Bitter Candytuft
(IBERIS)State of nervous excitement. Has marked action upon the heart. Possesses great efficacy in cardiac diseases. Control vascular excitement in hypertrophy with thickening of the heart's walls. Cardiac debility after influenza. Liver region full and painful. White stools.
Sad and sighing; fearful and trembling. Irritable.Head.--
Vertigo and pains around heart. Constant hawking of thick, stringy mucus until after a meal. Hot, flushed face. Vertigo, as if occiput were turning around; eyes feel forced outwards.Heart.--
Conscious of heart's action. On turning on left side, stitching pain as of needles through ventricles felt at each systole. Palpitation, with vertigo and choking in throat. Stitching pains in cardiac region. Pulse full, irregular, intermittent. Worse, least motion and in warm room. Sensation of weight and pressure, with occasional sharp, stinging pains. Dropsy, with enlarged heart. Violent palpitation induced by slightest exertion, or by laughing, or coughing. Darting pains through heart. Cardiac dyspna. Dilation of heart. Wakes with palpitation about 2 am. Throat and trachea fills up with mucus. Cough causes redness of face. Tachycardia.Extremities.--
Numbness and tingling in left hand and arm. Whole body sore, lame and trembling.Modalities.--
Worse, lying down; on left side; motion, exertion; warm room.Relationship.--
Compare: Cact; Dig; Amyl; Bell.Dose.--
Tincture and first potency.
A Combination of Sulphonated Hydrocarbons, a Fossil Product of Complex Structure found in Tyrol, supposed to be Fish Deposits, contains 10 % Sulphur.Its action on skin, mucous membranes, and kidneys is prompt and useful. It is strongly antiparasitic; redness, pain and inflammation; decreases tension. Excellent in winter coughs of old people. Polyarthritis. Chronic rheumatism. Uric acid diathesis. Hay-fever. Chronic hives. Tuberculosis, aids nutrition. Alcoholism when nothing will stay on stomach.
Irritable and depressed. Forgetful, lack of concentration.Head.--
Dull, aching; better cold, pressure. Dull frontal and supra-orbital headache; worse moving eyes, cold air; better, warmth.Face.--
Skin feels dry and itches. Acne on chin.Throat.--
Irritated; pain to ears; sore, dry, with hawking and expectoration.Eyes.--
Burn, red; worse, any change of temperature.Nose.--
Bland coryza; stuffed feeling; feels sore inside. Irresistible desire to sneeze.Stomach.--
Disagreeable taste, burning sensation, very thirsty. Nausea. Increased appetite.Abdomen.--
Disposition to soft, shapeless stools. Griping in umbilical and left hypogastric region. Early morning diarrha.Urine.--
Increased in quantity and frequency. Burning pain in meatus. Uric acid deposits.Female.--
Fullness in lower abdomen. Nausea at time of menses.Respiratory.--
Coryza; dry, teasing cough. Bronchiectasis and phthisis. Bronchitis, especially of the aged.Skin.--
Heat and irritation; itching. Scaly and itching eczema. Crops of boils. Pruritus of pregnancy. Psorisis, Acne, rosacea, erysipelas.Extremities.--
Lameness in right shoulder and right lower extremity.Relationship.--
Compare: Hepar; Calc; Silica; Sulph; Ars; Petrol.Dose.--
Lower potencies.Externally, it is used as an ointment, with Lanoline 20 to 50 per cent; for chronic eczema and psoriasis, also acne rosacea and gouty joints. Chilblains, scabies. Rectal suppositories for senile prostate.
(POTHOS FOETIDUS)For asthmatic complaints; worse from inhaling any dust. Hysteria. Erratic spasmodic pains. "Will-o'-the-wisp" like character of its subjective symptoms and its physometric property are special features (Samuel Jones). Inflation and tension in the abdomen. Millar's asthma.
Absent-minded, irritable. Headache in single spots, with violent pulsation of temporal arteries. Outward drawing from glabella. Better in open air (Puls). Red swelling across the bridge of the nose.Abdomen.--
Inflation and tension in abdomen.Respiratory.--
Spasmodic croup. Troublesome respiration, with sudden feeling of anguish and sweat.Sneezing, with pain in throat. Pain in chest, with difficult breathing. Tongue feels numb. Asthma; relieved by stool.
