A South American shrub cultivated in Southern California. It is a terebrinthine diuretic. It has also tonic and chologogue properties, used in the treatment of nasal catarrh, jaundice, dyspepsia and to increase the secretion of bile (Albert Schneider). Useful in the uric acid diathesis, cystitis, gonorrha, prostatitis, dysuria, vesical catarrh with suppurative prostatic conditions; post-gonorrhal urinary conditions; cholethiasis and liver affections. Vesical tenesmus and burning after urination. Excoriating urine and calculi.
Ten to twenty drops of the tincture.
(FAGOPYRUM)Its action on the skin, producing pruritus, is very marked. Visible pulsation of arteries. Fluent coryza. Offensive excretions. Itching erythema. Pruritus senilis. Post-nasal catarrh; dry crusts, granular appearance of posterior nares with itching.
Inability to study or remember. Depressed and irritable. Itching of eyes and ears. Pains deep in head, with upward pressure. Itching in and around eyes and ears. Head hot, better bending backward, with tired neck. Occipital headache. Bursting pains. Cerebral hyperæmia.Nose.--
Sore, red, inflamed. Fluent coryza, with sneezing, followed by dryness and crust formation.Eyes.--
Itching and smarting, swelling, heat and soreness.Throat.--
Soreness and feeling of excoriation, deep down pharynx. Uvula elongated, tonsils swollen.Stomach.--
Eructations of scalding, hot, acid, watery substance; better, coffee. Bad taste in the morning. Persistent, morning nausea. Drooling.Heart.--
Pain around heart, better lying on back, extending to left shoulder and arm. Throbbing in all arteries after retiring. Palpitation with oppression. Pulse irregular, intermittent, rapid. Light feeling in chest.Female.--
Pruritus vulvæ, with yellow leucorrha, worse, rest. Burning in right ovary.Extremities.--
Stiffness and bruised sensation in the muscles of the neck, with sensation as if nape of neck could not support head. Pain in shoulder, with pain along fingers. Vehement itching in arms and legs; worse towards evening. Feet numb and pricking. Streaking pains in arms and legs.Skin.--
Itching; better by bathing in cold water; worse scratching, touch and retiring. Sore red blotches. Blind boils. Itching of knees and elbows and hairy portions. Itching of hands, deep in. Vesicular, pustular, phlegmonous dermatitis. Skin hot, swollen.Modalities.--
Better, cold water, coffee; worse, in afternoon; from sunlight, scratching.Relationship.--
Compare: Dolichos; Bovista; Urtica.Dose.--
Third potency and 12x.Increases the duodenal secretion, emulsifies fats and increases the peristaltic action of the intestines. Liquefies bile and acts as a purgative and chologogue. Disordered digestion, diarrha, and pain in nape of neck are among its chief symptoms. Obstruction of gall ducts. Biliary calculi. Jaundice.
Eructations, gurgling in stomach and epigastric region. Violent peristaltic movements. Tendency to sleep after eating.Relationship.--
Compare: Merc dulc; Cholesterin. In Biliary Lithiasis, China. Calculobili-Triturate Gall stones-10-12x (Gall stones).Dose.--
Lower triturations. Purified oxgall 1 to 10 gr.Best adapted to young weakly persons, anæmic and chlorotic, with pseudo-plethora, who flush easily; cold extremities; oversensitiveness; worse after any active effort. Weakness from mere speaking or walking though looking strong. Pallor of skin, mucous membranes, face, alternating with flushes. Orgasms of blood to face, chest, head, lungs, etc. Irregular distribution of blood. Pseudo-plethora. Muscles flabby and relaxed.
