An Alkaloid from OpiumTrembling of whole body. Involuntary twitching of muscles of arms and lower limbs. Itching, with feeling of warmth, numbness and prickling. Diabetes.
Pain from occiput to back of neck. Skin of face and scalp sore after neuralgia.Eyes.--
Involuntary twitching of lids (Agar).Stomach.--
Spasmodic pain at pit of stomach. Eructations. Great thirst, with desire for bitter substances.Respiratory.--
Short and irritating cough; worse, at night. Copious, purulent expectoration. Night cough of phthisis.Relationship.--
Compare: Opium; Agaricus; Hyoscy; Ammon brom.Dose.--
One-quarter of a grain doses to third trituration.Stimulates the functional activity of all organs, increasing the nervous and vascular activity. The drinking of coffee by the aged is likely to increase production of uric acid, causing irritation of kidneys; muscle and joint pains, and with the increased susceptibility of old people to the stimulating action of coffee and tea, their use should be curtailed or carefully watched. Great nervous agitation and restlessness. Extreme sensitiveness characterizes this remedy. Neuralgia in various parts; always with great nervous excitability and intolerance of pain, driving to despair. Unusual activity of mind and body. Bad effects of sudden emotions, surprises, joy, etc. Nervous palpitation. Coffea is specially suited to tall, lean, stooping persons with dark complexions, temperament choleric and sanguine. Skin hypersensitive.
Gaiety, easy comprehension, irritability, excited; senses acute. Impressionable, especially to pleasurable impressions. Full of ideas, quick to act. Tossing about in anguish (Acon).Head.--
Tight pain, worse from noise, smell, narcotics. Seems as if brain were torn to pieces, as if nail were driven in head. Worse in open air. Sensitive hearing.Face.--
Dry heat, with red cheeks. Prosopalgia extending to molar teeth, ears, forehead, and scalp.Mouth.--
Toothache; temporarily relieved by holding ice-water in the mouth (Mangan opposite). Hasty eating and drinking. Delicate taste.Stomach.--
Excessive hunger. Intolerance of tight clothing. After wine and liquor.Female.--
Menses too early and long lasting. Dysmenorrha, large clots of black blood. Hypersensitive vulva and vagina. Voluptuous itching.Sleep.--
Wakeful; on a constant move. Sleeps till 3 am, after which only dozing. Wakes with a start, sleep disturbed by dreams. Sleepless, on account mental activity; flow of ideas, with nervous excitability. Disturbed by itching of anus.Respiratory.--
Short, dry cough of measles in nervous, delicate children.Heart.--
Violent irregular palpitation especially after excessive joy or surprise. Rapid high tension pulse and urinary suppression.Extremities.--
Crural neuralgia; worse, motion, afternoon and night; better, by pressure.Modalities.--
Worse, excessive emotions (joy), narcotics, strong odors, noise, open air, cold, night. Better, warmth, from lying down; holding ice in mouth.Relationship.--
Incompatible: Camph; Coccul. Complementary: Acon.Compare: Coffea tosta (Roasting develops certain vitamin-like substances (P. T. Mattei). Pigeons which have developed "deficiency" neuritis and paralysis on diet of polished rice lost their disabilities on the addition of 8 cc to a 5 % infusion of coffee to their food. Unroasted coffee was useless). Caffeine.--(A crystalline alkaloid-is a direct heart stimulant and diuretic. Dropsy depending on cardiac insufficiency. Myocardial degeneration. Cardiac insufficiency in pneumonia and other infectious diseases. Raises the blood pressure, increases pulse rate and stimulates the heart muscle; hence, a support in extreme feebleness or threatened failure. Stimulates the respiratory center, nerve centers and increases diuresis. One of the best stimulants of the vaso-motor centers. Acute pulmonary dema. Brachialgia and other neuralgias characterized by nocturnal exacerbations. Jousset uses equal parts of caffeine and sachar lac. 3 grains taken in divided doses every other day. Hypodermically, 1/4 grain. Excruciating facial neuralgia from decayed teeth); Acon; Cham; Nux; Cyp; Caffeine and plants containing it, as Kola, Thea, etc.
