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4 August 2011 |
Homeopathy was possibly introduced to Malaysia earlier than as reported by many websites cited in the internet. Dr. Burhanuddin mentioned in his presentation paper that “Homeopathy telah lebih 50 tahun masuk ke Malaya”, which meant that it might have started as early as 1912. (Paper presented in 1962 - Burhanuddin al-Helmy (Prof. Dr.). 1985. Sepintas Lalu Perkembangan Ilmu Perubatan. Majalah Perubatan Homeopathy, Jilid 1, Bil. 1. ms.: 31). In fact Dr. Burhanuddin did brought homeopathy with him when he came back from India in 1929. When he returned, he found that it was already there but was not widely practiced. (Rashidah Ismail. 1969. Dr. Burhanuddin Al-Helmy: Anak Melayu Pertama Mempelajari Homeopathy. Dewan Masyarakat, Disember 1969. ; Mohamed Hatta Abu Bakar HMD, Dr. Burhanuddin Tokoh Homeopati Unggul. Esei-esei Milenium Baru, 2004. Banting: HBI Health & Homoeopathy Centre. ; ;http://www.homeoint.org/photo/a/alhelmy.htm ; http://www.homeoint.org/photo/a/alhelmy.htm ) This evidence was informed by Rashidah Ismail and quoted in a book "Homoeopati dibawa masuk dan diperkenalkan di tanah Melayu oleh Dr. Burhanuddin apabila beliau pulang ke Malaya pada tahun 1929. Berdasarkan keterangannya, homoeopati begitu berjasa kepadanya kerana telah berjaya menyembuhkan penyakit lelah yang dialaminya." (Mohamed Hatta Abu Bakar HMD. 2004. Perubatan Homoeopati. Banting: HBI Health & Homoeopathy Centre).Although Dr. Burhanuddin had the knowledge of homeopathy far earlier as mentioned (after then Graduating from Ismaeliah Medical college 1934), he only started a clinic in 1937 with the help of Dr. Rajah. But Dr. Rajah himself was not the first Indian who brought Homeopathy to Malaysia. The clinic ended in 1942 when the 2nd World War broke out. This report was brought on by two authorities, Rashidah Ismail and a biography of Dr. Mohamed Yaakob (in his book Materia Medica Homeopathy). Dr Burhanuddin Al Hilmi reintroduced homeopathy in mid-1950s. Among the earliest student of homeopathy were Prof. Dr. Mohd. Nor Noordin, Dr. Hj. Dali b. Hj. Muin, Dr. Shariff bin Sukkar, Dr. Rahmat bin Madom, Dr. Mohammed Hj. Yaakub (although he informed that he was not among the 12 identified) and Dr. Abd. Rahman Hj. Hashim. All teachings and lectures on homeopathy in those days took place in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.After Malaysia gained independence, Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmy and his students formed Persatuan Homeopathy Malaysia (Homeopathic Society of Malaysia ) which became "official" in July 1961. Dr. Burhanuddin was the acting president and considered the founder of homeopathy in Malaysia. He passed away in 25th. October 1969. His significant contributions besides setting up a practice include: (1) trained twelve disciples who pioneered the spread of homoeopathy in the peninsular - i.e started the first 'homeopathy class'. (2) wrote articles and basic unpublished books on homeopathy (one of which has been published by our company HBI Health & Homoeopathy Centre, i.e: “Falsafah Perubatan Homeopathy” (2011) (3) highlighted issues on health and homeopathy in parliaments (4) established a well-organised society which still in existence today, now led by Dr. Ab. Rahman Hashim. Following the absence of the founder or in fact the Father of Homeopathy in Malaysia, the presidency was taken over by Prof. Dr. Mohd. Nor Noordin. In 1979, the Homeopathic Society of Malaysia was renamed Persatuan Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia (PPHM - Homeopathic Medical Association of Malaysia). In the same year a new society was organised in the south of the peninsular by Dr. Burhanuddin disciple, Prof Dr. Mohamed Yakob. The new society was named Persatuan Perubatan Homoeopathy Bumiputera Malaysia (PPHBM) and Mohamed Yacob was identified as the President. Homeopathy has already flourished in the 1970s, most of which was due to the initiaves brought on by Dr. Burhanuddin, his disciples and the pioneered students of his disciples. One of the current prominent leaders in homeopathy, Dr. Nik Omar started the Faculty of Homeopathy in Malaysia after returning from Pakistan in 1977 with great vigour. After 2 years, in 1979, he conducted both full-time and distance learning and able to attract a large number of students and formed a second wave in the development of homeopathy in South East Asia. Then, in 1984 Dr. Nik Omar started a new homeopathic organization called The Malaysian Registered Homeopathic Medical Practitioners Association (MRHP) where he was elected as President. After the formation of the above organisations, there have been blooming new societies being formed but less significant as compared to the three main societies. Those new but less important societies included: 1. Persatuan Iktisad Homeopathy Malaysia (Malaysian Homeopathic Practitioners Association) – Zuhairni A Ghani2. Persatuan Doktor Homeopathy Malaysia – K. Mathiya 3. Persatuan Perubatan Homeopathy Sarawak (PPHS) 4. Persatuan Homeopati dan Biokimia Malaysia (PHDBM) 5. Persatuan Sains Homeopathy, Johor – Dr Hairuddin Hamid 6. Persatuan Homeopathy Sabah In an attempt to unite all homeopathic societies in Malaysia, a council called Majlis Homeopathy Kebangsaan Malaysia was formed in 1993. However only two main societies joined, i.e. Persatuan Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia (PPHM) and Persatuan Perubatan Homoeopathy Bumiputera Malaysia (PPHBM). Once again another trial was made between 1999 and 2000. In 2001, following the formation of Majlis Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia (MPHM), Dr Mohamed Hairuddin Ab Ghani (MRHP) was elected as President. Five big societies joined include: Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia (PPPHM or MRHP), Persatuan Iktisad Homeopathy Malaysia (Polycrest), Persatuan Perubatan Homoeopathy Bumiputera Malaysia (PPHBM), Persatuan Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia (PPHM), and Persatuan Doktor Homeopathy Malaysia. Another two new societies also became part of the member of this council as recorded by one of the society bulletin ( cited below). In 2003, when a new President for the council was elected, i.e. Dr. Mohamed b Mohd Noor from PPHBM, there has been a split, whereby three societies took a different path. According to Dr. Nik Omar in his site, the split was due to the ‘official’ in the Council diverted away from the original aim and abuse the power. ( MPHK Ditalkinkan Demi Kesekutuan Dalam MPHM, Buletin Homeopathy MPHM Jil. 1 Bil. 1 Jan 2004; http://homeopathicmedic.blogspot.com/2008/09/situation-of-homeopathy-in-malaysia.html) However the development in homeopathy following MPHM track continued. In fact according to Buletin BPTK@KKM, another society by the name of Persatuan Homeopathy Dan Biokimia Malaysia (PHDBM) came under MPHM council in 2008. (Buletin BPTK@KKM Bil. 04. Bah. Perubatan Tradisional & Komplementary, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia) But so far only 4 were listed in the MPHM website, i.e. PPHM, PPHBM, Polycrest and PPHS. (www.mphm.org.my) All MPHM society members participated in many events including the latest 1st International Homeopathy Conference at PWTC, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) during last July 2011. - Any Q&A, contact the writer.
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Consultant: Mohamed Hatta Abu Bakar, HMD.
Copyright: HBI Health & Homoeopathy Centre
Updated: 24 Julai 2011