Irritability. Slight noises unbearable. Excited from slightest opposition. Sanguine temperament.Head.--
Vertigo on seeing flowing water. Stinging headache. Ringing in ears before menses. Hammering, pulsating, congestive headache; pain extends to teeth, with cold extremities. Pain in back of head, with roaring in neck. Scalp painful. Must take down the hair.Eyes.--
Watery, dull red; photophobia; letters run together.Face.--
Fiery-red and flushed from least pain, emotion, or exertion. Red parts become white, bloodless and puffy.Nose.--
Mucous membrane relaxed, boggy, anæmic, pale.Mouth.--
Pain in teeth; relieved by icy-cold water. Earthy, pasty taste, like rotten eggs.Stomach.--
Voracious appetite, or absolute loss of appetite. Loathing of sour things. Attempts to eat bring on diarrha. Spits up food by the mouthful (Phos). Eructations of food after eating, without nausea. Nausea and vomiting after eating. Vomiting immediately after eating. Vomiting after midnight. Intolerance of eggs. Distention and pressure in the stomach after eating. Heat and burning in stomach. Soreness of abdominal walls. Flatulent dyspepsia.Stool.--
Undigested, at night, while eating or drinking, painless. Ineffectual urging; stool hard, followed by backache or cramping pain in rectum; prolapsus recti; itching of anus, especially young children.Urine.--
Involuntary; worse daytime. Tickling in urethra extending to bladder.Female.--
Menses remit a day or two, and then return. Discharge of long pieces from uterus. Women who are weak, delicate, chlorotic, yet have a fiery-red face. Menses too early, too profuse, last too long; pale, watery. Sensitive vagina. Tendency to abortion. Prolapse of vagina.Respiratory.--
Chest oppressed; breathing difficult. Surging of blood to chest. Hoarseness. Cough dry, spasmodic. Hæmoptysis (Millefol). With the cough pain in occiput.Heart.--
Palpitation; worse, movement. Sense of oppression. Anæmic murmur. Pulse full, but soft and yielding; also, small and weak. Heart suddenly bleeds into the blood vessels, and as suddenly draws a reflux, leaving pallor of surface.Extremities.--
Rheumatism of the shoulder. Dropsy after loss of vital fluids. Lumbago; better, slow walking. Pain in hip-joint, tibia, soles, and heel.Skin.--
Pale; flushes readily; pits on pressure.Fever.--
General coldness of extremities; head and face hot. Chill at 4 am. Heat in palms and soles. Profuse, debilitating sweat.Modalities.--
Better, walking slowly about. Better after rising. Worse, while sweating; while sitting still. After cold washing and overheating. Midnight aggravation.Relationship.--
Antidotes: Ars; Hep.Complementary.: Chin; Alum; Hamamel.
Compare: Rumex (similar in respiratory and digestive sphere and contains organic iron).
Ferrum aceticum
(alkaline urine in acute diseases. Pain in right deltoid. Epistaxis; especially adapted to thin, pale, weak children who grow rapidly and are easily exhausted; varices of the feet; copious expectoration of greenish pus; asthma; worse, sitting still and lying; phthisis, constant cough, vomiting of food after eating, hæmoptysis).Ferrum arsenicum
(enlarged liver and spleen, with fever; undigested stool; albuminuria). Simple and pernicious anæmia and chlorosis. Skin dry. Eczema, psoriasis, impetigo (Use 3x trituration).Ferrum bromatum
(sticky, excoriating leucorrha; uterus heavy and prolapsed, scalp feels numb).Ferrum cyanatum
(neuroses with irritable weakness and hypersensitiveness, especially of a periodical character; epilepsy; cardialgia, with nausea, flatulence, constipation, alternating with diarrha; chorea).Ferrum magneticum
(small warts on hands)Ferrum muriaticum
(Arrested menstruation; tendency to seminal emissions or copious urination at puberty; very dark, watery stools; diphtheria; phlegmonous erysipelas; pyelitis; hæmoptysis of dark, clotty blood; dyspareunia; pain in right shoulder, right elbow, and marked tendency to cramps and round red spots on cheeks; bright crystals in urine. Anæmia, 3x, after meals. Tincture 1-5 drops 3 times daily for chronic interstitial nephritis).Ferrum sulphuricum
(Watery and painless stools; menorrhagia pressing, throbbing between periods with rush of blood to head. Basedow's disease. Erethism. Pain in gall-bladder; toothache; acidity; eructation of food in mouthfuls); Ferrum pernitricum (cough, with florid complexion); Ferrum tartaricum (cardialgia; heat at cardiac orifice of stomach).Ferrum protoxalatum
(Anæmia). Use 1x trit. Compare also; Graph; Mangan; Cupr.Dose.--
States of debility where the blood is poor in hematin require material doses; plethoric, hæmorrhagic conditions call for small doses, from the second to the sixth potency.Scrofulous affections, glandular enlargements, and tumors call for this remedy. Crops of boils. Acute nephritis following eruptive diseases. Uterine displacements. Body emaciated Anæmia Exophthalmic goitre following suppression of menses. Debility following drain upon vital forces. Impetigo of the cheek.