Strong black coffee, drunk as hot as possible, is indispensable as an antidote in a large number of poisons, especially narcotics. Hot coffee by rectum in cases of extreme collapse.
Antidotes: Nux; Tabac.
Third to two hundredth potency.
Meadow Saffron
(COLCHICUM)Affects markedly the muscular tissues, periosteum, and synovial membranes of joints. Has specific power of relieving the gouty paroxysms. It seems to be more beneficial in chronic affections of these parts. The parts are red, hot, swollen. Tearing pains; worse, in the evening and at night and from touch; stubbing the toes hurts exceedingly. There is always great prostration, internal coldness, and tendency to collapse. Effects of night watching and hard study. Shocks as from electricity through one half of body. Bad effects from suppressed sweat. Dreams of mice.
Headache chiefly frontal and temporal, but also occipital and in nape of neck, worse afternoon and evening.Eyes.--
Pupils unequal; left pupil contracted. Variations in visual acuity. Lachrymation worse in open air; violent tearing pain in eyes. Dim vision after reading. Spots before eyes.Ears.--
Itching in ears; sharp, shooting pains below right tragus.Face.--
Pain in facial muscles, moving about. Tingling and dematous swelling; cheeks red, hot, sweaty. Very irritable with the pains (Cham). Pain behind angle of right lower jaw.Stomach.--
Dry mouth, tongue burns, gums and teeth pain. Thirst; pain in stomach and flatulence. The smell of food causes nausea even to fainting, especially fish. Profuse salivary secretion. Vomiting of mucus, bile and food; worse, any motion; great coldness in stomach. Craving for various things, but is averse to then when smelling them, seized them with nausea. Gouty gastralgia. Burning or icy coldness in stomach and abdomen. Thirst for effervescent, alcoholic beverages. Pain in transverse colon.Abdomen.--
Distention of abdomen, with gas, inability to stretch out legs. Borborygmi. Pain over liver. Cæcum and ascending colon much distended. Fullness and continuous rumbling. Ascites.Stool.--
Painful, scanty, transparent, jelly-like mucus; pain, as if anus were torn open, with prolapse. Autumnal dysentery; stools contain while shreddy particles in large quantities. Ineffectual pressing; feels feces in rectum, but cannot expel them.Female.--
Pruritus of genitals. Cold feeling in thigh after period. Sensation of swelling in vulva and clitoris.Urine.--
Dark, scanty or suppressed; bloody, brown, black, inky; contains clots of putrid decomposed blood, albumin, sugar.Heart.--
Anxiety in region of heart. Impulse not felt. Pericarditis, with severe pain, oppression and dyspna, pulse threadlike. Sound of heart become weaker, pulse of low tension.Extremities.--
Sharp pain down left arm. Tearing in limbs during warm weather, stinging during cold. Pins and needles in hands and wrists, fingertips numb. Pain in front of thigh. Right plantar reflex abolished. Limbs, lame, weak, tingling. Pain worse in evening and warm weather. Joints stiff and feverish; shifting rheumatism; pains worse at night. Inflammation of great toe, gout in heel, cannot bear to have it touched or moved. Tingling in the finger nails. Knees strike together, can hardly walk. dematous swelling and coldness of legs and feet.Back.--
Aching in lumbar and lumbo-sacral region. Dull pain across loins. Backache, better, rest and pressure.Skin.--
Blotchy papular rash on face. Pink spots on back, chest and abdomen. Urticaria.Modalities.--
Worse, sundown to sunrise; motion, loss of sleep, smell of food in evening, mental exertion. Better, stooping.Relationship.--
Antidotes: Thuja; Camph; Coccul; Nux; Puls.Compare: Colchicine (intestinal catarrh with shreddy membranes; convulsive jerkings of right hand; rheumatic fever, gout, endo and pericarditis, pleurisy, arthritis, deformans in early stages; intense pain of rheumatism 3x trit). Also, Carbo; Arnica; Lilium; Arsen; Verat.
Third to thirtieth attenuation.
