(PILOCARPUS MICROPHYLLUS)Pilocarpus is a powerful glandular stimulant and the most efficient diaphoretic. Its most important effects are diaphoresis, salivation and myosis. Hot flushes, nausea, salivation and profuse perspiration. The face, ears and neck become in a few minutes after a dose of Jaborandi deeply flushed, and drops of perspiration break out all over the body whilst at the same time the mouth waters and saliva pours out in an almost continuous stream. Other secretions, lachrymal, nasal bronchial and intestinal also but in less degree. The sweat and saliva produced by a single dose is often enormous in quantity, not infrequently half a pint.
Is homeopathic to abnormal sweats, and has achieved great success in night-sweats of consumptives. Acts upon the thyroid and its sudorific action may possibly be due to it. Exophthalmic goitre, with increased heart's action and pulsation of arteries; tremors and nervousness; heat and sweating; bronchial irritation. A valuable remedy in limiting the duration of mumps.
Eye strain from whatever cause. Irritability of the ciliary muscle. Eyes easily tire from slightest use. Heat and burning in eyes on use. Headache; smarting and pain in globe on use. Everything at a distance appears hazy; vision becomes indistinct every few moments. Retinal images retained long after using eyes. Irritation from electric or other artificial light. Pupils contracted; do not react to light. Staring eyes. Near-sighted. Vertigo and nausea after using eyes. White spots before eyes. Smarting pain in eyes. Lids twitch. Atrophic choroiditis. Spasm of the accommodation while reading.Ears.--
Serous exudation into the tympanitic cavities. Tinnitus (Pilocarpin 2x).Mouth.--
Saliva viscid, like white of egg. Dryness. Free salivation, with profuse sweating.Stomach.--
Nausea on looking at objects moving; vomiting; pressure and pain in stomach.Abdomen.--
Diarrha, painless; during day with flushed face and profuse sweat.Urinary.--
Scanty; pain over pubes with much urging.Heart.--
Pulse irregular, dicrotic. Oppression of chest. Cyanosis; collapse. Nervous cardiac affections.Respiratory.--
Bronchial mucous membrane inflamed. Much inclination to cough and difficult breathing. dema of lungs. Foamy sputa. Profuse, thin, serous expectoration. Slow, sighing respiration.Skin.--
Excessive perspiration from all parts of the body. Persistent dryness of skin. Dry eczema. Semi-lateral sweats. Chilliness with sweat.Relationship.--
Compare: Amyl nit; Atrop; Physos; Lycop; Ruta. Pilocarpin mur, (Meniere's disease, rapidly progressive phthisis, with free hæmorrhages, profuse sweating, 2x trit). Atropine is the antagonist to Pilocarpin, in dose of one one-hundredth grain for one-sixth of Pilocarpin.Dose.--
Third potency.Non-Homeopathic Uses.--
Chiefly as a powerful and rapid diaphoretic. It is of most service in renal disease, especially with uræmia, eliminating both water, and urea. Scarlatinal dropsy. Contra-indicated in heart failure, and in post-puerperal uræmia, and in senile cases.Dose.--
One-eighth to one-fourth grain hypodermically.
Brazilian Caroba-tree
(JACARANDA)Has reputation as a remedy in venereal diseases and rheumatism. Morning sickness. The urinary and sexual symptoms are important. Rheumatic symptoms.
Vertigo on rising, with heavy forehead. Eyes pain; are inflamed and watery. Coryza with heavy head.Throat.--
Sore, dry, constricted. Vesicles in pharynx.Urinary.--
Urethra inflamed; discharge of yellow matter.Male.--
Heat and pain in penis; painful erections; phimosis. Prepuce painful and swollen. Chancroid. Chordee. Itching pimples on glans and prepuce.Extremities.--
Rheumatic pain in right knee. Weakness of lumbar region. Morning soreness and stiffness of muscles. Gonorrhal rheumatism. Itching pimples on hands. Gonorrhal and syphilitic arthritis.Relationship.--
Compare: Thuja; Corallium; Jacaranda Gualandai (in syphilitic symptoms, especially of eye and throat. Chancroids; atonic ulcers. Dark, painless diarrha).Dose.--
Tincture, to third potency.
(EXOGONIUM PURGA)Causes and cures colic and diarrha. The child is good all day, but screams and is restless and troublesome at night.
Tongue, smooth, glazed, dry, smarting.--Pain in right hypochondrium. Flatulence and nausea. Pinching and griping. Watery diarrha; thin, muddy stools. Abdomen distended. Face cold and blue. Anus sore.Extremities.--
Aching in arms and legs. Pain in large joint of great toe. Smarting at root of nail. Burning of soles.Relationship.--
Antidotes: Elater; Cann sat.Compare: Camph; Colocy.
Third to twelfth potency.
Purging Nut
(JATROPHA)Of value in cholera and diarrha. The abdominal symptoms are most important. Suppressed measles (H. Farrington).