Food seems to push up into throat, as if it had not been swallowed.Abdomen.--
Fullness, even after a little food; stuffed feeling, as if she could not lean forward.Throat.--
Sore, as if of a splinter, shooting in different directions. Hoarse.Respiratory.--
Coryza; discharge of mucus from nose, trachea, and larynx. Pressure beneath sternum. Scrofulous swelling of nose. Chest feels oppressed. Hæmoptysis.Urinary.--
Urine dark. Sweet smelling. Crawling sensation in urethra and rectum. Sensation as if urine were stopped at fossa navicularis. Difficulty in retaining urine. Incontinence in anæmic children.Female.--
On sitting, feeling as if something pressed upward in vagina. Much bearing down. Retroversion and prolapse of uterus. Leucorrha like boiled starch. Menses suppressed or scanty. Itching and soreness of vulva and vagina.Dose.--
Third trituration. Does not keep long.Marked symptoms in intestinal tract. Pain in nape of neck. Paralytic weakness. Small warts on hands.
During a meal, flatulence; afterwards lassitude taciturn and hot, pain in epigastrium, especially on breathing.Abdomen.--
Movements and grumbling in abdomen. Loose evacuations with much flatulency, especially left side with pullings in legs. Abundant and frequent emission of fetid flatus.Dose.--
Third potency.
Phosphate of IronIn the early stages of febrile conditions, it stands midway between sthenic activity of Aconite and Bell, and the asthenic sluggishness and torpidity of Gels. The typical Ferr phos subject is not full blooded and robust, but nervous, sensitive, anæmic with the false plethora and easy flushing of Ferrum. Prostration marked; face more active than Gels. The superficial redness never assumes the dusky hue of Gels. Pulse soft and flowing; no anxious restlessness of Acon. Susceptibility to chest troubles. Bronchitis of young children. In acute exacerbation of tuberculosis, a fine palliative of wonderful power. Corresponds to Grauvogl's Oxygenoid Constitution, the inflammatory, febrile, emaciating, wasting consumptive.
The remedy for first stage of all febrile disturbances and inflammations before exudation sets in; especially for catarrhal affections of the respiratory tract. Ferr phos. 3x increases hemoglobin. In pale, anæmic subjects, with violent local congestions. Hæmorrhages, bright from any orifice.
Soreness to touch, cold, noise jar. Rush of blood to head. Ill effects of sun-heat. Throbbing sensation. Vertigo. Headache better cold applications.Eyes.--
Red, inflamed, with burning sensation. Feeling as of sand under lids. Hyperæmia of optic disc and retina, with blurred vision.Ears.--
Noises. Throbbing. First stage of otitis. Membrana tympani red and bulging. Acute otitis; when Bellad fails, prevents suppuration.Nose.--
First stage of colds in the head. Predisposition to colds. Epistaxis; bright red blood.Face.--
Flushed; cheeks sore and hot. Florid complexion. Facial neuralgia; worse, shaking head and stooping.Throat.--
Mouth hot; fauces red, inflamed. Ulcerated sore throat. Tonsils red and swollen. Eustachian tubes inflamed. Sore throat of singers. Subacute laryngitis with fauces inflamed and red (2x). After operations on throat and nose to control bleeding and relieve soreness. First stage of diphtheria. Ranula in vascular, sanguine constitutions.Stomach.--
Aversion to meat and milk. Desire for stimulants. Vomiting of undigested food. Vomiting of bright red blood. Sour eructations.Abdomen.--
First stage of peritonitis. Hæmorrhoids. Stools watery, bloody, undigested. First stage of dysentery, with much blood in discharges.Urinary.--
Urine spurts with every cough. Incontinence. Irritation at neck of bladder. Polyuria. Diurnal enuresis.Female.--
Menses every three weeks, with bearing-down sensation and pain on top of head. Vaginismus. Vagina dry and hot.Respiratory.--
First stage of all inflammatory affections. Congestions of lungs. Hæmoptysis. Short, painful tickling cough. Croup. Hard, dry cough, with sore chest. Hoarseness. Expectoration of pure blood in pneumonia (Millefol). Cough better at night.Heart.--
Palpitation; pulse rapid. First stage of cardiac diseases. Short, quick, soft pulse.Extremities.--
Stiff neck. Articular rheumatism. Crick in back. Rheumatic pain in shoulder; pains extend to chest and wrist. Whitlow. Palms hot. Hands swollen and painful.Sleep.--
Restless and sleepless. Anxious dreams. Night sweats of anæmia.Fever.--
Chill daily at 1 pm. All catarrhal and inflammatory fevers; first stage.Modalities.--
Worse, at night and 4 to 6 pm; touch, jar, motion, right side. Better, cold applications.Relationship.--
Compare: (Oxygenoid Constitution. Acon; China; Arsenic; Graphit; Petrol). Ferrum pyrophosph (congestion of brain and headache following great loss of blood; tarsal cysts); Acon; Gelsem; China.Dose.--
Third to twelfth potency.