Stone-RootPelvic and portal congestion, resulting hæmorrhoids and constipation, especially in females. Depressed arterial tension, general atony of muscular fiber. Chronic nasal, gastric, and pharyngeal catarrh, due to portal obstruction. Dropsy from cardiac disease. Pruritus in pregnancy, with piles. Constipation of children from intestinal atony. Said to be of special value when given before operations, for rectal diseases. Sense of weight and constriction. Venous engorgement.
Dull frontal headache; from suppressed hæmorrhoids. Chronic catarrh. Yellow-coated tongue. Bitter taste (Colocy; Bry).Rectum.--
Sensation of sharp sticks in rectum. Sense of constriction. Vascular engorgement of rectum. Dry feces. Most obstinate constipation, with protruding hæmorrhoids. Aching in anus and hypogastrium. Constipation during pregnancy; with membranous dysmenorrha, following labor (Nux). Painful bleeding piles. Dysentery, with tenesmus. Alternate constipation and diarrha, and great flatulence. Itching of anus (Teucrium; Ratanh).Female.--
Dysmenorrha; pruritus of vulva; prolapse of womb; swelling and dark redness of genitals; pain on sitting down. Membranous dysmenorrha, with constipation. Pruritus. Cold feeling in thighs after menstruation. Sensation of swelling of labia and of clitoris.Respiratory.--
Cough from excessive use of voice; "minister's sore throat"; sharp pain in larynx. Hoarseness. Harassing, dry cough.Heart.--
Palpitation; rapid but weak. Dropsy. After heart symptoms relieved, piles or menses return. Chest-pains alternate with hæmorrhoids. Oppression, faintness, and dyspna (Acon ferox).Modalities.--
Worse, from the slightest mental emotion or excitement; cold. Better, heat.Relationship.--
Antidote: Nux.Compare: Aescul; Aloes; Hamam; Lycopus; Negundo; Sulph; Nux.
Tincture, to third attenuation. Higher potencies where there is organic heart affection.Often indicated in the transition season when the air is cold, but the sun is still powerful enough to heat the blood.
Develops most of its symptoms in the abdomen and head, causing intense neuralgias. It is especially suitable for irritable persons easily angered, and ill effects therefrom. Women with copious menstruation, and of sedentary habits. Persons with a tendency to corpulency. The neuralgic pains are nearly always relieved by pressure. Cramps and twitching and shortening of muscles. Constrictions and contractions. Cystospasm following operations on orifices (Hyper). Urinous odor of perspiration (Berb; Nitr ac). Agonizing pain in abdomen, causing patient to bend double, is most characteristic. Sensations; cutting, twisting, grinding, contracting and bruised; as if clamped with iron bands.
Extremely irritable. Becomes angry when questioned. Mortification caused by offense. Anger, with indignation (Cham; Bry; Nux).Head.--
Vertigo when turning head to the left. Lateral cutting headache, with nausea, vomiting. Pains (better pressure and heat), with soreness of scalp. Burning pains, digging, rending, and tearing. Frontal headache; worse, stooping, lying on back, and moving eyelids.Eyes.--
Pains sharp, boring, better pressure. Sensation on stooping, as if eye would fall out. Gouty affections of eyes. Violent pain in eyeballs which precede the development of glaucoma.Face.--
Tearing, shooting, and swelling of face; left side great soreness. Get relief from pressure (China). Neuralgia, with chilliness; teeth seem too long. Sounds re-echo in ears. Pain in stomach, always with pain of teeth or head.Stomach.--
Very bitter taste. Tongue rough, as from sand, and feels scalded. Canine hunger. Feeling in stomach as if something would not yield; drawing pain.Abdomen.--