Hiccough, followed by copious vomiting. Nausea and vomiting, brought on by drinking, with acrid feeling from throat. Great thirst. Very easy vomiting. Heat and burning in stomach, with crampy, constrictive pain in epigastrium.Abdomen.--
Distended, with gurgling noises. Pain in hypochondria. Pain in region of liver and under right scapula to shoulder. Violent urging to urinate.Stool.--
Sudden, profuse, watery, like rice-water. Diarrha; forced discharge; loud noise in abdomen like gurgling of water coming out of a bung-hole, associated with coldness, cramps, nausea, and vomiting.Extremities.--
Cramps in muscles, especially calves, legs, and feet. Coldness of whole body. Pain in ankles, feet and toes. Heels sensitive.Modalities.--
Better, by placing hands in cold water.Relationship.--
Compare: Camph; Verat; Gambog; Croton; Jatropha urens--Sponge-nettle--(dema and cardiac paresis).Dose.--
Third to thirtieth potency.
Bark of an Indian Tree, introduced by Dr. ND Ray, Calcutta
(JONOSIA ASOCA)Has extensive sphere of action on female organs. Amenorrha and metrorrhagia.
Unilateral headache; reflex uterine, congestive headache, better open air and by free flow. Pain in eyeballs; supraorbital pains, photophobia. Nasal catarrh, profuse, watery discharge. Loss of sense of smell.Gastric.--
Desire for sweets, also acid things. Thirsty, excessive nausea; obstinate constipation, hæmorrhoids.Female.--
Delayed and irregular menses; menstrual colic; amenorrha, pain in ovaries before flow; menorrhagia, irritable bladder; leucorrha.Sleep.--
Disturbed. Dreams of travelling.Back.--
Pain along spine radiating to abdomen and thighs.Dose.--
Tincture.A faulty elimination that produces jaundice and various skin eruptions, is pictured by this drug. The sharp, occipital headache, usually associated with liver disturbances, is very characteristic. Pain in chest, axilla and scapula, with suffocative sensation. Feeling as if all internal organs were too large, especially those of left side. Cholelithiasis.
Dull, full head. Eruption on scalp. Sharp, occipital headache. Head feels enlarged. Pustules on lids and around eyes.Nose.--
Tingling in nose; sneezing. Coryza, preceded by pain under sternum, with threatening suffocation. Later, copious, bland, thick mucous discharge.Mouth.--
Acrid feeling in mouth and throat. Soreness in region of tonsils externally. Dryness of root of tongue and fauces.Stomach.--
Atonic dyspepsia with much eructation and flatulent distention. Soreness in region of liver.Back.--
Muscles of neck rigid, lame. Pain between scapula and under right. Pain in lumbar vertebræ.Skin.--
Red, like flush of scarlatina. Jaundice, with pain about liver and right scapula. Itching and pricking when heated. Pustules. Eczema, especially on lower extremities, sacrum and hands. Erythema and erysipelatous redness.Stool.--
Yellowish-green, with tenesmus and burning at anus. Camp diarrha.Modalities.--
Better, getting heated, exercise, scratching, on rising in morning. Worse, walking.Relationship.--
Compare: Juglandin (duodenal catarrh; bilious diarrha); Chelidon; Bryon; Iris.Dose.--
Tincture, to third potency.Skin eruptions are prominent.
Confused; feels as if head were floating in air. Occipital sharp pain. Styes.Female.--
Menses early, black, pitch-like coagula. Abdomen distended.Skin.--
Comedones and acne of the face. Crusta lactea, with soreness around ears. Itching and eruptions of small red pustules. Scalp red, and itches violently at night. Chancre-like ulcer. Axillary glands suppurate.Relationship.--
Compare: Juglans cinerea.Dose.--
Tincture, and lower potencies.A diuretic. Urinary affections. Dysuria, strangury, and ischuria. Asthmatic symptoms in hæmorrhoidal subjects. Bubbling sensations. Abdominal flatulence. Arthritis and Lithiasis.
Tincture, and first potency.
Juniper BerriesCatarrhal inflammation of kidneys. Dropsy, with suppression of urine. Old persons, with poor digestion and scanty secretion of urine. Chronic pyelitis.
Strangury; bloody, scanty urine, violet odor (Tereb). Weight in kidney region. Prostatic discharge. Renal hyperæmia (Eucalyptol).Respiratory.--
Cough with scanty, loaded urine.Relationship.--
Compare: Sabina; Juniperus Virginianus-Red Cedar--(Violent tenesmus vesical. Persistent dragging in back; hyperæmia of the kidneys; pyelitis and cystitis; dropsy of the aged with suppressed urine. Dysuria, burning, cutting pain in urethra when urinating. Constant urging apoplexy, convulsions, strangury, uterine hæmorrhage). Terebinthina.Dose.--
Best form is the infusion. One ounce to a pint of boiling water. Dose, one-half to two ounces, or tincture, one to ten drops.
An Indian Shrub, Singhee
(JUSTICIA ADHATODA BASAKA)Highly efficacious medicine for acute catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract (used in the beginning)
Irritable, sensitive to external impressions; hot, full and heavy head; lachrymation, with coryza, profuse, fluent, with constant sneezing; loss of smell and taste; coryza with cough.Throat.--
Dry, pain during empty swallowing, tenacious mucus. Mouth dry.Respiratory.--
Dry cough from sternal region all over chest. Hoarseness, larynx painful. Paroxysmal cough, with suffocative obstruction of respiration. Cough with sneezing. Severe dyspna with cough. Tightness across chest. Asthmatic attacks, cannot endure a close, warm room. Whooping-cough.Relationship.--
Seems to come between Cepa and Euphrasia, which compare.Dose.--
Third potency and higher. Severe aggravation have been noticed from lower potencies.
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