Picrate of IronIs considered a great remedy to complete the action of other medicines. The symptom that specially calls for it is failure of the function of an organ under exertion; e g, the voice fails after public speaking. Acts best in dark-haired patients, plethoric, with sensitive livers. Warts and epithelial growths; corns with yellowish discoloration. Senile hypertrophy of the prostate. Epistaxis. Chronic deafness and tinnitus due to gout. Meatus dry. Pseudo-leucæmia.
Deafness before menses. Crackling in ears and low-pitched voice. Vascular deafness. Dental neuralgia, radiating towards ears and eyes. Humming in ears as from telegraph wires. Tinnitus.Stomach.--
Indigestion, furred tongue, headache after meals, especially in bilious, dark-haired persons.Urinary.--
Pain along entire urethra. Frequent micturition at night, with full feeling and pressure in rectum. Smarting at neck of bladder and penis (Barosma). Retention of urine.Extremities.--
Pain in right side of neck and down right arm. Locomotor ataxia, ocular stage. Hands covered with warts.Dose.--
Second and third trituration.This East Indian drug causes and cures hæmorrhages of many kinds. Hæmatemesis, menorrhagia, hæmoptysis, etc. Bloody urine.
Melancholic-quiet; burning at vertex; vertigo and slight headache.Stomach.--
Nausea, vomiting of bright red blood; pain and sick feeling in stomach.Respiratory.--
Difficult breathing; cough with vomiting of blood; pulse very weak.Relationship.--
Compare: Acalypha; Millefol; Thlaspi; Ipecac.Dose.--
First potency.
Male Fern
(ASPIDIUM)A remedy for worm symptoms, especially with constipation. Tapeworm. Soporific conditions. Torpid inflammations of lymphatic glands (Maceration of fresh root). Pulmonary tuberculosis in young patients, no fever, with limited, ulcerated lesions, formerly classified as scrofula.
Blindness, monocular amblyopia.Abdomen.--
Bloated.--Gnawing-pain; worse eating sweets. Diarrha and vomiting. Worm colic, with itching of nose, pale face, blue rings around eyes. Painless hiccough.Relationship.--
Compare: Aspidium Alhamanticum.--Panna -3 doses, 2 grammes each, all in half hour, fasting in a glass of milk. Tasteless and will remove tape worm. Cina; Granat; Kousso.Dose.--
First to third potency. For the expulsion of tapeworm, a full dose of 1/2 to 1 dram of the Oleoresin, fasting.
Hydrofluoric AcidEspecially adapted to chronic diseases with syphilitic and mercurial history. Glabella region bloated. Acts especially upon lower tissues, and indicated in deep, destructive processes, bedsores, ulcerations, varicose veins, and ulcers. Patient is compelled to move about energetically. Complaints of old age, or the prematurely aged, with weak, distended blood vessels. Hob-nailed liver of alcoholics. Goitre (Dr. Woakes) (Kali fluoride produced bronchocele in dogs). Early decay of teeth. Old cases of nightly fevers, coming on periodically.
