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Cud-weed-Old Balsa

A remedy of unquestioned benefit in sciatica, when pain is associated with numbness of the part affected. Rheumatism and morning diarrhœa. Polyuria.

Face.--Intermittent pains of superior maxillary of both sides.

Abdomen.--Borborygmus. Colic; pain in various parts of the abdomen. Irritated prostate. First stage of cholera infantum; vomiting and purging.

Female.--Weight and fullness in pelvis. Dysmenorrhœa, with scanty and painful menses.

Back.--Chronic backache in lumbar region; better resting on back. Lumbago with numbness in lower part of back and weight in pelvis.

Extremities.--Cramps in calves of legs and feet when in bed. Rheumatic pain in ankle joints and legs. Intense pain along the sciatic nerve; numbness alternates with pain. Frequent pains in calves and feet. Gouty pains in big toes. Better, drawing limbs up, flexing thigh on abdomen. Gouty concretions (Ammon benz). Anterior crural neuralgia (Staph). Pain in joints as if they lacked oil. Chronic muscular rheumatism of back and neck.

Relationship.--Compare: Xanthoxyl; Chamom; Pulsat.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency.


A powerful emmenagogue, used in physiological doses. Homeopathically, it corresponds to many reflex conditions, depending on disturbed uterine function and pregnancy. Gossypium will relieve tardy menses, especially with sensation that the flow is about to start and yet does not do so. Tall, bloodless patients, with nervous chills.

Head.--Pain in cervical region with tendency for head to draw backward with nervousness.

Stomach.--Nausea, with inclination to vomit before breakfast. Anorexia, with uneasy feeling at scrobiculum at time of menses.

Female.--Labia swollen and itching. Intermittent pain in ovaries. Retained placenta. Tumor of the breast with swelling of axillary glands. Morning sickness, with sensitive uterine region. Suppressed menstruation. Menses too watery. Backache, weight and dragging in pelvis. Uterine sub-involution and fibroids, with gastric pain and debility.

Relationship.--Compare: Action similar to Ergot when made from fresh green root. Lilium; Cimicif; Sabina.

Dose.--Tincture, to sixth attenuation.


As a vermifuge for the expulsion of tapeworm, and homeopathically for the following symptomatic indications. Salivation, with nausea, and vertigo. Spasm of the glottis.

Head.--Feels empty. Sunken eyes; pupils dilated; weak sight. Vertigo very persistent.

Stomach.--Constant hunger. Poor digestion. Loses flesh. Vomiting at night.

Abdomen.--Pain in stomach and abdomen; worse about umbilicus (Cocc; Nux m; Plumb); ineffectual urging. Itching at anus. Dragging in vaginal region, as if hernia would protrude. Swelling resembling umbilical hernia.

Chest.--Oppressed, with sighing. Pain between shoulders; even clothing is oppressive.

Skin.--Itching in palms. Sensation as if pimples would break out. Jaundiced complexion.

Extremities.--Pain around shoulders, as if heavy load had been carried. Pain in all finger-joints. Tearing in knee-joint. Convulsive movements.

Relationship.--Compare: Pelletierine (one of its constituents -an anthelminitic, especially for tapeworm); Cina; Kousso.

Dose.--First to third potency.

Black Lead-Plumbago

Like all the carbons, this remedy is an anti-psoric of great power, but especially active in patients who are rather stout, of fair complexion, with tendency to skin affections and constipation, fat, chilly, and costive, with delayed menstrual history, take cold easily. Children impudent, teasing, laugh at reprimands. Has a particular tendency to develop the skin phase of internal disorders. Eradicates tendency to erysipelas. Anæmia with redness of face. Tendency to obesity. Swollen genitals. Gushing leucorrhœa. Aids absorption of cicatricial tissue. Induration of tissue. Cancer of pylorus. Duodenal ulcer.

Mind.--Great tendency to start. Timid. Unable to decide. Want of disposition to work. Fidgety while sitting at work. Music makes her weep. Apprehensive, despondency, indecision.

Head.--Rush of blood to head with flushed face also with nose bleed and distension and flatulence. Headache in morning on waking, mostly on one side, with inclination to vomit. Sensation of cobweb on forehead. Feels numb and pithy. Rheumatic pains on one side of head, extending to teeth and neck. Burning on vertex. Humid, itching eruption on hairy scalp, emitting a fetid odor. Cataleptic condition.