Agonizing cutting pain in abdomen causing patient to end over double, and pressing on the abdomen. Sensation as if stones were being ground together in the abdomen, and would burst. Intestines feel as if bruised. Colic with cramps in calves. Cutting in abdomen, especially after anger. Each paroxysm is attended with general agitation and a chill over the cheeks, ascending from the hypogastrium. Pain in small spot below navel. Dysenteric stool renewed each time by the least food or drink. Jelly-like stools. Musty odor. Distention.Female.--
Boring pain in ovary. Must draw up double, with great restlessness. Round, small cystic tumors in ovaries or broad ligaments. Wants abdomen supported by pressure. Bearing-down cramps, causing her to bend double (Opium).Urine.--
Intense burning along urethra during stool. Vesical catarrh, discharge like fresh white of egg. Viscid (Phos acid) fetid; small quantities, with frequent urging. Itching at orifice. Red, hard crystals, adhering firmly to vessel. Tenesmus of bladder. Pains on urinating over whole abdomen.Extremities.--
Contraction of muscles. All the limbs are drawn together. Pain in right deltoid (Guaco). Cramp-like pain in hip; lies on affected side; pain from hip to knee. Spontaneous luxation of the hip-joints. Stiffness of joints and shortening of tendons. Sciatic pain, left side, drawing, tearing; better, pressure and heat; worse, gentle touch. Contraction of the muscles. Pain down right thigh; muscles and tendons feel too short; numbness with pains (Gnaphal). Pain in left knee joint.Modalities.--
Worse, from anger and indignation. Better, doubling up, hard pressure, warmth, lying with head bent forward.Relationship.--
Antidote: Coffea; Staphis; Cham. Colocynth is the best antidote to lead poisoning (Royal).Compare: Lobelia erinus (violent cork-screw-like pains in abdomen). Dipodium punctatum (Writhing. Twisting like a dying snake. Intractable insomnia). Dioscor; Chamom; Coccul; Merc; Plum; Magn phos.
Sixth to thirtieth potency.Important eye and skin symptoms. Affections of antrum. Sacro-iliac and abdominal pain. Throbbing pains worse by heat. Pain in joints and ankles.
Ciliary neuralgia with eyes feeling large and protruded, especially right. Worse, near warm stove; feels as if pressed outward. Sees only glimmer of light with left eye. Glaucoma, sense of fullness; eyeball feels too large. Motion of eyes aggravates.Face.--
Swollen, with eyes projecting.Skin.--
Itches, red and pimples. Redness all over, like scarlatina. Erysipelas. Deep ulcers, with hard edges. Leprosy. Red stripes on skin (Euphorb). Eczema (papular) of the trunk and extremities; also pustular type.Chest.--
Acute pain in left mammary gland. Pain from right side of chest down arm to fingers. Cough with pain under left breast, going through to left scapula.Modalities.--
Better, open air, scratching; by motion. Worse, touch, warmth, rest; night.Relationship.--
Compare: Rhus; Anacard; Euphorb.Dose.--
First to thirtieth potency.CONIUM MACULATUM
Poison Hemlock
(CONIUM)An old remedy, rendered classical by Plato's graphic description of its employment in the death of Socrates. The ascending paralysis it produces, ending in death by failure of respiration, shows the ultimate tendency of many symptoms produced in the provings, for which Conium is an excellent remedy, such as difficult gait, trembling, sudden loss of strength while walking, painful stiffness of legs. etc. Such a condition is often found in old age, a time of weakness, languor, local congestions, and sluggishness. This is the special environment that Conium choose to manifest its action. It corresponds to the debility, hypochondriasis, urinary troubles, weakened memory, sexual debility found here. Trouble at the change of life, old and bachelors. Growth of tumors invite it also. General feeling as if bruised by blows. Great debility in the morning in bed. Weakness of body and mind, trembling, and palpitation. Cancerous diathesis. Arterio-sclerosis. Caries of sternum. Enlarged glands. Acts on the glandular system, engorging and indurating it, altering its structure like scrofulous and cancerous conditions. Tonic after grippe. Insomnia of multiple neuritis.