Tincture and lower potencies.
St. Ignatius Bean
(IGNATIA)Produces a marked hyperæsthesia of all the senses, and a tendency to clonic spasms. Mentally, the emotional element is uppermost, and co-ordination of function is interfered with. Hence, it is one of the chief remedies for hysteria. It is especially adapted to the nervous temperament-women of sensitive, easily excited nature, dark, mild disposition, quick to perceive, rapid in execution. Rapid change of mental and physical condition, opposite to each other. Great contradictions. Alert, nervous, apprehensive, rigid, trembling patients who suffer acutely in mind or body, at the same time made worse by drinking coffee. The superficial and erratic character of its symptoms is most characteristic. Effects of grief and worry. Cannot bear tobacco. Pain is small, circumscribed spots (Oxal ac). The plague. Hiccough and hysterical vomiting.
Changeable mood; introspective; silently brooding. Melancholic, sad, tearful. Not communicative. Sighing and sobbing. After shocks, grief, disappointment.Head.--
Feels hollow, heavy; worse, stooping. Headache as if a nail were driven out through the side. Cramp-like pain over root of nose. Congestive headaches following anger or grief; worse, smoking or smelling tobacco, inclines head forward.Eyes.--
Asthenopia, with spasms of lids and neuralgic pain about eyes (Nat m). Flickering zigzags.Face.--
Twitching of muscles of face and lips. Changes color when at rest.Mouth.--
Sour taste. Easily bites inside of cheeks. Constantly full of saliva. Toothache; worse after drinking coffee and smoking.Throat.--
Feeling of a lump in throat that cannot be swallowed. Tendency to choke, globus hystericus. Sore throat; stitches when not swallowing; better, eating something solid. Stitches between acts of swallowing. Stitches extend to ear (Hep). Tonsils inflamed, swollen, with small ulcers. Follicular tonsillitus.Stomach.--
Sour eructation. All-gone feeling in stomach; much flatulence; hiccough. Cramps in stomach; worse slightest contact. Averse to ordinary diet; longs for great variety of indigestible articles. Craving for acid things. Sinking in stomach, relieved by taking a deep breath.Abdomen.--
Rumbling in bowels. Weak feeling in upper abdomen. Throbbing in abdomen (Aloe; Sang). Colicky, griping pains in one or both sides of abdomen.Rectum.--
Itching and stitching up the rectum. Prolapse. Stools pass with difficulty; painful constriction of anus after stool. Stitches in hæmorrhoids during cough. Diarrha from fright. Stitches from anus deep into rectum. Hæmorrhage and pain; worse when stool is loose. Pressure as of a sharp instrument from within outward.Urine.--
Profuse, watery (Phos ac).Respiratory.--
Dry, spasmodic cough in quick successive shocks. Spasm of glottis (Calc). Reflex coughs. Coughing increases the desire to cough. Much sighing. Hollow spasmodic cough, worse in the evening, little expectoration, leaving pain in trachea.Female.--
Menses, black, too early, too profuse, or scanty. During menses great languor, with spasmodic pains in stomach and abdomen. Feminine sexual frigidity. Suppression from grief.Extremities.--
Jerking of limbs. Pain in tendo-Achillis and calf. Ulcerative pain in soles.Sleep.--
Very light. Jerking of limbs on going to sleep. Insomnia from grief, cares, with itching of arms and violent yawning. Dreams continuing a long time; troubling him.Fever.--
Chill, with thirst; not relieved by external heat. During fever, itching; nettle-rash all over body.Skin.--
Itching, nettle-rash. Very sensitive to draught of air. Excoriation, especially around vagina and mouth.Modalities.--
Worse, in the morning, open air, after meals, coffee, smoking, liquids, external warmth. Better, while eating, change of position.Relationship.--
Compare: Zinc; Kali phos; Sep; Cimicif. Panacea arvensis--Poor man's Mercury--(Sensitiveness over gastric region with hunger but an aversion to food).Complementary: Nat mur.
Incompatible: Coffea; Nux; Tabac.
Antidotes: Puls; Cham; Cocc.
Sixth, to 200th potency.