Eyes.--Ophthalmia, with intolerance of artificial light. Eyelids red and swollen. Blepharitis. Dryness of the lids. Eczema of lids; fissured.

Ears.--Dryness of inner ear. Cracking in ears when eating. Moisture and eruptions behind the ears. Hears better in noise. Hardness of hearing. Hissing in the ears. Detonation in ear like report of a gun. Thin, white, scaly membrane covering membrane tympani, like exfoliated epithelium. Fissures in and behind the ear.

Nose.--Sore on blowing it; is painful internally. Smell abnormally acute; cannot tolerate flowers. Scabs and fissures in nostrils.

Face.--Feels as if cobwebs were on it. Eczema of nose. Itching pimples. Moist eczema around mouth and chin. Erysipelas, burning and stinging.

Mouth.--Rotten odor from mouth. Breath smells like urine. Burning blisters on tongue, salivation. Sour eructations.

Stomach.--Aversion to meat. Sweets nauseate. Hot drinks disagree. Nausea and vomiting after each meal. Morning sickness during menstruation. Pressure in stomach. Burning in stomach, causing hunger. Eructation difficult. Constrictive pain in stomach. Recurrent gastralgia. Flatulence. Stomach pain is temporarily relieved by eating, hot drinks especially milk and lying down.

Abdomen.--Nauseous feeling in abdomen. Fullness and hardness in abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence; must loosen clothing; presses painfully at abdominal ring. Croaking in abdomen. Inguinal region sensitive, swollen. Pain of gas opposite the side on which he lies. Chronic diarrhœa, stools brownish, liquid, undigested, offensive. Very fetid gas preceded by colic.

Stool.--Constipation; large, difficult, knotty stools united by mucus threads. Burning hæmorrhoids. Prolapse, diarrhœa; stools of brown fluid, mixed with undigested substance, very fetid, sour odor. Smarting, sore anus, itching. Lump stool, conjoined with threads of mucus. Varices of the rectum. Fissure of anus (Ratanhia; Paeonia).

Urine.--Turbid, with sediment. Sour smelling.

Female.--Menses too late, with constipation; pale and scanty, with tearing pain in epigastrium, and itching before. Hoarseness, coryza, cough, sweats and morning sickness during menstruation. Leucorrhœa, pale, thin, profuse, white, excoriating, with great weakness in back. Mammæ swollen and hard. Induration of ovaries and uterus and mammæ. Nipples sore, cracked, and blistered. Decided aversion to coitus.

Male.--Sexual debility, with increased desire; aversion to coition; too early or no ejaculation; herpetic eruption on organs.

Respiratory.--Constriction of chest; spasmodic asthma, suffocative attacks wakes from sleep; must eat something. Pain in middle of chest, with cough, scraping and soreness. Chronic hoarseness with skin affections. Inability to control the vocal chords; hoarseness on beginning to sing and for breaking voice.

Extremities.--Pain in nape of neck, shoulders and back and limbs. Spinal pains. Pain in small of back with great weakness. Excoriation between thighs. Left hand numb; arms feel asleep; finger-nails thick, black, and rough, matrix inflamed (Psor; Fluor ac). Œdema of lower limbs. Toe-nails crippled. Stiffness and contraction of toes. Nails brittle and crumbling. Nails deformed, painful, sore, thick, and crippled. Cracks or fissures in ends of fingers. Offensive perspiration of feet.

Skin.--Rough, hard, persistent dryness of portions of skin unaffected by eczema. Early stage of keloid and fibroma. Pimples and acne. Eruptions, oozing out a sticky exudation. Rawness in bends of limbs, groins, neck, behind ears. Unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates. Ulcers discharging a glutinous fluid, thin and sticky. Swelling and induration of glands. Gouty nodosities. Cracks in nipples, mouth, between toes, anus. Phlegmonous erysipelas of face; burning and stinging pain. Swelling of feet. Wens. Chronic Poison Oak.

Modalities.--Worse, warmth, at night, during and after menstruation. Better, in the dark, from wrapping up.

Relationship.--Complementary: Argent nit (follows well in gastric derangements); Caustic; Hep; Lycop; Ars; Tuberc.

Compare: Petrol; Sep; Sulph; Fluor ac. The associated constipation with mucus-covered stools and gastric flatulency should be taken into consideration and differentiate it from such remedies as Petrol and Lycop (Raue).

Antidote: Nux; Acon; Ars.

Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency. Locally as a cerate, in sore nipples.

