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Upas-tree-Strychnos Tiente

Produces tonic spasms, tetanus, and asphyxia.

Head.--Disinclined for mental work. Irritable. Dull headache deep in brain.

Eyes.--Pain in eyes and orbits, with conjunctivitis. Dull sunken eyes. Styes.

Mouth.--Herpes on lips. Burning on the tongue. Pain in mouth, as from a splinter (Nit ac).

Male.--Desire increased, with loss of power. Dull backache, as after excessive coitus.

Chest.--Lancinating pain throughout right lung toward the liver, stopping breathing. Violent palpitation; sensation of heaviness in stomach.

Skin.--Numb hands and feet. Hangnails inflamed; itching and redness of roots of nails.

Relationship.--Compare: Upas antiaris-resinous exudation of Antiarus toxicaria, (a deadly poison to the muscular system. It suspends both voluntary muscular action and that of the heart without causing convulsions. Used in Java as an arrow poison (Merrell). Differs in producing clonic spasms, violent vomiting, diarrhœa, great prostration). Oxal ac. Upas when Bryonia fails (typhoid).

Antidote: Curare.

Dose.--Third to sixth potency.

Nitrate of Uranium

Causes glycosuria and increased urine. Is known to produce nephritis, diabetes, degeneration of the liver, high blood pressure and dropsy. Its therapeutic keynote is great emaciation, debility and tendency to ascites and general dropsy. Backache and delayed menses. Dry mucous membranes and skin.

Head.--Ill-tempered; dull, heavy pain. Nostrils sore, with purulent, acrid discharge. Mental depression.

Eyes.--Lids inflamed and agglutinated; styes.

Stomach.--Excessive thirst; nausea; vomiting. Ravenous appetite; eating followed by flatulence. Boring pain in pyloric region. Gastric and duodenal ulcers. Burning pain. Abdomen bloated. Gas, second only to Lycop.

Urinary.--Copious urination. Diuresis. Incontinence of urine. Diabetes. Emaciation and tympanites. Burning in urethra, with very acid urine. Unable to retain urine without pain. Enuresis (Mullein oil).

Male.--Complete impotency, with nocturnal emissions. Organs cold, relaxed sweaty.

Relationship.--Compare: Syzygium; Phos ac; Lact ac; Arg nit; Kali bich; Ars; Phloridzin (a glucosidal principle obtained from the bark of the root of the apple and other fruit trees. Produces diabetes and fatty degeneration of the liver; intermittent fever. Daily doses, 15 grains. Phlorizin causes glycosuria. No hyperglycemia results. It compels the secretory epithelium of the kidney to break down serum albumin into sugar. There is no increase in blood sugar).

Dose.--Second trituration.


Tuberculosis. Lumps. Enlarged glands. Renal dropsy, with symptoms of general intoxication. Gouty eczema. Albuminuria, diabetes; uræmia. Urine thin and of low specific gravity. A hydrogogue diuretic in the treatment of dropsies. 10 grains every 6 hours.

Relationship.--Compare: Uric acid (gout, gouty, eczema, rheumatism, lipoma); Urinum (acne, boils, scurvy, dropsy); Urtica; Tubercul; Thyroid.


A remedy for agalactia and lithiasis. Profuse discharge from mucous surfaces. Enuresis and urticaria. Spleen affections. Antidotes ill-effects of eating shellfish. Symptoms return at the same time every year. Gout and uric acid diathesis. Favors elimination.

Rheumatism associated with urticaria-like eruptions. Neuritis.

Head.--Vertigo, headache with spleen pains.

Abdomen.--Diarrhœa chronic disease of large intestine characterized by large secretion of mucus.

Male.--Itching of scrotum, keeps him awake; scrotum swollen.

Female.--Diminished secretion of milk. Uterine hæmorrhage. Acid and excoriating leucorrhœa. Pruritus vulvæ, with stinging, itching, and œdema. Arrests flow of milk after weaning. Excessive swelling of breasts.

Extremities.--Pain in acute gout deltoid; pain in ankles, wrists.