American HollyIntermittent fever. Marked eye symptoms, spleen pain. All symptoms better in winter.
Infiltration of cornea; staphyloma; nightly burning in orbits, rheumatic inflammation of eye; psilosis.Relationship.--
Ilex Paraguayensis-Yerba Mate--(Persistent epigastric pain; sense of dryness of mouth and pharynx, anorexia, pyrosis, nervous depression, neurasthenia. Somnolence; incapacity for work, diminution of urinary secretion, headache and pruritus. Hemicrania. Renal colic. Is said to be of use as a prophylactic against sunstroke, being a safe stimulant to the circulation, to diaphoresis and diuresis). Ilex vomitoria--Yaupon--(Emetic properties-Possesses also tonic and digestive qualities, free from sleepless effects. Has an active principle said to act as a powerful diuretic-employed in nephritis and gout). Ilex Cassine--(Christmas berry Tea)-Excellent diuretic and substitute for tea.
The Metal Indium
(INDIUM)Headaches and migraine. Seminal emissions. Backache.
Pain in head when straining at stool. Bursting in head during stool. Dull pains in temples and forehead, with nausea, weakness, sleepiness. Gone feeling in stomach about 11 am. Violent attack of sneezing. Sexual psychopathy.Face.--
Painful suppurating pimples. Corners of mouth cracked and sore (Condur).Male.--
Horribly offensive smell of urine after standing a short time. Emissions too frequent. Diminished power. Testicles tender; drawing pains along spermatic cord.Throat.--
Uvula enlarged, ulcerated; thick, tough mucus in back part of pharynx. Worse evening.Extremities.--
Stiffness in neck and shoulders. Pain, especially in left arm. Legs restless and weary. Toes itch (Agar).Dose.--
Sixth to 200th potency.Relationship.--
Compare: Selenium; Titanium (male sexual organs).
(INDIGO)Marked action on the nervous system, and of undoubted benefit in the treatment of epilepsy with great sadness. Excited mood and desire to be busy. Neurasthenia and hysteria. Pure powdered Indigo placed on the wound cures snake and spider poison (Kali permang; Golondrina; Cedron). Stricture of sophagus; blue color (Cupr).
Vertigo with nausea. Convulsions. Sensation of a band around forehead. Undulating sensation through whole head. Sensation as if brain were frozen. Gloomy; cries at night. Hair feels pulled from vertex. Head feels frozen.Nose.--
Excessive sneezing and bleeding from nose.Ears.--
Pressure and roaring.Stomach.--
Metallic taste. Eructations. Bloating. Anorexia. Flushes of heat rising from stomach to head.Rectum.--
Falling of rectum. Aroused at night with horrible itching at anus.Urinary.--
Constant desire to urinate. Urine turbid. Catarrh of bladder.Extremities.--
Sciatica. Pain from middle of thigh to knee. Boring pain in knee-joint; better, walking. Pain in limbs worse after every meal.Nerves.--
Hysterical symptoms where pain predominates Excessive nervous irritation. Epilepsy; flashes of heat from abdomen to head; fit begins with dizziness. Aura from a painful spot between shoulders. Reflex spasms from worms.Modalities.--
Worse, during rest and sitting. Better, pressure, rubbing, motion.Relationship.--
Compare: Cuprum; strus cameli, an Indian medicine for epilepsy.Dose.--
Third to thirtieth potency.
A Crystalline Compound Derivable from Indigo, but also a product of Putrefaction of Proteids
(INDOL)Primary action is to increase the elimination of Indican. Auto-intoxication. Compare: Skatol.
Persistent desire to sleep, dull, discontented mental state, hideous, delusions and nervousness, constant motion of fingers and feet. Intestinal putrefaction.
Dull occipital and frontal headache in afternoon. Dull sensation over eyes. Eyeballs hot and hurt when moved. Pupils dilated with headache.Stomach.--
Bloated feeling. Hungry sensation after full meal. Great thirst. Constipation.Extremities.--
Very tired and sore in lower limbs. Feet burn. Knee-joints sore.Sleep.--
Sleepiness. Continuous dreaming.Dose.--
Sixth attenuation.
