse, shallow or stertorous breathing. Convulsions, nephritic or biliary colic, gastralgia.

Symptoms obtained by Dr. D. Macfarlan with the 6th potency.

Great weakness, especially on right side. Limbs very tired from knees down. Much perspiration all over face and chest; drowsy and dizzy; dry lips and throat; dry tickling cough at night. Flatulence; food regurgitates; sore and bruised feeling in stomach; catching pain around heart. Sharp pain in right chest when he takes long breath; shortness of breath on exertion.

Head.--Delirium where excitement and violence predominate. Head drawn down upon the shoulders, eyes opened and closed rapidly, pupils contracted; rapid convulsive movements of face, of muscles, of extremities.

Relationship.--Ether Post-operative Bronchitis (Prof. Bier). Spiritus Aetheris Compositus.--(Hoffman's Anodyne)--(Flatulence; angina pectoris. Dose 5m to 1 dram in water).

Dose.--Higher attenuations, or sixth. Phosphorus is the remedy to give in narcosis of chloroform.

Chloral Hydrate

This drug, used in physiological doses, is a powerful hypnotic and cardiac depressant. It has a marked effect on the skin, producing erythema, ecchymosis, etc, which symptoms have been utilized homeopathically with much success, especially in the treatment of hives. Emotional excitability, hallucinations. Night terrors in children. Muscular prostration.

Head.--Morning headache; worse in forehead, also in occiput, on motion; better in open air. Passive cerebral hyperæmia (use 30th). Feeling as if hot band were drawn from temple to temple. Hears voices.

Eyes.--Eyes blood-shot and watery. Circles of light, black spots. Illusions of sight where eyes are closed or at night. Dim vision. Conjunctivitis, burning in eye and lids; eyeball feels too large; everything looks white.

Skin.--Red blotches, like measles. Urticaria, worse, spirituous liquors, hot drinks. Erythema aggravated by alcoholic drinks, with palpitation; causes pain in tendons and extensors. Intense itching. Surface of body stone-cold. Wheals come on from a chill; better, warmth. Purpura (Phos; Crotal).

Respiratory.--Extreme dyspnœa, with sensation of weight and constriction of chest. Asthma, with sleeplessness.

Sleep.--Insomnia, hallucinations, horrid dreams. Somnolence.

Modalities.--Worse, after hot drinks, stimulants, eating, night.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Ammon; Atrop; Dig; Mosch.

Compare: Bell; Opium; Apis; Veronal--(a dangerous drug made by the action of alcohol upon urea and contains the same radical that alcohol does. Makes a man just as drunk as pure alcohol. Staggers, cannot stand up) (Dr. Varney). (Confluent reddish spots; dermatitis, itching of glans and prepuce; circumscribed dermatitis patch on first metacarpal phalangeal joint). Luminal--(Sleeplessness with skin symptoms in migraine; lethargy like epidemic encephalitis) (Dr. Royal).

Dose.--First trituration in hives, otherwise, higher potencies. Locally, in offensive foot-sweat, bathe with one per cent solution. For its physiological effects, five to twenty grains. Use cautiously.

Chlorine Gas in Water

The marked effect on the respiratory organs, producing spasm of the glottis, is the chief symptom of the drug. Asthma to relieve the spasm of glottis. Useful externally and internally in gangrene.

Mind.--Fear of becoming crazy. Marked loss of memory, especially for names.

Respiratory.--Sooty, smoky nostrils. Coryza with sudden gushes of sharp, corroding fluid, making nose sore inside and about the alæ. Constriction, with suffocation. Spasm of the glottis. Irritation of epiglottis, larynx, and bronchi. Loss of voice from damp air. Sudden dyspnœa from spasm of the vocal cords, with staring protruding eyes, blue face, cold sweat, pulse small. Inspiration free, with obstructed expiration. (Mephit). Livid face. Prolonged, loud, whistling rales. Extreme dryness of tongue.

Dose.--Chlorine water, when required of full strength, must be freshly prepared. Fourth to sixth potency.

Cholesterine--The proximate principle--Furnished by the epithelium lining of gall bladder and the larger ducts

For cancer of the liver. Obstinate hepatic engorgements. Burning pain in side; on walking holds his hand on side, hurts him so. Opacities of the vitreous. Jaundice; gallstones. Cholesterine is the physiological opponent of Lecithin. Both seem to play some unknown part in the growth of tumors. Gallstones and insomnia.

Relationship.--Compare: Taurocholate of soda in Homeopathy.--Dr. I. P. Tessier, in an interesting study of the action of bile and its salts, in hepatic affections, analyzes a number of experiments by leading authorities, with the object of determining this action, and concludes that in the Taurocholate of Soda, homeopathy has a useful remedy against certain forms of hypoglobular anæmia. The claim that its pathogenesis and toxicology clearly indicate its value, and that it should also serve us as a remedy in cases of hypertrophy of the spleen and ganglia. He calls our attention to the fact, that it produces dyspnœa, the Cheyne-Stokes rhythm, acute pulmonary œdema, and intense exaggeration of the cardiac pulsations, offering a good field for clinical studies and experimentation of great interest, which may give fruitful and important results.