Skin.--Itching blotches. Urticaria, burning heat, with formication; violent itching. Consequences of suppressed nettlerash. Rheumatism alternates with nettle-rash. Burn confined to skin. Urticaria nodosa (Bov). Erythema, with burning and stinging. Burns and scalds. Chicken-pox (Dulc). Angioneurotic œdema. Herpes labialis with sensation of heat and itching. Itching and stinging of scrotum.

Fever.--General heat in bed with soreness over abdomen. Fever of gout. Tropical fever.

Modalities.--Worse, from snow-air; water, cool moist air, touch.

Relationship.--Compare: Medusa; Nat mur; Lac can; Ricin (diminished mammary secretion); Bombyx; Rhus; Apis; Chloral; Astac; Puls (urticaria); Boletus luridus and Anacard (urticaria tuberosa); Lycop and Hedeoma (uric acid conditions); Formica.

Dose.--Tincture and lower potencies.


Is a remedy in some forms of congestive headache; sunstroke.

Head.--Bursting feeling, as if temples would burst, or the eyes burst out of the sockets. Throbbing carotids.

Relationship.--Compare: Glonoine; Bellad.

Dose.--Tincture, drop doses.


Flabby condition of uterus. Hæmorrhage. Congestion to various parts, especially at climacteric. Crusta lactea (Vioia tric).

Head.--Very depressed. Full feeling. Nervous headache from menstrual irregularities. Aching in eyeballs, with much lachrymation.

Male.--Uncontrollable masturbation. Spermatorrhœa, with erotic fancies and amorous dreams. Emissions, with irresistible tendency to masturbation. Dull pain in lumbar region, with great despondency and mental irritability.

Female.--Vicarious menstruation. Ovaries burn, pain, swell. Profuse menses after miscarriage; discharge of blood from slightest provocation; bright red; partly clotted. Menorrhagia at climaxis (Calc c; Lach). Oozing of dark blood, clotted, forming long black strings. Uterus hypertrophied. Cervix bleed easily. Postpartum hæmorrhage. Profuse lochia.

Fever.--Abundant sweat. Pulse at first accelerated then enfeebled. Palpitations.

Extremities.--Muscular debility, sensation of boiling water along the back. Clonic and tetanic movements. Muscular contractions, especially of lower limbs.

Skin.--Alopecia. Tendency to small boils. Skin dry; eczema; copper-colored spots. Pruritus; sunburn. Psoriasis (Internally and externally).

Relationship.--Compare: Secale; Sabin; Zea Italica (Possess curative properties in skin diseases, particularly in psoriasis and eczema rubrum. Mania for bathing. Impulse to suicide, particularly by drowning. Easily angered. Appetite increased, voracious, alternating with disgust for food. Pyrosis, nausea, vomiting, better drinking wine).

Dose.--Tincture, to third potency.


Urinary symptoms most important. Cystitis, with bloody urine. Uterine hæmorrhage. Chronic vesical irritation, with pain, tenesmus, and catarrhal discharges. Burning after the discharge of slimy urine. Pyelitis. Calculous inflammation. Dyspnœa, nausea, vomiting, pulse small and irregular. Cyanosis. Urticaria without itching.

Urinary.--Frequent urging, with severe spasms of bladder; burning and tearing pain. Urine contains blood, pus, and much tenacious mucus, with clots in large masses. Involuntary; green urine. Painful dysuria.

Relationship.--Compare: Arbutin (a crystallized glucoside of Uva; found also in Kalmia, Gaultheria and other genera of the family of Eriaceæ; given in doses of 3 to 8 grains with sugar three times a day. Used as an urinary antiseptic and diuretic). Arctosphylos manzanita (acts on renal and reproductive organs. Gonorrhœa, vesical catarrh, diabetes menorrhagia. Tincture of leaves). Vaccinum myrtillus-Huckleberries--(dysentery; typhoid, keeps intestines aseptic and prevents absorption and reinfection).

Dose.--Tincture, five to thirty drops. In pyelitis a trituration of the leaves.


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