An active principle from the pancreas which affects sugar metabolism
(INSULIN)Besides the use of Insulin in the treatment of diabetes, restoring the lost ability to oxidize carbohydrate and again storing glycogen in the liver, some use of it homeopathically has been made by Dr. Wm. F. Baker, showing its applicability in acne, carbuncles, erythema with itching eczema. In the gouty, transitory glycosuria when skin manifestations are persistent give three times daily after eating. Given a persistent case of skin irritation, boils or varicose ulceration with polyuria, it is indicated.
3x to 30x.
(INULA)A mucous membrane medicine. Bearing-down sensations in pelvic organs and bronchial symptoms are most marked. Substernal pain. Diabetes.
Vertigo on stooping; throbbing after eating, pressure in temples and forehead.Respiratory.--
Dry cough; worse at night and lying down; larynx painful. Chronic bronchitis; cough, with much thick expectoration, with languor and weak digestion. Stitches behind sternum. Teasing cough with much and free expectoration. Palliative in tubercular laryngitis.Female.--
Menses too early and painful. Labor-like pains; urging to stool; dragging in genitals, with violent backache. Itching of legs during menses, chattering of teeth from cold during menstruation. Moving about in abdomen, stitches in genitals. Chronic metritis.Rectum.--
Pressing toward rectum as of something extruding.Urinary.--
Frequent urging to urinate; passes only in drops. Violet odor (Tereb).Extremities.--
Pain in right shoulder and wrist; tearing in left palm, unable to double fingers; pain in lower limbs, feet and ankles.Relationship.--
Compare: Crocus; Ignatia; Arum dracontium (loose cough worse at night on lying down).Dose.--
First to third potency.Rapid metabolism: Loss of flesh great appetite. Hungry with much thirst. Better after eating. Great debility, the slightest effort induces perspiration. Iod individual is exceedingly thin, dark complexioned, with enlarged lymphatic glands, has voracious appetite but gets thin. Tubercular type.
All glandular structures, respiratory organs, circulatory system are especially affected; they atrophy. Iodine arouses the defensive apparatus of the system by assembling the mononuclear leucocytes whose phagocytic action is marked, at a given point. Lead poisoning. Tremor. Iodine craves cold air.
Acute exacerbation of chronic inflammation
. Arthritis deformans. Acts prominently on connective tissue. The plague. Goitre. Abnormal vaso-constriction, capillary congestion followed by dema, ecchymosis, hæmorrhages, and nutritive disturbances are the pathological conditions at the basis of its symptomatology. Sluggish vital reaction, hence chronicity in many of its aspects. Acute catarrh of all mucous membranes, rapid emaciation, notwithstanding good appetite, and glandular atrophy call for this remedy, in numerous wasting diseases and in scrofulous patients. Acute affections of the respiratory organs. Pneumonia, rapid extension. Iodine is warm, and wants cool surroundings. Weakness and loss of breath going upstairs. Adenoid vegetations. Tincture internally and locally to swollen glands and rattlesnake bites.Mind.--
Anxiety when quiet. Present anxiety and depression, no reference to the future. Sudden impulse to run and do violence. Forgetful. Must be busy. Fear of people, shuns every one. Melancholy. Suicidal tendency.Head.--
Throbbing; rush of blood, and feeling of a tight band. Vertigo; worse from stooping, worse in warm room. Chronic, congestive headache of old people (Phos).Eyes.--
Violent lachrymation. Pain in eyes. Pupil dilated. Constant motion of eyeballs. Acute dacryocystitis.Nose.--
Sneezing. Sudden violent influenza. Dry coryza becomes fluent in open air, also a fluent hot coryza with general heat of skin. Pain at root of nose and frontal sinus. Nose stopped up. Tendency to ulceration. Loss of smell. Acute nasal engorgement associated with high blood pressure.Mouth.--