Dose.--Third trituration.

Chromic Acid

Diphtheria, post-nasal tumors, and epithelioma of the tongue have been benefited by this drug. Bloody, foul-smelling lochia. Symptoms come and go suddenly, and return periodically; offensive discharges.

Nose.--Ulcer and scabs in nose. Offensive smell. Corrosive pain. Ozæna (Aur).

Throat.--Diphtheria; sore throat. Tough mucus, with inclination to swallow it; worse, causing hawking. Post-nasal tumors.

Extremities.--Uneasiness in limbs. Pain in shoulder-blades and back of neck. Pain in knees and balls of feet. Drawing pain in soles while walking.

Stool.--Watery, frequent, copious, with nausea and vertigo. Hæmorrhoids, internal and bleeding. Weakness in small of back.

Relationship.--Compare: Kali bich; Rhus; Chromium Sulphate (in locomotor ataxia, goitre, prostatic hypertrophy. Herpes preputialis. Wry neck. Also exophthalmic, inhibits the vagus, relieving tachycardia. Acts like a nerve tonic where there is lack of nervous tone. Fibroid tumors. Infantile paralysis. Dose for adults, 3 to 5 grains after meals and at bedtime).

Dose.--Homeopathically, third to sixth trituration.

Goa Powder-Andira araroba

Acts as a powerful irritant of the skin and used successfully in skin diseases especially in ringworm, psoriasis, herpes tonsurans acne rosacea. Vesicular or squamous lesions, associated with foul smelling discharge and crust formation, tending to become confluent and to give the appearance of a single crust covering the entire area (Bernstein). Violent itching, thighs, legs and ears. Dry, scaly eruption, especially around eyes and ears, scabs with pus underneath (Mezer).

Eyes.--Blepharitis, conjunctivitis keratitis. Intense photophobia. Optical hyperæsthesia.

Ears.--Eczema behind ears. Filthy, scabby condition with tendency to form thick crust. Whole ear and surrounding tissue appears to be one scab.

Relationship.--Chrysarobinum contains chrysophan, which is rapidly oxidized into chrysophanic acid. This is also contained in Rhubarb and Senna.

Dose.--Locally, as a cerate, 4-8 grains to the ounce, of vaseline. Internally, third to sixth potency. Used externally; should be used with caution on account of its ability to produce inflammation.

Water Hemlock

The action on the nervous system, producing spasmodic affections, viz, hiccough, trismus, tetanus, and convulsions, give the pathological picture calling especially for this remedy, whenever this is further characterized, by the more individual symptoms of the drug. Among these, are the bending of the head, neck, and spine backwards, and the general action of the patient is violent, with frightful distortions. Violent, strange desires. Sensation of internal chill. Moaning and howling. Does absurd things. Marked action on the skin.

Mind.--Delirium, with singing, dancing and funny gestures. Everything appears strange and terrible. Confounds present with the past; feels like a child. Stupid feeling. Melancholy, with indifference. Mistrustful. Epilepsy; moaning and whining. Vivid dreams.

Head.--Head turned or twisted to one side. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Cervical muscles contracted. Vertigo, with gastralgia, and muscular spasms. Sudden, violent shocks through head. Stares persistently at objects. Convulsions from concussion of brain. Thick, yellow scabs on head. Head symptoms relieved by emission of flatus.

Eyes.--When reading, letters disappear. Pupils dilated, insensible strabismus. Objects recede, approach, and seem double. Eyes stare. Pupils get behind upper lids as head inclines. Effects of exposure to snow. Spasmodic affections of eyes and its appendages. Strabismus; periodic, spasmodic after a fall or a blow.

Ears.--Difficult hearing. Sudden detonations especially on swallowing. Hæmorrhage from ears.

Face.--Pustules which run together forming thick, yellow scabs on face and head, corners of mouth and chin, with burning pain. Red face. Trismus; disposition to grind teeth.

Throat.--Dry. Feels as if grown together. Spasms of œsophagus; cannot swallow. Effects on œsophagus from swallowing sharp piece of bone.

Stomach.--Thirst; burning pressure; hiccough. Throbbing in pit of stomach, which has become raised to size of fist. Desire for unnatural things, like coal (Alum; Calc). Indigestion, with insensibility, frothing at mouth.

Abdomen.--Flatulence with anxiety and crossness. Rumbling in. Distended and painful. Colic with convulsions.

Rectum.--Diarrhœa in morning, with irresistible desire to urinate. Itching in rectum.

Respiratory.--Chest feels tight; can hardly breathe. Tonic spasm in pectoral muscles. Heat in chest.

Back and extremities.--Spasms and cramps in muscles of nape of neck, and spasmodic drawing backward of head. Curved limbs cannot be straightened nor straight ones bent. Back bent backward like an arch. Jerking, tearing in coccyx, especially during menses.