Excitement causes mental depression. Depressed, timid, averse to society, and afraid of being alone. No inclination for business or study; takes no interest in anything. Memory weak; unable to sustain 'any mental effort.Head.--
Vertigo, when lying down, and when turning over in bed, when turning head sidewise, or turning eyes; worse, shaking head, slight noise or conversation of others, especially towards the left. Headache, stupefying, with nausea and vomiting of mucus, with a feeling as of foreign body under the skull. Scorched feeling on top. Tightness as if both temples were compressed; worse after a meal. (Gels.; Atropine.) Bruised, semilateral pains. Dull occipital pain on rising in morning.Eyes.--
Photophobia and excessive lachrymation. Corneal pustules. Dim-sighted; worse, artificial light. On closing eyes, he sweats. Paralysis of ocular muscles. (Caust.) In superficial inflammations, as in phlyctenular conjunctivitis and keratitis. The slightest ulceration or abrasion will cause the intensest photophobia.Ears.--
Defective hearing; discharge from ear blood colored.Nose.--
Bleeds easily-becomes sore. Polypus.Stomach.--
Soreness about the root of tongue. Terrible nausea, acrid heartburn and acid eructations; worse on going to bed. Painful spasms of the stomach. Amelioration from eating and aggravation a few hours after meals; acidity and burning; painful spot the level of the sternum.Abdomen.--
Severe aching in and around the liver. Chronic jaundice, and pains in right hypochondrium. Sensitive, bruised, swollen, knife-like pains. Painful tightness.Stool.--
Frequent urging; hard, with tenesmus. Tremulous weakness after every stool. (Verat.; Ars.; Arg. n.) Heat and burning in rectum during stool.Urine.--
Much difficulty in voiding. It flows and stops again. (Ledum.) Interrupted discharge. (Clematis.) Dribbling in old men. (Copaiva.)Male.--
Desire increased; power decreased. Sexual nervousness, with feeble erection. Effects of suppressed sexual appetite. Testicles hard and enlarged.Female.--
Dysmenorrha, with drawing-down thighs. Mammæ lax and shrunken, hard, painful to touch. Stitches in nipples. Wants to press breast hard with hand. Menses delayed and scanty; parts sensitive. Breasts enlarge and become painful before and during menses. (Calc. c.; Lac can.) Rash before menses. Itching around pudenda. Unready conception. Induration of os and cervix. Ovaritis; ovary enlarged, indurated; lancinating pain. Ill effects of repressed sexual desire or suppressed menses, or from excessive indulgence. Leucorrha after micturition.Respiratory.--
Dry cough, almost continuous, hacking; worse, evening and at night; caused by dry spot in larynx with itching in chest and throat, when lying down, talking or laughing, and during pregnancy. Expectoration only after long coughing. Want of breath on taking the least exercise; oppressed breathing, constriction of chest; pains in chest.Back.--
Dorsal pain between shoulders. Ill effects of bruises and shocks to spine. Coccyodynia. Dull aching in lumbar and sacral region.Extremities.--
Heavy, weary, paralyzed; trembling; bands unsteady; fingers and toes numb. Muscular weakness, especially of lower extremities. Perspiration of hands. Putting feet on chair relieves pain.Skin.--
Axillary glands pain, with numb feeling down arm. Induration after contusions. Yellow skin, with papular eruption; yellow finger-nails. Glands enlarged and indurated, also mesenteric. Flying stitches through the glands. Tumors, piercing pains; worse, at night. Chronic ulcers with fetid discharge. Sweat as soon as one sleeps, or even when closing eyes. Night and morning sweat, with offensive odor, and smarting in skin.Modalities.--
Worse, lying down, turning or rising in bed; celibacy; before and during menses, from taking cold, bodily or mental exertion. Better, while fasting, in the dark, from letting limbs hang down, motion and pressure.Relationship.--
Compare: Scirrhinum-Cancer nosode- (cancerous diathesis; enlarged glands; cancer of breast; worms); Baryt.; Hydrast.; Iod.; Kali phos.; Hyos.; Curare.Dose.--
Best in higher potencies given infrequently, especially for growths, paretic states, etc. Otherwise sixth to thirtieth.
Lily of the ValleyA heart remedy. Increases energy of hearts' action, renders it more regular. Of use when the ventricles are overdistended and dilatation begins, and when there is an absence of compensatory hypertrophy, and when venous stasis is marked. Dyspna, dropsy, aneuric tendency. Anasarca.