Gums loose and bleed easily. Foul ulcers and salivation. Profuse, fetid ptyalism. Tongue thickly coated. Offensive odor from mouth.Throat.--
Larynx feels constricted. Eustachian deafness. Thyroid enlarged. Goitre, with sensation of constriction. Swollen submaxillary glands. Uvula swollen.Stomach.--
Throbbing at pit of stomach. Ravenous hunger and much thirst. Empty eructations, as if every particle of food were turned into gas. Anxious and worried if he does not eat (Cina; Sulph). Loss flesh, yet hungry and eating well (Abrot).Abdomen.--
Liver and spleen sore and enlarged. Jaundice. Mesenteric glands enlarged. Pancreatic disease. Cutting pain in abdomen.Stool.--
Hæmorrhage at every stool. Diarrha, whitish, frothy, fatty. Constipation, with ineffectual urging; better by drinking cold milk. Constipation alternating with diarrha (Ant cr).Urine.--
Frequent and copious, dark yellow-green (Bovista), thick, acrid with cuticle on surface.Male.--
Testicles swollen and indurated. Hydrocele. Loss of sexual power, with atrophied testes.Female.--
Great weakness during menses (Alum; Carbo an; Coccul; Hæmatox). Menstruation irregular. Uterine hæmorrhage. Ovaritis (Apis; bell; Lach). Wedge-like pain from ovary to uterus. Dwindling of mammary glands. Nodosities in skin of mammæ. Acrid leucorrha, thick, slimy, corroding the linen. Wedge-like pain in the right ovarian region.Respiratory.--
Hoarse. Raw and tickling feeling provoking a dry cough. Pain in larynx. Laryngitis, with painful roughness; worse during cough. Child grasps throat when coughing. Right-sided pneumonia with high temperature. Difficult expansion of chest, blood-streaked sputum; internal dry heat, external coldness. Violent heart action. Pneumonia. Hepatization spreads rapidly with persistent high temperature; absence of pain in spite of great involvement, worse warmth; craves cool air. Croup in scrofulous children with dark hair and eyes (Brom opposite). Inspiration difficult. Dry, morning cough, from tickling in larynx. Croupy cough, with difficult respiration; wheezy. Cold extends downwards from head to throat and bronchi. Great weakness about chest. Palpitation from least exertion. Pleuritic effusion. Tickling all over chest. Iod cough is worse indoors, in warm, wet weather, and when lying on back.Heart.--
Heart feels squeezed. Myocarditis, painful compression around heart. Feels as if squeezed by an iron hand (Cactus) followed by great weakness and faintness. Palpitation from least exertion. Tachycardia.Extremities.--
Joints inflamed and painful. Pain in bones at night. White swelling. Gonorrhal rheumatism. Rheumatism of nape and upper extremities. Cold hands and feet. Acrid sweat of feet. Pulsation in large arterial trunks. Rheumatic pains, nightly pains in joints; constrictive sensations.Skin.--
Hot, dry, yellow and withered. Glands enlarged. Nodosities. Anasarca of cardiac disease.Fever.--
Flushes of heat all over body. Marked fever, restlessness, red cheeks, apathetic. Profuse sweat.Modalities.--
Worse, when quiet, in warm room, right side. Better, walking about, in open air.Relationship.--
Yatren. Iod pathogenesis is similar to that of Carbol acid. Antidotes: Hepar; Sulph; Gratiola.Complementary: Lycopod; Badiaga.
Compare: Brom; Hepar; Mercur; Phosph; Abrot; Nat mur; Sanic; Tuber.
The crude drug in saturated solution may be required. Third to thirtieth potency. Ioduretted solution of Potass iod (35 grains Potassa and 4 grains Iodine to 1 oz of water, 10 drops three times a day) expels tapeworms dead.Locally the most powerful, least harmful and easily managed microbicide. Ideal agent to keep wounds clean and disinfected. Bites of insects, reptiles, etc. Gunshot wounds and compound fractures, excellent. Great skin disinfectant.
(IODOFORMUM)Should not be forgotten in the treatment of tubercular meningitis, both as a local application to the head and internally (Bacil). Tuberculous conditions. Subacute and chronic diarrha of children.