Indifference towards those loved best; inability to realize responsibility; buoyancy. Mentally elated and gay.Head.--
Alopecia. Caries of skin. Pressure on sides of head from within outward. Caries of ossicles and mastoid, with copious discharge; worse warmth (Silica; worse cold). Exostosis.Eyes.--
Sensation as of wind blowing through eyes. Lachrymal fistula. Violent itching of inner canthus.Nose.--
Chronic nasal catarrh with ulceration of the septum; nose obstructed and dull heavy pain in forehead.Mouth.--
Dental fistula, with persistent bloody, salty discharge. Syphilitic ulceration of throat, which is very sensitive to cold. Teeth feel warm. Affects teeth and bones of upper jaw.Stomach.--
Heaviness and weight in stomach heat in stomach before meals. Sour eructations. Averse to coffee, wants fancy dishes. Stomach symptoms relieved by tight clothes. Desire for highly seasoned food. Craves cold water, hungry. Warm drinks produce diarrha.Abdomen.--
Soreness over liver. Flatus and eructations.Stool.--
Bilious diarrha, with aversion to coffee.Male.--
Burning in urethra. Sexual passion and desire increased with erections at night, during sleep. Swollen scrotum.Urine.--
Scanty, dark. In dropsy, produces frequent and free discharge, with great relief.Female.--
Menses copious, frequent, too long. Ulceration of uterus and os. Copious and excoriating leucorrha. Nymphomania.Respiratory.--
Oppression of chest, difficult breathing, great dyspna. Hydrothorax.Extremities.--
Inflammation of joints of fingers. Feeling as of a splinter under nail. Nails crumble. Caries and necrosis, especially of long bones. Coccygodynia. Ulcer over tibia.Skin.--
Varicose veins. Nævi. Ulcers; red edges and vesicles. Decubitus; worse, warmth. Syphilitic rupia. Itching of cicatrices. Feels as if burning vapor were emitted from pores. Itching especially of the orifices, and in spots, worse warmth. Nails grow rapidly. Periosteal abscess. Profuse, sour, offensive perspiration. Syphilitic tubercles. Dropsy of limbs in old, feeble constitutions. Atony of capillary and venous system. Tissues bloated.Modalities.--
Worse, warmth, morning, warm drinks. Better, cold while walking.Relationship.--
Compare: Thiosinaminum (action on cicatricial tissues; adhesions, strictures, tumors); Calc fluor; Silica.Complementary: Silica.
Sixth to thirtieth potency.
Crushed Live Ants
(MYRMEXINE)An arthritic medicine. Gout and articular rheumatism; pains worse, motion; better, pressure. Right side most affected. Chronic gout and stiffness in joints. Acute outbursts of gouty poisons, especially when assuming the neuralgic forms. Tuberculosis, carcinoma, and lupus; chronic nephritis. Complaints from overlifting. Apoplectic diseases. Has a marked deterrent influence on the formation of polypi.
Vertigo. Headache with cracking in left ear. Brain feels too heavy and large. Sensation as if a bubble burst in forehead. Forgetful in the evening. Exhilarated. Coryza and stopped-up feeling in nose. Rheumatic iritis. Nasal polypi.Ears.--
Ringing and buzzing. Cracking in left ear with headache. Parts around ear feel swollen. Polypi.Stomach.--
Constant pressure at the cardiac end of the stomach, and a burning pain there. Nausea, with headache, and vomiting of yellowish bitter mucus. Pain shift from stomach to vertex. Gas cannot be passed.Abdomen and Stool.--
In the morning, difficult passages of small quantities of flatus; afterwards diarrha-like urging in the rectum. Pain in bowels before stool, with shuddering chilliness. Constriction in the anus. Drawing pain around navel before stool.Urine.--
Bloody, albuminous, with much urging; quantities of urates.Respiratory.--
Hoarseness, with dry, sore throat; cough worse at night, with aching in forehead and constrictive pain in chest; pleuritic pains.Sexual.--
Seminal emissions; weakness. "Slothful to venery".Extremities.--
Rheumatic pains; stiff and contracted joints. Muscles feel strained and torn from their attachment. Weakness of lower extremities. Paraplegia. Pain in hips. Rheumatism comes on with suddenness and restlessness. Sweat does not relieve. Relief after midnight and from rubbing.Skin.--
Red, itching and burning. Nettle-rash. Nodes around joints (Ammon phos). Profuse sweat without relief.Modalities.--
Worse, cold and cold washing, dampness, before a snowstorm. Better, warmth, pressure, rubbing. Combing hair.Relationship.--