Mind and Head.--
Dull intellect. Grieves easily. Dull headache; worse, ascending, hawking. Scalp sensitive. Irritability. Hysterical manifestations.Face.--
Hydroa in nose and lips; raw and sore. Epistaxis. Sees imaginary gray spot about three inches square.Mouth.--
Grating of teeth in the morning. Coppery taste. Tongue feels sore and scalded; broad and thick with heavy, dirty coating.Throat.--
Raw feeling in back of throat when inspiring.Abdomen.--
Sensitive. Clothes feel too tight. Gurgling and pain on taking deep breath. Movement in abdomen like fist of a child. Colicky pains.Urinary Organs.--
Aching in bladder; feels distended. Frequent urination; offensive; scanty urine.Female.--
Great soreness in uterine region, with sympathetic palpitation of heart. Pain in sacro-iliac joints, running down leg. Itching at urinary meatus and vaginal orifice.Respiratory.--
Pulmonary congestion. Orthopnea. Dyspna while walking. Hot feeling in throat.Heart.--
Feeling as if heart beat throughout the chest. Endocarditis, with extreme orthopnea. Sensation as if heart ceased beating, then starting very suddenly. Palpitation from the least exertion. Tobacco heart, especially when due to cigarettes. Angina pectoris. Extremely rapid and irregular pulse.Back and Extremities.--
Pain and aching in lumbar region; aching of legs; in big toe. Trembling of hands. Aching in wrists and ankles.Fever.--
Chilly in back and down spine, followed by fever, little sweat. Thirst and headache during chill. Dyspna during fever.Relationship.--
Compare: Digit; Crataeg; Lilium; Adonis (feeble heart action due only to functional disturbance).Modalities.--
Better, in open air. Worse, in warm room.Dose.--
Third attenuation, and for symptoms of heart failure, tincture, one to fifteen drops.
Balsam of Copaiva
(COPAIVA)Acts powerfully on mucous membranes, especially that of the urinary tract, the respiratory organs, and the skin, here producing a well-marked nettle-rash. Cold and catarrhs.
Excessive sensitiveness; pain in occiput. Dull, frontal headache, passes to occiput and back again, with throbbing, worse right side and motion. Scalp sensitive. Sensitive to sharp sounds.Nose.--
Rawness and soreness of nostrils with stopped-up feeling; dryness of posterior nares. Profuse, thick, fetid discharge from nasal passages, running down throat at night. Burning and dryness, crusts on turbinated bones. Marked catarrhal condition in upper respiratory tract.Stomach.--
Food seems too salty. Gastric troubles during menstruation or following urticaria. Gas and intestinal flatulence, urging to stool and difficult passage with pain.Urinary.--
Burning pressure; painful micturition by drops. Retention, with pain in bladder, anus, and rectum. Catarrh of bladder; dysuria. Swelling of orifice. Constant desire to urinate. Urine smells of violets. Greenish, turbid color; peculiar pungent odor.Rectum.--
Mucous Colitis. Stools covered with mucus, with colic and chilliness. Burning and itching of anus, caused by piles.Male.--
Testicles sensitive and swollen.Female.--
Itching of vulva and anus, with bloody purulent discharge. Profuse, strong-smelling menstrual discharge, with pains radiating to hip bones, with nausea.Respiratory.--
Cough, with profuse, gray, purulent expectoration. Tickling in larynx, trachea, and bronchi. Bronchial catarrh, with profuse greenish, offensive discharge.Skin.--
Hives, with fever and constipation. Roseola. Erysipelatous inflammation, especially around abdomen. Circumscribed lenticular patches, with itching; mottled appearance. Chronic urticaria in children. Bullous eruptions.Relationship.--
Antidotes: Bell; Merc.Compare: Santalum--(aching in kidneys); Cannab; Canth; Barosma; Cubeb; Apis; Vespa; Erig; Senecio; Sepia.
First to third attenuation.
Red Coral
(CORALLIUM)The provings of coral develop much coryza and epistaxis, and even ulceration within the nostrils. It is to be thought of for whooping and spasmodic coughs, especially when the attack comes on with a very rapid cough, and the attacks follow so closely as to almost run into each other. Often preceded by sensation of smothering, followed by exhaustion. Congestion of face after dinner. Patient becomes purple in face. Violence of paroxysm, even with expectoration of blood. Feeling as if cold air were streaming through skull and air-passages. One is too cold when uncovered and too hot when covered; relieved by artificial heat.