Sharp, neuralgic pain. Head feels heavy, as if it could not be lifted from pillow. Itching of occiput. Meningitis. Sleep interrupted by sighing and cries. Very drowsy.Eyes.--
Pupils, dilated; contract unequally, react poorly. Diplopia. Failing sight due to retro-bulbar neuritis, central scotoma-partial atrophy of optic disc.Chest.--
Sore pain in apex of right lung. Feeling of a weight on chest, as if smothering. Cough and wheezing on going to bed. Pain in left breast, like a hand grasping at the base of the heart. Hæmoptysis. Asthmatic breathing.Abdomen.--
Scaphoid abdomen. Chronic diarrha with suspected tuberculosis. Abdomen distended; mesenteric glands enlarged. Cholera infantum. Chronic diarrha; stools greenish, watery, undigested, with irritable temper.Extremities.--
Legs weak; cannot stand and walk with eyes closed. Weakness of knees when going upstairs.Dose.--
Second trituration. Three grains on the back of the tongue will relieve attack of asthmatic breathing.
(IPECA)The chief action is on the ramifications of the pneumogastric nerve, producing spasmodic irritation in chest and stomach. Morphia habit. The principal feature of Ipecacuanha is its persistent nausea and vomiting, which form the chief guiding symptoms. Indicated after indigestible food, raisins, cakes, etc. Especially indicated in fat children and adults, who are feeble and catch cold in relaxing atmosphere; warm, moist weather. Spasmodic affections. Hæmorrhages bright-red and profuse.
Irritable; holds everything in contempt. Full of desires, for what they know not.Head.--
Bones of skull feel crushed or bruised. Pain extends to teeth and root of tongue.Eyes.--
Inflamed, red. Pain through eyeballs. Profuse lachrymation. Cornea dim. Eyes tire from near vision. State of vision constantly changing. Spasm of accommodation from irritable weakness of the ciliary muscle. Nausea from looking on moving objects.Face.--
Blue rings around eyes. Periodical orbital neuralgia, with lachrymation, photophobia, and smarting eyelids.Nose.--
Coryza, with stoppage of nose and nausea. Epistaxis.Stomach.--
Tongue usually clean. Mouth, moist; much saliva. Constant nausea and vomiting, with pale, twitching of face. Vomits food, bile, blood, mucus. Stomach feels relaxed, as if hanging down. Hiccough.Abdomen.--
Amebic dysentery with tenesmus; while straining pain so great that it nauseates; little thirst. Cutting, clutching; worse, around the navel. Body rigid; stretched out stiff.Stools.--
Pitch-like green as grass, like frothy molasses, with griping at navel. Dysenteric, slimy.Female.--
Uterine hæmorrhage, profuse, bright, gushing, with nausea. Vomiting during pregnancy. Pain from navel to uterus. Menses too early and too profuse.Respiratory.--
Dyspna; constant constriction in chest. Asthma. Yearly attacks of difficult shortness of breathing. Continued sneezing; coryza; wheezing cough. Cough incessant and violent, with every breath. Chest seems full of phlegm, but does not yield to coughing. Bubbling rales. Suffocative cough; child becomes stiff, and blue in the face. Whooping-cough, with nosebleed, and from mouth. Bleeding from lungs, with nausea; feeling of constriction; rattling cough. Croup. Hæmoptysis from slightest exertion (Millef). Hoarseness, especially at end of a cold. Complete aphonia.Fever.--
Intermittent fever, irregular cases, after Quinine. Slightest chill with much heat, nausea, vomiting, and dyspna. Relapses from improper diet.Sleep.--
With eyes half open. Shocks in all limbs on going to sleep (Ign).Extremities.--
Body stretched stiff, followed by spasmodic jerking of arms towards each other.Skin.--
Pale, lax. Blue around eyes. Miliary rash.Modalities.--
Worse, periodically; from veal, moist warm wind, lying down.Relationship.--
Compare: Emetine-principal alkaloid of Ipecac (A powerful amebicide, but is not a bactericide. Specific for amæbiasis; of remarkable value in treatment of amæbic dysentery; also as a remedy in pyorrhea, 1/2 gr daily for three days, then less. Emetin, 1/2 gr hypodermically, in Psoriasis. Emetin hydroch. 2x, diarrha with colicky, abdominal pains and nausea. Emetin for endamoebic dysentery. In physiological doses must be carefully watched. May produce hepatization of lungs, rapid heart action, tendency for the head to fall forward and lobar pneumonia. In hæmatemesis and other hæmorrhages, compare: Gelatin which has a marked effect on the coagulability of the blood. Hypodermically; or if by mouth, a 10 per cent jelly, about 4 oz, three times a day) Arsenic; Cham; Puls; Tart em; Squill. Convolvulus (colic and diarrha). Typha latifolia-Cat-tail flag (dysentery, diarrha) and summer complaint. Euphorbia hypericifolia--Garden Spurge--(Very similar to Ipecac. Irritation of the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tracts and female organs). Lippia mexicana--(Persistent dry, hard, bronchial cough--asthma and chronic bronchitis).In Asthma, compare: Blatta orientalis.