Hedge Hyssop

Acts especially on gastro-intestinal tract. Chronic catarrhal conditions, leucorrhœa and gonorrhœa. Obstinate ulcers. Useful in mental troubles from overweening pride. Especially useful in females. Nux symptoms in females often met by Gratiola.

Head.--Sick headache. Rush of blood with vanishing of sight. Sensation as if brain was contracting and head became smaller. Tightness in forehead, with wrinkles in skin. Eyes dry, burn. Myopia.

Stomach.--Vertigo during and after meals; hunger and feeling of emptiness after meals. Dyspepsia, with much distention of the stomach. Cramps and colic after supper and during night, with swelling of abdomen and constipation. Dysphagia for liquids.

Stool.--Diarrhœa; green, frothy water, followed by anal burning, forcibly evacuated without pain. Constipation, with gouty acidity. Hæmorrhoids, with hypochondriasis. Rectum constricted.


Female.--Nymphomania. Menses too profuse, premature, and too long. Leucorrhœa.

Modalities.--Worse, drinking too much water.

Relationship.--Compare: Dig; Euph; Tab; Cham; Ammon pic; Nux vom.

Dose.--Second to third potency.


Both Grindelia robusta and Grindelia squarrosa have been used for the symptoms here recorded. There is practically no difference in their action, although the G. Squarrosa is credited with more splenic symptoms, dull pains and fullness in left hypochondrium; chronic malaria; gastric pains associated with splenic congestion. Induces paralysis, beginning in extremities Its action is shown on the heart first quickening, then retarding it.

Acts on the cardio-pulmonary distribution of the pneumo-gastric in dry catarrh (Tart Emetic in muco-purulent). Produces a paresis of the pneumo-gastric, interfering with respiration. Smothering after falling asleep. Asthmatic conditions, chronic bronchitis. Bronchorrhœa with tough mucus, difficult to detach. Raises the blood pressure. Nausea and retching of gastric ulcer. Sugar in urine. An effective antidote to Rhus-poisoning, locally and internally; also for burns, blisters, vaginal catarrh and herpes zoster. Hyperchlorhydria when attended with asthmatic and other neurotic symptoms. Hyperæmia of gastric mucous membrane with difficult respiration.

Head.--Feels full, as from quinine. Pain in eyeballs, running back to brain; worse, moving eyes. Pupils dilated. Purulent ophthalmia and iritis.

Respiratory.--An efficacious remedy for wheezing and oppression in bronchitic patients. The sibilant rales are disseminated with foamy mucus, very difficult to detach. Acts on the pulmonary circulation. Asthma, with profuse tenacious expectoration, which relieves. Stops breathing when falling asleep; wakes with a star, and gasps for breath. Must sit up to breathe. Cannot breathe when lying down. Pertussis, with profuse mucous secretion (Coccus). Bronchorrhœa, with tough, whitish, mucous expectoration. Sibilant rales. Weak heart and respiration. Cannot breathe lying down. Cheyne-Stokes respiration.

Spleen.--Cutting pain in region of spleen, extending to hips. Spleen enlarged (Ceanoth; Carduus).

Skin.--Rash, like roseola, with severe burning and itching. Vesicular and papular eruptions. Herpes zoster. Itching and burning. Poison oak (locally as a wash). Ulcers, with swollen, purplish skin.

Relationship.--Compare: Tart-emet. Eriodictyon; Lach; Sanguinar.

Dose.--Tincture in 1 to 15 drop doses, also lower potencies.

Mikania, Climbing Hemp Weed

Acts on nervous system and female organs. Antidote to bites of scorpions and serpents (Golondrina). Cholera. Bulbar paralysis. Syphilis. Cancer. Deafness-tongue heavy and difficult to move. Spinal irritation. Spinal symptoms most marked and verified. Beer drinkers threatened with apoplexy. Diarrhœa and dysentery with aching in sacrum and loins.

Headache, red face. Heaviness and difficulty in moving tongue.

Throat.--Larynx and trachea constricted; difficult deglutition. Tongue feels heavy, difficult to move.

Female.--Leucorrhœa copious, corroding, putrid, debilitating. Itching and smarting at night, as if fire were running out of parts.

Urine.--Increased, cloudy, phosphatic. Pain over region of bladder.

Back.--Pain between scapulæ, extending to forearm. Burning in nape of shoulders. Pain along spine; worse, bending. Weariness through hips and lumbar region.

Extremities.--Pain in deltoid, shoulders, elbows, arms, and fingers. Pain about hip-joint. Legs heavy. Pain in ankle-joints and soles. Paralysis of lower extremities.