Feels very large; violent pain as if parietal bones were forced apart; worse stooping. Eyes hot and painful. Deep-seated frontal headache with severe pain back of eyeballs. Pain aggravated by breathing cold air through nose.Nose.--
Odors of smoke, onions, etc. Painful ulcer in nostrils. Post-nasal catarrh. Profuse secretion of mucus dropping through posterior nares; air feels cold. Dry coryza; nose stopped up and ulcerated. Epistaxis.Mouth.--
Food tastes like sawdust. Bread tastes like straw. Beer tastes sweet. Pain in articulation of left lower jaw. Craves salt.Respiratory.--
Hawking of profuse mucus. Throat very sensitive, especially to air. Profuse, nasal catarrh. Inspired air feels cold (Cistus). Profuse secretion of mucus dropping through posterior nares. Dry, spasmodic, suffocative cough; very rapid cough, short, barking. Cough with great sensitiveness of air-passages; feel cold on deep inspiration. Continuous hysterical cough. Feels suffocated and greatly exhausted after whooping-cough.Male.--
Ulcers on glans and inner prepuce, with yellow ichor. Emissions and weakened sexual power. Profuse perspiration of genitals.Skin.--
Red, flat ulcers. Coral-colored, then dark red spots, changing to copper-colored spots. Psoriasis of palms and soles.Modalities.--
Worse in open air, changing from a warm too cold room.Relationship.--
Complementary: Sulph.Compare: Bellad; Droser; Mephit; Caust.
Third to thirtieth attenuation.
Crawley Root
(CORALLORHIZA)Hectic fever, coming on 9 to 10 am, and lasting till midnight. Intensely nervous and restless, burning of palms and soles; no thirst, chill or perspiration. Can bear only slightest covering.
Round-leaved DogwoodChronic malaria, hepatitis, jaundice. Weakness in morning. Pain in pit of stomach, with distended abdomen. Vesicular eruption associated with chronic liver disease or aphthous stomatitis.
Ulceration of tongue, gums and mouth; aphthæ. Burning in mouth, throat and stomach.Stool.--
Loose, windy, dark stool, immediately after dinner. Burning in anus. Dark, bilious, offensive diarrha, with sallow complexion.Skin.--
Vesicular eczema of face in infants, with nursing sore mouth.Relationship.--
Compare: Cornus alternifolia-Swamp Walnut--(Weak and tired; disturbed sleep, fever, restlessness, eczema; skin cracked; chest feels cold, as if full of ice); Cornus florida (chronic malaria; indigestion and distressing acid heartburn; general debility from loss of fluids and night sweats; neuralgic pains in arms, chest, and trunk, and sensation as if broken in two; intermittent fever, with drowsiness; feels cold, but is warm to touch; great exhaustion in intervals; general clammy sweat. Chill is preceded by drowsiness, heat is associated with drowsiness. Headache after quinine).Dose.--
Tincture to sixth attenuation.
(CORYDALIS - DICENTRA CANADENSIS)Syphilitic affections. Ulcers of mouth and fauces. Cancer cachexia pronounced. Gummata and night-pains. Chronic diseases, with atony. Tongue clean, broad, and full. Tissues flabby, doughy, cold. Gastric catarrh (Hydrast).
Dry, scaly scabs on face of old people. Lymphatic glands swollen.Relationship.--
Nit ac; Kali iod; Fluor ac.Dose.--
Tincture, twenty drops three times a day.
(COTYLEDON)Marked action on heart; oppression of chest; fullness in throat. Epilepsy. Numb aching in muscular and fibrous tissue. Sciatica. Well-marked pains through the breast to scapula. Catarrh of larynx and trachea. Hysterical joint.
Lost, confused feeling. Could not articulate for some time on awaking. Pressing vertex headache. Ailments from suppressed emotion. Feeling as if a part of the body were absent.Breast.--
Pain under left nipple, and aching in right breast. Pain through to scapula from region of left breast. Pain at angles of scapulæ. Full, bursting feeling, as if from obstruction at heart. Choking fullness in throat. Breathing oppressed.Extremities.--
Aching in back and thighs. Aching in all joints. Skin sensitive, rubbing of trousers causes an acute sting. Legs and arms feel heavy and sore.Relationship.--
Compare: Ambra; Asafoet; Hepatica; Ignatia; Laches.Dose.--
Tincture to third potency.
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