Antidotes: Arsenic; China; Tabac.
Complementary: Cuprum; Arn.
Third to 200th potency.
The Metal
(IRIDIUM)Intestinal putrefaction and septicæmia. Anæmia, increases red corpuscles. Epilepsy; lupus. Rheumatism and gout. Uterine tumors. Spinal paresis. Exhaustion after disease. Children who are puny, weak-limbed, and grow too fast. Nephritis of pregnancy.
Difficult concentration of thought. Sensation as if mind were void. Though confused. "Woodeny" feeling in right side of head. Right side of scalp sensitive. Profuse, watery coryza, better indoors. Ozæna.Respiratory.--
Hoarse cough, worse talking; posterior nares feel raw, inflamed, profuse, thick, yellowish discharge. Chronic laryngeal catarrh.Back and extremities.--
Weakness in the kidney region. Spinal paresis, especially for the aged and after disease. Pressing in groin and left thigh. Tension in both thighs, especially left. Dislocated feeling in left hip-joint and dull pain toward left gluteal region.Relationship.--
Compare: Iridium chloride (Produces salivation and stiffness of jaws followed by head and nervous symptoms. Congestion of nares and bronchi. Dragging pain in lower back. Headache worse right side, heavy feeling as of liquid lead).Compare: Platina; Palladium; Osmium.
Sixth and higher.Thyroid, pancreas, salivary, intestinal glands, and gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, are especially affected. Increases the flow of bile. Sick headaches and cholera morbus are a special therapeutic field for its action.
Frontal headache, with nausea. Scalp feels constricted. Right temples especially affected. Sick headache, worse rest; begins with a blur before eyes, after relaxing from a mental strain. Pustular eruption on scalp.Ears.--
Roaring, buzzing, ringing in ears, with deafness. Aural vertigo, with intense noises in ears.Face.--
Neuralgia after breakfast, beginning in infra-orbital nerve, and involving whole face.Throat.--
Mouth and tongue feel scalded. Heat and smarting in throat. Burning. Profuse flow of saliva; ropy. Goitre.Stomach.--
Burning of whole alimentary canal. Vomiting, sour bloody, biliary. Nausea. Profuse flow of saliva (Merc; Ipec; Kali iod). Deficient appetite.Abdomen.--
Liver sore. Cutting pain. Flatulent colic. Diarrha; stools watery, with burning at anus and through intestinal canal. Periodical night diarrha, with pain and green discharges. Constipation (give 30th)Extremities.--
Shifting pains. Sciatica, as if left hip-joint were wrenched. Pain extends to popliteal space. Gonorrhal rheumatism (use Irisin).Skin.--
Herpes zoster, associated with gastric derangements. Pustular eruptions. Psoriasis; irregular patches with shining scales. Eczema, with nightly itching.Modalities.--
Worse, in evening and at night, from rest. Better, from continued motion.Relationship.--
Antidote: Nux.Compare: Iris florentina-Orris-root--(delirium, convulsions, and paralysis); Iris factissima (headache and hernia); Iris germanica-Blue Garden Iris--(dropsy and freckles); Iris tenax-I. minor--(dry mouth; deathly sensation at point of stomach, pain in ileo-cæcal region; appendicitis. Pain from adhesions after). Pancreatinum-a combination of several enzymes--(Indicated in intestinal indigestion; pain an hour or more after eating. Lienteric diarrha. Dose.--3-5 grains, better not given during the active period of stomachic digestion). Pepsinum--(Imperfect digestion with pain in gastric region. Marasmus of children who are fed on artificial foods. Diarrha due to indigestion. Dose.--3-4 grains) (Diseases of pancreas, gout, diabetes); Ipec; Podoph; Sanguin; Ars; Ant cr.
Tincture to thirtieth potency. Favorable reports from the very highest potencies.
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