Skin.--Eczema; no itching, exudation forms into a hard, lemon-colored crust. Suppressed eruption causes brain disease. Elevated eruptions, as large as peas. Chronic impetigo.

Modalities.--Worse, from touch, draughts, concussion, tobacco smoke.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Opium; Arn.

Compare: Cicuta Maculata-Water Hemlock--(Effects very similar; the most prominent symptoms being; Falls unconscious, tetanic or clonic convulsions. Body covered with sweat. Consider in epilepsy and tetanus. Tincture and lower potencies). Hydrocy acid; Con; Oenanth; Strychnia; Bellad.

Dose.--Sixth to two hundredth attenuation.

Black Snake-root

Has a wide action upon the cerebrospinal and muscular system, as well as upon the uterus and ovaries. Especially useful in rheumatic, nervous subjects with ovarian irritation, uterine cramps and heavy limbs. Its muscular and crampy pains, primarily of neurotic origin, occurring in nearly every part of the body, are characteristic. Agitation and pain indicate it. Pains like electric shocks here and there. Migraine. Symptoms referable to the pelvic organs prominent. "It lessens the frequency and force of the pulse soothes pain and allays irritability".

Mental.--Sensation of a cloud enveloping her. Great depression, with dream of impending evil. Fears riding in a closed carriage, of being obliged to jump out. Incessant talking. Visions of rats, mice, etc. Delirium tremens; tries to injure himself. Mania following disappearance of neuralgia.

Head.--Wild feeling in brain. Shooting and throbbing pains in head after mental worry, over-study, or reflex of uterine disease. Waving sensation or opening and shutting sensation in brain. Brain feels too large. Pressing-outward pain. Tinnitus. Ears sensitive to least noise.

Eyes.--Asthenopia associated with pelvic trouble. Deepseated throbbing and shooting pains in eyes, with photophobia from artificial light. Intense aching of eyeball. Pain from eyes to top of head.

Stomach.--Nausea and vomiting caused by pressure on spine and cervical region. Sinking in epigastrium (Sep; Sulph). Gnawing pain. Tongue pointed and trembling.

Female.--Amenorrhœa (use Macrotin preferably). Pain in ovarian region; shoots upward and down anterior surface of thighs. Pain immediately before menses. Menses profuse, dark, coagulated, offensive with backache, nervousness; always irregular. Ovarian neuralgia. Pain across pelvis, from hip to hip. After-pains, with great sensitiveness and intolerance to pain. Infra-mammary pains worse, left side. Facial blemishes in young women.

Respiratory.--Tickling in throat. Dry, short cough, worse speaking and at night. Cough when secretion is scanty-spasmodic, dry with muscular soreness and nervous irritation.

Heart.--Irregular, slow, trembling pulse. Tremulous action. Angina pectoris. Numbness of left arm; feels as if bound to side. Heart's action ceases suddenly, impending suffocation. Left-sided infra-mammary pain.

Back.--Spine very sensitive, especially upper part. Stiffness and contraction in neck and back. Intercostal rheumatism. Rheumatic pains in muscles of back and neck. Pain in lumbar and sacral region, down thighs, and through hips. Crick in back.

Extremities.--Uneasy, restless feeling in limbs. Aching in limbs and muscular soreness. Rheumatism affecting the belly of muscles, especially large muscles. Choreic movements, accompanied by rheumatism. Jerking of limbs. Stiffness in tendo-Achilles. Heaviness in lower extremities. Heavy, aching, tensive pain.

Sleep.--Sleeplessness. Brain irritation of children during dentition.

Skin.--Locally and internally for ivy poisoning.

Modalities.--Worse, morning, cold (except headache), during menses; the more profuse the flow, the greater the suffering. Better, warmth, eating.

Relationship.--Compare: Rhamnus Californica (muscular pains, lumbago, pleurodynia, acute rheumatism). Derris pinnata (Neuralgic headaches of rheumatic origin). Aristolochia milhomens (pain in tendo-Achilles; diabetes). Caulophyl; Pulsat; Lilium; Agar; Macrotin (especially for lumbago).

Dose.--First to thirtieth attenuation, third most frequently used.


Of use in intermittent fever, with weariness and inclination to stretch. Hamstrings feel too short (Ammon mur). Flexors mostly affected. Sensation of retraction of arm tendons. Stretching.

Head.--Violent headache, caused by drinking. Great rage; vehement at beginning of chilly stage. Would like to tear everything to pieces. Pain under right frontal bone.

Female.--Shooting pain from vagina up towards left ovary.

Fever.--Chilliness of whole body. Sensation as of wind blowing on knees. Pains in all joints, as if tendons were too short, especially knee-joints. Chill; worse lying down. Thirst during apyrexia, but little during chilly stage; still less during hot stage, and none during sweating. Musty, offensive sweat.

Bowels.--Constipation, feces dry and in small balls (Op; Plumb; Thuj) and hard. Ulcer of rectum.

Dose.--Sixth to two hundredth attenuation.


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