Modalities.--Worse, from motion.

Relationship.--Compare: Oxal ac; Lathyr; Caust.

Dose.--Third to sixth potency.

Resin of Lignum Vitæ

Chief action on fibrous tissue, and is especially adapted to the arthritic diathesis, rheumatism, and tonsillitis. Secondary syphilis. Very valuable in acute rheumatism. Free foul secretions. Unclean odor from whole body. Promotes suppuration of abscesses. Sensitiveness and aggravation from local heat. Contraction of limbs, stiffness and immobility. Feeling that he must stretch.

Mind.--Forgetful; thoughtless; staring. Slow to comprehend.

Head.--Gouty and rheumatic pain in head and face, extending to neck. Tearing pain in skull; worse, cold, wet weather. Feels swollen, and blood-vessels distended. Aching in left ear. Pains often end in a stitch, especially in head.

Eyes.--Pupils dilated. Eyelids appear too short. Pimples around eyes.

Throat.--Rheumatic sore throat with weak throat muscles. Throat dry, burns, swollen, stitches toward ear. Acute tonsillitis. Syphilitic sore throat.

Stomach.--Tongue furred. Desire for apples and other fruits. Aversion to milk. Burning in stomach. Constricted epigastric region.

Abdomen.--Intestinal fermentation. Much wind in bowels. Diarrhœa, cholera infantum.

Urinary.--Sharp stitches after urinating. Constant desire.

Respiratory.--Feels suffocated. Dry, tight cough. Fetid breath after coughing. Pleuritic stitches. Chest pains in articulations of ribs, with shortness of breathing till expectoration sets in.

Female.--Ovaritis in rheumatic patients, with irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhœa, and irritable bladder.

Back.--Pain from head to neck. Aching in nape. Stiff neck and sore shoulders. Stitches between scapulæ to occiput. Contractive pain between scapulæ.

Extremities.--Rheumatic pain in shoulders, arms and hands. Growing pains (Phos ac). Pricking in nates. Sciatica and lumbago. Gouty tearing, with contractions. Immovable stiffness. Ankle pain extending up the leg, causing lameness. Joints swollen, painful, and intolerant of pressure; can bear no heat. Stinging pain in limbs. Arthritic lancinations followed by contraction of limbs. A feeling of heat in the affected limbs.

Modalities.--Worse, from motion, heat, cold wet weather; pressure, touch, from 6 pm to 4 am. Better, external pressure.

Relationship.--Guaiacol (in the treatment of gonorrhœal epididymitis, 2 parts to 30 vaselin, locally).

Antidote: Nux. Follow Sepia.

Compare: Merc; Caust; Rhus; Mezer; Rhodod.

Dose.--Tincture, to sixth attenuation.


Contains a large percentage of Caffeine, which may explain its use as a remedy for certain forms os sick headache.

Head.--Intellectual excitement. Sick headache in persons who have used tea and coffee in excess. Throbbing headache after use of liquor.

Bowels.--Stools profuse, bloody, bright green; flakes inter-mixed; odorless. Cholera infantum.

Skin.--Chloasmata on temples and arms. Urticaria (Dulc; Apis; Chloral).

Sleep.--Uncontrollable sleepiness and heaviness of head, with flushed face after eating.

Dose.--Must be given in material doses-fifteen to sixty grains of the powder.


Eye symptoms have been verified. Chemosis and pterygium have been cured with it. Lupus of an ochre-red color.

Eyes.--Conjunctiva inflamed, swollen. Tearing pain in eyeballs; tension, forced-out feeling. Objects appear gray, upside down. Eye symptoms alternate with diminished hearing. Epiphora.

Head.--Sensation as if brain were falling forwards; as from a blow on head.

Respiratory.--Cough with sweat, pain and tightness of chest; larynx irritated.


American Coffee-tree

Sore throat, dark livid redness of fauces, and erysipelatous swelling of face are most marked. Hives. Desire for heat and quiet. Headache, throbbing in forehead and temples and over eyes, with bluish-white coating of tongue. Burning in eyes.

Face.--Sensation as of flies crawling over face. Erysipelas. Great sensibility of teeth.

Throat.--Sore; dark livid redness of fauces and tonsils. Sticking pain. Mucus in throat and hawking. Tickling, with dry cough.

Relationship.--Compare: Lachnant; Laches; Ailanth; Rhus.

Dose.--Lower attenuations.


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