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HBI Health & Homoeopathy Centre


(Berasaskan tulisan Julian Winston) Oleh: Mohamed Hatta Abu Bakar, HMD





66. Tindakan pertama (primary action) dos homeopati dapat ditanggap oleh mereka yang benar-benar atentif sahaja, sementara tindakan kedua tenaga hayat berlangsung tanpa disedari dan membawa kepada keadaan normal.

 In a healthy body, one does not notice the secondary reaction to homoeopathic doses, but the primary action of some of these remedies is perceptible to a good observer.

67. Kebenaran ini menjelaskan mengapa homeopati adalah pilihan yang baik.

 These TRUTHS explain why homoeopathy is good. [long footnote condemning those of the "mongrel sect" who claim to be homoeopaths but use palliation to avoid looking for the correct remedy] *

68. Pengalaman menunjukkan bahawa dos kecil homeopati akan membantu menghapuskan penyakit tabi'i yang dihidapi.

 In homoeopathy, experience shows that a small dose of medicine will extinguish the natural disease.

69. Sebaliknya pula berlaku dalam rawatan anti-pati. Penyakit itu menjadi semakin melarat apabila kuasa paliatif berakhir.

 Exactly the opposite happens in anti-pathic treatment. The disease becomes worse when the palliation wears off.



© HBI Health & Homoeopathy Centre (Mohamed Hatta Abu Bakar, HMD) 2011