Compare: Formic acid (Chronic myalgia. Muscular pains and soreness. Gout and articular rheumatism, which appear suddenly. Pains usually worse on right side, motion and better from pressure. Failing vision. Increases muscular strength and resistance to fatigue. Feels stronger and more "fit" in ordinary walking. Marked diuretic effect, greater elimination of products of disassimilation, particularly urea. Tremor. Tuberculosis, chronic nephritis and carcinoma, lupus, etc, have been treated successfully with injections of Formic acid of a dilution corresponding to the 3d and 4th centesimal. In prescribing it for varicose veins, polypi, catarrh, Dr. J. H. Clarke orders an ounce or two of a solution of Formic acid in the proportion of one part of the acid to eleven of distilled water. Of this one teaspoonful is taken in a tablespoonful of water after food once or twice daily. Pain in aponeurosis and muscles of head, neck and shoulders before a snowstorm). Rhus; (Dulcam, Urtica and Juniperus contain Formic acid), Wood alcohol, when taken as a constituent of a beverage so common in these prohibition days, is not eliminated easily and is slowly converted into Formic acid, attacking the brain and causes death or blindness.Dr. Sylwestrowicz of the Hering Research Laboratory of Hahnemann College, Philadelphia contributes his experience with Formic Acid, as follows:
"The best field for the formic acid treatment are cases of atypical gout. Under this classification are to be mentioned disturbances in the muscles such as myositis, periostitic processes of the bones in form of doughy swellings, changes of the fascias such as Dupyutren's contraction, skin troubles such as chronic eczema, psoriasis and loss of hair, kidney disturbances such as subacute and chronic nephritis. In these cases formic acid in 12x and 30x, hypodermically 1 cc is indicated at intervals of 2-4 weeks. Eight till twelve days after the first injection an aggravation is often noticed.
In acute rheumatic fever and acute gonorrhic arthritis formic acid 6x, every six days 1 cc, sometimes 12x in sensitive patients shows often splendid results abolishing the pains and preventing reoccurrence.
Chronic arthritis needs a special discussion. Clinical experiments of the Hering research Laboratory of the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia on a great number of cases of arthritis with formic acid showed that it preferably acts on the ligaments, capsula and bursa of the joints. Such kind of cases respond very readily to treatment.
The prognosis depends to a large extent upon the etiology of the case. The most satisfactory cases are chronic arthritis in connection with gouty diathesis. Chronic arthritis following an attack of acute rheumatic fever shows also remarkable results although often pains of a neuralgic character persisting in certain spots are very stubborn. Finally chronic arthritis of traumatic nature can be cured by formic acid. In the latter case formic acid 6x showed quicker and better results than 12x or 30x which are indicated in the previous cases. In general the disappearance of the stiffness of the joint is the first sign of improvement. Then the pain and swelling cease gradually in 1-6 months time.
The prognosis of the formic acid treatment is not so favorably in chronic arthritis in which deformans processes have already taken place on the articular surfaces. Such processes in the beginning can be checked completely, advanced cases frequently show an improvement. But there is always the possibility that this improvement is only temporary. This is particularly to be expected in the cases of the so-called arthritis deformans in which even the inflammations on the ligaments and capsula are of a very progressive character".
Sixth to thirtieth attenuation.
Aqueous Solution (35 per cent) of Formaldehyde Gas
(FORMALIN)Is a powerful disinfectant and deodorant; a potent poison. Prevents growth and kills almost any pathogenic micro-organism. It seems to have the peculiar property of eating into malignant tumors, leaving the surrounding healthy tissue uncharred and unchanged. A plug of cotton wool soaked in a 20 per cent solution of Formaldehyde, and applied for a few hours, will produce a necrotic slough, which must be scraped away before the next application, otherwise it hardens.
Formalin in hot water as vapor most valuable therapeutic agent in pertussis
, phthisis, in catarrhal affections of upper air-passages.Mind.--
Forgetfulness. Anxiety. Unconscious.Head.--
Coryza; eyes water; vertigo.Mouth.--
Ptyalism, thick saliva; loss of taste.Stomach.--
Food feels as if it were a ball in stomach. Burning in mouth and stomach.Abdomen.--
Intense urging to stool, watery stools.Urinary.--
Anuria; albuminous urine.Respiratory.--
Dyspna. Laryngismus stridulus. Whooping-cough.Fever.--
Chills in forenoon, followed by long fever. Bones ache during whole paroxysm. During fever forgets where he was.Skin.--
Puckers skin like leather; wrinkles; scales off. Eczema in neighborhood of wound. Damp sweat most marked on right upper extremity.Relationship.--
Antidote: Ammonia water. Compare: Ammonium formaldehyde, known commercially as Cystogen (Dose, five to seven grains two to four times daily, dissolved in hot water, after meals. Prevents the decomposition of urine in the bladder, kidneys, and ureters. Turbid urine rendered clear and non-irritating; phosphatic deposits dissolved, and growth of pyogenic bacteria arrested). Also, Urotropin (A diuretic and solvent of uric acid concretions; relieves cystitis associated with putrefaction. Three to five grains well diluted. When administered invariably appears in the cerebro-spinal fluid and therefore advised in threatened meningeal infection).Dose.--
As vapor in hot water in respiratory affections; 1 per cent spray, otherwise 3x potency.
(FRAGARIA)Acts on digestion and mesenteric glands. Prevents formation of calculi, removes tartar from teeth and prevents attacks of gout. The fruit has refrigerant properties. Strawberries produce symptoms of poisoning in certain susceptible individuals, such as urticarial rashes (strawberry anaphylaxis). Here give Fragaria high potency.
Chilblains; worse during hot weather. Lack of mammary secretion. Psilosis (Spruce).
Tongue swollen; strawberry tongue.Skin.--
Urticaria; petechial and erysipelatous eruptions. Swelling of whole body.Relationship.--
Compare: Apis. Calcarea.
(FRACISCEA)Chronic stiffness of the muscles. Gonorrhal rheumatism. Syphilis and rheumatism, great heat over body, much aching, better sweat. Pain in back of head and spine; band-like feeling around head. Pericarditis with rheumatism. Rheumatic pains in feet and lower part of legs. Urine contains uric acid.
Tincture of Fluid Extract 10 to 60 minims.Enlargement of the uterus. Fibrous growths, subinvolution, and prolapse. Uterine tumors, with bearing-down sensations. Fever sores on lips. Cramps in feet. Cold creeping and hot flashes. Infantile eczema.
Throbbing pain in back of head. Depression, with nervous restlessness, anxiety. Hot spot on top of head.Female.--
Uterus enlarged, and patulous. Watery, unirritating leucorrha. Fibroids with bearing-down sensation, cramping in feet, worse in afternoon and night. Dysmenorrha.Abdomen.--
Tenderness in left inguinal region; bearing-down pain, extending down thigh.Relationship.--
Compare: Fraxinus excelsior-European Ash --(Gout; rheumatism. Infusion of ash-leaves. Rademacher). Galega--(Goat's Rue-Backache; debility; anæmia and impaired nutrition. Increases the quantity and quality of the milk in nursing women, also the appetite). Epiphegus; Sepia; Lilium.Dose.--
Ten to fifteen drops of tincture, three times a day.A remedy for obesity and non-toxic goitre; also exophthalmic. Digestion is furthered and flatulence diminished. Obstinate constipation; forehead feels as if compressed by an iron ring. Thyroid enlargement in obese subjects.
Compare: Phytol; Thyroidine; Badiaga; Iodum.Dose.--
Tincture, five to sixty drops three times a day before meals.
A Coloring Substance Used in Adulteration of Wine
(FUCHSINA - MAGENTA)Produces redness of ears, deep red discoloration of mouth swollen gums, with burning and tendency to salivation; deep red urine, albuminous, and light red, profuse diarrha, with abdominal pains. Cortical substance of kidneys degenerated. Useful in cortical nephritis with albuminuria.
6x to 30th potency.Acts on glandular system, mucous membranes and obstinate ulcers, epidermis, tetters, eczema. Chronic irritations of mucous membranes of mouth; pruritus-vulvæ; uterine hæmorrhage; cancer, especially of scrotum-chimney sweeper's cancer; epithelial cancers; cancer of womb with metrorrhagia; sadness, thoughts of suicide.
Compare: Kreosot.Dose.--
Sixth trituration.
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